Gledhow Primary School

Newsletter no. 20

Week beginning 22nd February 2016

Dear Parents / Carers

The snowdrops in the grounds are looking beautiful and make us think that Spring is just around the corner! Mr White, our groundsman, has been keeping a watchful eye on the flower beds and maintaining them ready for the new season. Although the weather is still very chilly, we have lots to look forward to, both inside and outside school.

SATS Information for Parents of Y2 and Y6 Pupils

On Wednesday 2nd March, parents of Year 2 and Year 6 pupils are invited to a meeting where you will receive information about the SATs process that will be taking place in the Summer term. The meeting (for parents / guardians only) starts at 3.30 and is expected to be finished by 4.30. Please come along to the main entrance where you will be directed to Mr Welch’s classroom.

Morning Routine in the Key Stage 1 Area – Please Help

Please could you help our morning routine by allowing the classes that use the link corridor between the Reception classrooms and the main building, to go into school before parents exit the playground through that route. At the moment, this area is becoming a little too congested, which results in issues as we need to be sure that children are going into school and not getting caught up with parents who are leaving the area. Many thanks.

Book Fair

A big ‘Thank you’ to everyone who bought books at our recent Book Fair. We have raised an amazing total of £637.31!! This has been used to order new books for the library. Thank you, too, to Mrs Ward who arranged the event for us.

Mothers’ Day Shop

The PSA will be running a Mothers’ Day shop at the end of school on Friday 26th February and Friday 4th March. This is an opportunity for children to choose a wrapped gift for this special occasion.

4LW’s Family Assembly – CHANGE OF DATE

4DW will perform their Family Assembly on Thursday 23rd June so they avoid a clash with a visit to Malham! We apologise for this oversight and hope that we have not caused you any inconvenience.

Dates For Your Diary New items are underlined

Friday 26th February PSA Mothers’ Day Shop at the end of the school day

Friday 26th February PSA Film Night – KS1

Wednesday 2nd March Y2 and Y6 SATs’ information evening

Thursday 3rd March Brass and Woodwind demonstration

Friday 4th March PSA Mothers’ Day Shop at the end of the school day

Friday 4th March PSA Film Night – KS2

Thursday 24th March School Council Bag Packing Day at Tescos

Thursday 24th March School closes at 3.10 p.m. for the Easter Weekend

Tuesday 29th March School opens at 8.50 a.m.

Thursday 31st March 2RG Class Assembly at 10 a.m.

Friday 1st April School closes at 3.10 p.m. for the Easter holiday

Monday 18th April School reopens at 8.50 a.m. for the Summer term

Thursday 21st April 3PG Class Assembly at 10.40 a.m.

Thursday 5th May 3SB Class Assembly at 10.40 a.m.

Thursday 12th May 2SH Class Assembly at 10 a.m.

Thursday 16th June 4DB Class Assembly at 10.40 a.m.

Thursday 23rd June 4LW Class Assembly at 10.40 a.m.


The following children featured in this week’s ACHIEVEMENT ASSEMBLIES
for work or activities achieved in and out of school:
Nursery / Nursery pupils have a Star Jar which is
is filled with rewards earned by
Individuals or groups. When the jar
Is full, the whole Nursery receives a
reward. / RLK
RAC / Blake Flanagan
Isla Moores
Finlay Hammond / RLW / Phoebe Booth
Tinh Nguyen
Sam Simon
1LA / Simeon Lall
Haleem Hussain
Nevaeh Chapman
Mollie Armstrong
Sophia Wright
Adam Vallely / 1SS / Alexa Lees
Charlotte Freear
Honey Cole
2RG / Zain Chaudhary
Charlotte Moore
Lucy Ogden / 2SH / Imaani Hussain
Aryan Singh
Miley Jordan
3PG / Joel Pinder
Sally Waite
George Crocombe / 3SB / Abs Afzal
Shalini Kapoor
Leo Lamb
Maeve Carroll
Arthur Firth
4DB / Noah Hussein
Mae Russell
Taseen Yasin / 4LW / Ivan Allison
Ed Sumner
Edward Fraser
5DW / Daisy Bobo
Ahmed Afzal
Zaynah Hussain / 5SDL / Daniel Brown
Eve Sainty
Maddie Plant
6EC / Harneet Bhakar
Tim Chen / 6KW / Abby Dodds
Eshaan Hussain
Arun Baig
The following children ate at the Golden Lunch Table today
as a reward for excellent behaviour and manners at lunchtime.
Arvind Lall (1SS) / Amelia Paddy (4DB)
Max / Ananya Tantry (3SB)
Sasha Sillers (1LA) / Simran Seehra (4DB)
100 House Points Achieved
Anais Dixon (Pegasus) / Hamerti Egnuni (Dragon)
Annie Bowles (Pegasus) / Martha Redmond (Dragon)
Saira Hussain (Phoenix) / Ahmed Afzal (Dragon)
Amara St Rose (Phoenix) / Eve Sainty (Dragon)
Robyn Bowers (Phoenix) / Oliver Glumac (Dragon)
Reuben Williams (Phoenix) / Varun Kapoor (Dragon)
Liam Bottomley (Dragon) / Jaden Sadd (Dragon)
Yusor Al Samak (Dragon) / Kasja Rickleton (Griffin)
Ivan Allison (Dragon) / Eshaan Hussain (Griffin)
200 House Points
David Abeln (Pegasus) / Zac Nnomo
Weekly House Points
Phoenix - 1093 / Dragon - 1104
Pegasus - 1182 / Griffin - 1372

Best wishes for an enjoyable week.

Stephen Archer, Joy Burrows and Sue McCann