6M071200 – Mechanical engineering

Educational program «Mechanical engineering technology, constructive-technological supply of production»

Form of education - Full-time, scientific and educational

Module name and code / Science history and philosophy - SHP 01
Responsible for module / cand. of phil., associate professor Balshikeev S.B., cand. of phil., associate professor Djalilov K.S.
Module type / Basic, compulsory module
Module level / MА
Amount of hours a week / 2
Amount of credits / 2 (6 ECTS)
Education form / Full-time
Term / 2
Quantity of the being trained / 4
Module prerequisites / 1. General history, 2. philosophy History, 3. Religious studies, 4. Psychology, 5. Logic, 6. Political science, 7. Sociology, 8. Cultural science, 9. Ethics.
Module content / TCMD «Science history and philosophy» - SHP 5201
Lectures (30h.):
1.1Status and problems of history of science. Features of interrelation of philosophy of science and science history.
1.2Philosophy and science methodology. Philosophical bases of science
1.3Science in culture and a civilization. Specifics and interrelation of the main aspects of studying of science: logic of science, science philosophy, science history, science sociology, science psychology
1.4Science emergence. Main stages of historical dynamics of science
1.5Structure of scientific knowledge
1.6Scientific revolutions. Scientific rationality
1.7Features of the present stage of science
1.8 Science as social institute
1.9 Natural sciences in structure of modern scientific knowledge.
1.10Informatics, as interdisciplinary science. Epistemological content of computer revolution.
1.11History of formation of sciences about society, culture, stories and the person
1.12Philosophical problems of pedagogics and education philosophy.
Philosophical problems of concrete sciences.
MIWT (60h.):
1.1 Assessment of development of history of science as disciplines. Philosophical judgment of achievements of science: the main positions, interpretation of problems of science, philosophy function in science (a historical foreshortening).
1.2 Ratio of concepts method and methodology. Philosophical bases of science.
1.3 Status and problems of history of science. World outlook aspects of science. Science concepts: neopositivism, logic of scientific research, science ontology, post-positivistic image of science.
1.4 Science birth as synthesis of experience of practical and informative activities and formation of a special type of knowledge. Features of a mirootnosheniye and world view of the person of ancient cultures and prescience.
1.5 Scientific knowledge as difficult developing system. Main tendencies of integration and science differentiation. Scientific and philosophical pictures of the world. Problem of classification of sciences.
1.6 Dynamics of science. Essence, structure, typology of scientific revolutions. Paradigm and structure of scientific organization. Concept, specifics, concepts of scientific rationality.
1.7 Characteristics of modern post-nonclassical science. Interdisciplinarity and principles of synergetrics. Этос sciences. Ecological ethics and science. Scientism and anti-scientism. Science and parascience, pseudo science.
1.8 Ideas of science as social institute: main approaches. Historical types of scientific communities. Science as the priority direction in state activity in modern society.
1.9 Historical conditions of emergence of natural sciences and its main stages. Role of natural sciences in modern scientific knowledge.
1.10 Concept of information. Interdisciplinary status of information.
1.11 Sciences about society and sciences about the nature. Culturological aspect of sciences about society. History of society and history of formation of the person, and its reflection in public consciousness.
1.12 Education philosophy as method of conceptual reflection of problems of formation and knowledge development. Ratio of philosophy of education and pedagogics.
1.13 Concrete and scientific knowledge its contents and structure. Scientific problem, its borders and interdisciplinary communication. The philosophical bases of formation of the common and general problems in private and scientific knowledge.
