Gladewater High School Junior Newsletter September, 2014

Upcoming Events

Wed., Oct. 22

National Unity Day

Mon., Oct. 27 –Fri., Oct. 31

Red Ribbon Week

Sat., Nov. 8 – Sun., Nov. 9

“Wizard of Oz” production

Fri., Nov. 21

Early Release 1:30

Mon. – Fri., Nov. 24-28

Thanksgiving Holidays

Thurs. & Fri., Dec. 18 & 19

Early Release

(Semester Exams)

December 21 - January 2

Christmas Holidays


One of the most important things you will need to do as a junior is to take the SAT or the ACT. College-bound students need to take one of these tests this fall or spring. It is not necessary to take each test. It is better to take the same test twice in order to improve your scores. You need to contact the college(s) you plan to attend to determine if they have a preference between the SAT or ACT (most don’t), and to see if they require the writing section (many do). It

is best to register online for these tests. You will have to download a picture of yourself during the registration process. Web sites, test dates, and registration deadlines are listed below:


Test: November 8

Deadline: Oct. 9

Test: December 6

Deadline: Nov. 6

Test: January 24

Deadline: Dec. 29

Test: March 14

Deadline: Feb. 13

Test:May 2

Deadline: April 6

Test:June 6

Deadline: May 8


Test: December 13

Deadline: Nov. 7

Test:February 7

Deadline: Jan. 9

Test:April 18

Deadline: Mar. 13

Test: June 13

Deadline: May 8

Class Rank

I should have your new class rank sheets out to you in the next couple of weeks. You will receive them in English 3 class.


(Texas Success Initiative)

If you are interested in taking a dual credit college course second semester and need to take the TSI college entrance test, please go to You will have to fill out the Kilgore College application through Apply Texas. Then you will take the TSI pre-assessment and print it out. Next, you will need to call the Kilgore College testing center to schedule the TSI test.

You may be exempt from the TSI if you made either of the following scores:

ACT: composite score of 23 with 19 on English and/or math

SAT: composite score of 1070 with 500 on critical reading and/or math.

Dual Credit Classes

If you are taking dual credit classes, remember that you will have to reenroll in the classes second semester. We will start the process again sometime in early November.


The PSAT will be given to sophomores and juniors on Wednesday, October 15. The PSAT is a pre-SAT test that will show you how well you would perform on the real SAT. It is cheaper than taking the SAT and will indicate what areas you may need to study for in order to improve your SAT score. If your scores are exceptional, you may qualify for the National Merit Scholarship. That scholarship is only for junior students but could translate to big $$$ if your scores are really high!!


The first step toward finding a career is to spend some time finding out about

yourself. The ASVAB is a test that helps you identify your interests and provide information about your Verbal Skills, Math Skills and Science/Technical Skills. The ASVAB will be given to all junior and senior students who are serious in discovering occupations that match your interests and skills. The test is free and will be given at GHS on November 13. Listen for the announcement and sign up in the counselor’s office.


In order to be considered a Texas Scholar when you graduate, you need to be on the Distinguished or Recommended graduation plan AND take two or more courses that can be counted for college credit. That includes dual credit classes and articulated career and technology courses. Ask your counselor if this is not clear to you.