Converge MidAtlantic

Church Planting Project Proposal

Once completed, forward a copy to Michael Henderson

Converge MidAtlantic

7027 Stillwell Rd

Matthews, NC 28105



For help with this proposal, refer to The Church Planter's Toolkit, Section 4

Church Planter's Name: ______

Target community: ______

Date of submission: ______Date of approval:______

Approved by: ______

Section 1: Why start this new church?

A. State your calling. How is it that you believe God has worked to bring you to planting this church?

B. Briefly state your vision. What will this church look like in five years?

C. Why is there a need for a new church in this area?

Section 2: Who is your ministry focus group? Include appropriate demographics.

A. Describe your ministry focus group.

B. Describe the particular needs of your community.

C. Describe the proposed location, if necessary.

D. What are some possible names for your new church? How will you determine the name?

Section 3: What kind of church are you trying to plant?

A. State up to, but not exceeding, eight core values of your new church.









B. State and expand your mission statement.

C. What style of church will this be? What "model" will you use?

D. On the back of this sheet, draw your ministry flow chart as your presently envision it.

Section 4: With whom will you plant this church?

A. Describe your ideal launch team.

B. List any confirmed ministry partners and briefly profile them.

C. List any confirmed intercessor team members.

D. How will you gather your launch team? Include specific methodologies.

Section 5: When will you plant this church?

Sketch a time line from today until the first anniversary of your church's public launch. Pay attention to critical milestones.

Section 6: How much will this cost?

  1. On a separate sheet, write up a personal support plan for the funding of your salary support and all needed benefits (health insurance, retirement), showing proposed sources of support over the standard 3 year period of time.
  1. On another sheet, develop a start up budget showing proposed start up expenses needed to launch the new church, and potential sources of support
  1. Write up a separate budget for the first year of public ministry for the new church, showing projected income and expenses for year 1 following launch.

Section 7: How can Converge MidAtlantic help you to succeed?

You are already aware of many of the support systems which we have in place to help you to succeed. Specifically state what particular needs you may have which Converge MidAtlantic may be in a position to help meet. Include personnel needs, training, equipment, intercessor needs, and so on.