Giving and Receiving Feedback
There are many different aspects to giving feedback to another person. We each are accustomed to giving and receiving it in certain ways. In the boxes below, check off the five statements that best describe how you prefer to receive feedback. Then rank those statements from one to five, with “one” being the most important.
Feedback Characteristic /Definition
/ Top 5 / RankGiven with care / To be useful, feedback requires the giver to feel concern and care for the other person receiving the feedback – to want to help, not hurt the other person.
Invited by the recipient / Feedback is most effective when the receiver has invited the comments. This provides a platform for openness and some guidelines; it also gives the receiver an opportunity to identify and explore particular areas of concern.
Freedom of choice to change / Feedback is most readily accepted when the receiver is supported to change but does not feel compelled to change.
Directly expressed / Good feedback is specific and deals clearly with particular incidents and behavior. It is direct, open, and concrete.
Fully expressed / Effective feedback requires more than a bald statement of facts. Feelings also need to be expressed so that the receiver can judge the full impact of their behavior.
Non-evaluative / Specific behavior is commented on rather than personal value judgments about that behavior.
Well-timed / The most useful feedback is given when the receiver is receptive to it and is sufficiently close to the particular event being discussed for it to be fresh in their mind.
Checked and clarified / If possible, feedback should be clarified to explore differences in perceptions.
Readily actionable / Effective feedback centers around behavior that can be changed. Feedback concerning matters outside the control of the receiver is useless.
Feedback Activity: Instructions
1. Each participant reads the worksheet and checks off the five statements that best describe how they prefer to receive feedback. Each participant then ranks those five statements from 1 – 5, with “1” being the most important. Stress that they will be asking themselves how they prefer to receive feedback, not give feedback. There are no right or wrong answers. Many people have “given with care” and “directly or fully expressed” high in their ranking.