Glebelands Patient Participation Group (PPG)

Thursday 10 March 2016


In attendance : Dr Howlett , Steffi Cacciaguerra, Gus Fletcher, Colin Anderson, Christine Lewis, Janet Wright
1 / Minutes of Meeting 3 December 2015
These were agreed to be a correct record
2 / Glebelands Surgery Report (SH & SC)
·  The Shrubberies and Wanstead Practices recently had CQC inspections so Glebelands was likely to be imminent, and members were asked to be available to support the practice in the inspection.
·  The Over 75’s Joint Pain Clinic is proving successful and has met its targets. There is also a clinic for Over 75’s health checks.
·  Fit for Fun armchair aerobics continues to be popular
·  The out of hours hub at Southdene is very busy and meeting an important need
·  The new Patient Information Leaflet was agreed by the PPG and will be printed and circulated.
·  Premise issues – no progress to report.
3 / Barts Health Care (WX) Report (CA)
·  The local site management (Operations Director, Clinical Director and Chief Nurse) is having a positive effect at WX. There are “listening into action” sessions between staff and patients to raise issues, staff are encourage to smile and be welcoming
·  Patient led audits took place in February and there is good feedback, particularly on catering
·  Two new operating theatres (by renal unit) will open soon
·  Extra dementia nurses have been recruited and are working in orthopaedics and the 5 older people wards
·  The estate is being looked at as part of the Transforming Services programme, property consultants are being appointed and Waltham Forest is looking at the interface with local services. There is recognition that a new hospital will be needed in the area to meet the needs of an increasing and older population.
·  The AIRS line for resolving appointments and other problems continues to be a valuable service.
·  Fast track discharge from wards during the day is being implemented to ensure that sufficient beds are available on relevant wards for A&E admissions during the night.
·  Procedures in orthopaedic and fracture clinics have been updated to ensure patients are x rayed before seeing a doctor, saving time all round.
·  There are serious concerns about Redbridge CCG not funding services at WX for residents in Wanstead and Woodford leading to referrals to Queens and other distant locations, which are often very difficult to reach by public transport and challenging for frail patients who do not have their own transport. In particular Heart Failure and Ultrasound concerns were discussed. CL will endeavour to raise at the CCG meeting.
·  Appointment records – recently the practice had 200 letters in a single day, each for a patient on the waiting list who had been waiting for a long time asking if they could be removed from the list. It would seem that these were legacy issues with some dating back to 2010 or not proper referrals in the first place. The copy letters sent to patients led to additional calls to the surgery by patients trying to work what the letters were about.
CCG Patient Engagement Forum
·  CL did not attend the last meeting on 19 January but there was a presentation on TB Awareness, which is an important issue for Redbridge.
·  There was an extra meeting on 25 Februarys at which Sarah Heys, one of the clinical directors for Wanstead & Woodford presented the consultation on Stroke Rehabilitation Services. CL gave a brief summary on the aims of the proposal and circulated the consultation brochure. Comments are invited by 1st April 2016.
·  The next PEF meeting will be on 15 March and the agenda items include Primary Care Transformation (Sarah See)
·  PPG asked for specific issues to be escalated to the Redbridge CCG Patient Engagement Forum.
o  There are serious concerns about Redbridge CCG not funding services at WX for residents in Wanstead and Woodford.
o  End of Life Care – Redbridge has the poorest terminal care as not funded by the CCG. St Francis Hospice has offered care and it is not clear why this offer has not been taken up.
·  CL will also try to find out about Bloods Direct, a private phlebotomy service launching in the area
Wanstead & Woodford Locality Meeting
·  CL did not attend the last meeting on 20 January but there was a presentation on bowel screening. W&W had an uptake of 51% compared with the Redbridge average of 44%. The national target is 60%.
·  The commissioning priorities were presented -
·  Urgent Care
o  transformation programme for urgent care.
o  BHR Vanguard to make it easier for patients to navigate through urgent and emergency care
·  Planned Care
o  Work is on-going around Ophthalmology pathway design.
o  Pathology service - working closely with BHRUT to improve the service. Also looking at providing a phlebotomy service in each of the 4 localities.
o  Improve physiotherapy and musculo-skeletal services.
·  Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT)
o  This provides early intervention for people experiencing their first episode of psychosis to meet new access and waiting time standards.
o  Referrals into the service are below the expected target levels; ways of increasing uptake are discussed at the GP monthly locality committee meetings - patients can self-refer into the service.
·  Primary Care Transformation Programme
o  Review of how primary care works and how it will work in the future.
o  On-going review of GP Personal Medical Services (PMS) contracts.
o  Develop networks of practices working together.
·  Dementia
o  Ensuring the service provides a timely response to people who are referred for assessment.
·  Children & Young People
o  Additional funding available this year to improve mental health and wellbeing for Children and Young People, including eating disorders
o  Addressing needs of vulnerable children
o  Developing new ways of working together
·  Maternity
o  Continuing to improve access by reducing from 12 weeks to 10 weeks for earlier access to first appointments.
o  Working with public health to improve access
o  Increase uptake of breastfeeding
·  Integrated care
o  Continuing to develop the Better Care Fund, which was introduced this year which involves joint working with the local authority to reduce unplanned hospital admissions.
·  Cancer
o  Improving early diagnosis of cancer with a focus on developing access to diagnostic tests.
·  Stroke
o  Currently Woodford & Wanstead patients don’t have the same level of access to Stroke rehab, therefore there is a need to standardise early support discharge – increase from 2 weeks to 6 weeks after discharge.
·  CL will attend the next meeting on 20 April
Dates of 2016 Meetings – All at 5.30pm
·  Thursday 19 May
·  Thursday 1 September
·  Thursday 8 December