Mrs. Svetik

United States History

Glen Ridge High School


Course Description:

This survey course in early American history will focus on the period from President Andrew Jackson through the period of Reconstruction. During this time period students will study themes such as the Jackson Era, Manifest Destiny, the differences between the North and the South (political and economic), the reform movement (abolitionists, women’s rights, and social reform), Civil War, and Reconstruction. Geography, reading, and writing activities will be emphasized throughout this course of study. Course work will rely on textbook, primary sources, projects, research, and simulation activities. Students are expected to take notes, analyze and interpret documents and events, and compare and contrast various events with the present day.


·  Discovering Our Past, A History of the United States. Appleby, Joyce et. al. McGraw-Hill Companies (2013).

·  Textbook should be covered as the student will be responsible for damages.


·  Grading will occur on a variety of assignments; including writing, discussion responses, group work, tests, quizzes, presentation, and participation.

·  Grades are based on a point system.

o  Tests & Quizzes- 0-100 points

o  *Homework- 0-3-5 points

§  5 points (complete assignments showing an attempt at EVERY prompt, writing in complete sentences, going beyond what is expected)

§  3 points (Completed assignments with errors)

§  0 points (incomplete or late assignments)

§  Please understand that in a point system a 3 is NOT the same as a D. The average marking period will consist of 300 to 500 points, a 3 simple means you have lost 2 points towards your total.


·  *All assignments are due at the beginning of the period.

·  Write legibly. Typing may be required if your penmanship is difficult to read.

·  Failure to follow these guidelines will result in a lowered grade.



Late Work Policy:

·  *Daily assignments- No credit given

·  *Essay’s/projects- Go down one letter grade per day. No credit after 3 days

Makeup Work:

·  *For regular daily assignments (other than projects and essays), you have as many days to make up the work as you have been “excused” for your absence.

·  *I WILL NOT pursue you about your missed work; you should check with a trusted classmate to get any notes you may have missed. Check with me after school for homework assignments.

·  *If you have misplaced or lost your homework you must email me, however be proactive and ask a friend to send you a copy of the assignment so you do not lose credit for a late assignment.

·  To those students involved in extracurricular activities such as athletics or student government, your schedule is especially demanding, but missed assignments or late work will not be excused. Be responsible. Plan ahead.


·  3 Ring Notebook/Binder with paper

·  Blue/Black pens or pencils. You may not use any other color on a test please.

·  Highlighter

·  There will be projects that will require other supplies such as poster board, glue sticks, colored pencils/markers, scissors, etc.


·  Be on time! You must be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings

·  Be prepared! Bring daily required materials to class every day (notebooks/computer, writing utensil, and homework).

·  NO CELL PHONES. Unless given permission, I should never see your phone.

1st offense will be a verbal warning

2nd offense I will confiscate the phone till block 9

3rd offense I will confiscate your phone and give it to the vice principal, your parents will have to pick it up

·  Be respectful! Show respect to everyone and everything!

Using E-Book: (textbook on line)

·  Go to

·  Click Create New Account

·  Redemption Code: JNJ2-F7TO-QVVQ

·  Input Name


·  Long term assignments such as tests and projects will be posted daily/weekly on my webpage.

·  Daily assignments will be posted in the classroom.

Contact Information:

·  E-mail:

Classroom Procedures/Expectations

Classroom procedures will be discussed and reinforced on a regular basis. It is of the utmost importance to me as an educator that the students understand the significance of respect; respect for the teacher, for the procedures, and for their peers. I will articulate these guidelines verbally, while at the same time I will consistently lead by example.

Expectations of the students will be fair and reasonable, but demanding. It is my job as their teacher to help them meet these expectations and I will work diligently to ensure every students success. In return, I expect students to push themselves to do their best possible work. When needed, I will make myself available before, during, and after school for additional instruction.

·  Respect for people and property is a must.

·  You must be an ACTIVE learner – both in class and at home.

·  *Students will be seated and ready to work by the time the bell rings.

·  *Homework will be handed in at the beginning of class. Late work will not be tolerated.

·  Routines, once established, will be followed in an orderly and efficient manner.

·  Students will be prepared to work and will always have on them the materials needed, i.e. Notebooks, pens, highlighters, etc.

Discipline Policy for Rule Violation:

1st Offense: Verbal Warning

2nd Offense: teacher/student conference

3rd Offense: Detention

4th Offense: Email Home

5th Offense: Referral to Vice Principal

1.  I understand that cell phones are not permitted in the classroom without teacher permission. As per school rules

·  1st Offense: Verbal Warning

·  2nd Offense: Phone will be confiscated until period 9

·  3rd Offense: Phone will be confiscated and given to Vice Principal. Parents will have to come in and retrieve the phone.

2.  I understand that if the student does not hand in their homework on the due date at the beginning of class they will receive a zero for the assignment unless it is a long term project.

3.  I understand that if the student is absent it is their responsibility to come to the teacher after school to retrieve any missed assignments which they will complete in a timely manner or risk losing credit.

4.  I understand that there will be days when the student is required to bring their computer to class and that it is their responsibility to make sure it is fully charged at the start of each day.

Please keep in the back of your notebook at all times.

These rules are meant to foster a productive and respectful classroom environment in which students feel safe to participate and explore history.

I have read and understand the guidelines and procedures for Mrs. Svetik’s class and have shared them with my parents.

Student’s Name:______Period:______

Parents Signature: ______

Thank you! I look forward to working with you and your child this year!