Education results / Master students:
Have to know from the courses - of a science role in culture and a civilization, basic elements of scientific knowledge, features of the present stage of the science, fundamental universal values.
The nobility - the main stages of historical development of philosophy and science to seize fundamental concepts of the philosophical theory.
To be able - to work independently with literature of educational and special character, to find interesting their problems and to be able to open them both from a position of any philosophical doctrine, and from positions of own reflections.
To gain practical skills - independent creative work with primary sources, allocation, a formulation and evidential representation both others, and own positions on the studied questions.
Total control form / Examination: written examination – 100 min.
Conditions for receiving credits / Performance of all types of the provided works provided by the module:
1 . Not to be late for occupations.
2 . Not to skip classes without a good reason, in case of an illness to provide the reference, in other cases – an explanatory note.
3 . Actively to participate in educational process.
4 . To be tolerant, open, frank and benevolent to fellow students and teachers.
Module duration / 1 terms
Literature / 1. Бурова Е.Е., Карабаева А.Г., Кириллова Г.Р. Введение в философию и методологию науки (учебное пособие). – Алматы, 1999.
2. Изотов м.з. социально-культурные детерминанты интеграции современной науки. – Алматы: Контаки, 1993.
3. Косиченко А.Г. Философия и методология науки (Учебное пособие по спецкурсу для магистратуры и аспирантов). - Алматы, 1997.
4. Методы научного познания. – Алматы: Гылым, 1996.
5. Методология науки в контексте взаимодействия восточной и западной культур. – Алматы, 1998.
6. НысанбаевА.Н., КосиченкоА.Г., Кадыржанов Р.К. Философский анализ науки в контексте социокультурной трансформации общества. – Алматы, 1995.
7. Философия и методология науки. для аспирантов и магистрантов / под ред. К.Х.Рахматуллина и др. – Алматы: Казахский университет, 1999.
8. М.Вебер. Избранные произведения. – М.: Прогресс, 1990.
9. А.Л. Никифоров. философия науки: история и методология. – М.: Дом интеллектуальной книги, 1998.
10. К. Поппер. логика и рост научного знания. - м.: прогресс, 1983.
11. Готт В. С. Философия и прогресс физики. – М.: 1986.
12 Гайденко П. П. История греческой философии в ее связи с наукой: учебное пособие для вузов.- М.: 2000.
13. Москаленко А.Т. Роль методологии в развитии науки. – Новосибирск, 1985.
14. Москаленко А.Т. Человек как философская проблема – М.: 1991.
15. Москаленко А.Т. История и философия науки. - М.: 2006.
16. Шаповалов В.Ф. Философия науки и техники: о смысле науки и техники и о глобальных угрозах научно-технической эпохи – М.: Фаир-Пресс, 2004.
17. Лось В. А. История и философия науки – М.: 2004.
18. Островский Э. В. История и философия науки – М.: 2007.
19. Петров Ю. П. История и философия науки – Спб., 2005.
20. Лебедева С. А. История и философия науки – М.: 2007.
21. Степин В. С. Философия науки. Общие проблемы - М.: 2007.
22. Кохановский В. П.Основы философии науки – Ростов-на-Дону, 2007.
23. Крянева Ю. В., Моториной Л. Е. История и философия науки (Философия науки) – М.: 2007.
24. Войтов А. Г. История и философия науки – М.: 2007.
25. Кузнецов Б. Г. История философии для физиков и математиков - М.: 1974.
26. История Древней Греции. – М.: 1999.
27. Зубов, В. П. Аристотель. человек. наука. судьба наследия. - М.: 2000. 28. Шмаков В. С. Структура исторического знания и картина мира - Новосибирск.,1990.
29. Бонгард-Левин Г. М. Древнеиндийская цивилизация - М.: 1980.
30. Аль-фараби. О разуме и науке - Алма-Ата, 1975.
31. Хайруллаев М. М. Абу наср ал-фараби - М.: 1982.
32. Бонгард-Левин Г. М. Мудрецы и философы древней Индии - М.: 1975.
33. Бур М. Притязание разума: из истории нем. класс. философии и лит. - М.: 1978.
34. Гегель Г.В.Феноменология духа - М.: 1956.
35. Гегель Г. В.Наука логики в 3-х томах - М.: 1970.
36. Гегель Г. В.Энциклопедия философских наук в 3-х томах - М.: 1974.
37. Кузнецов Б. Г. Джордано Бруно и генезис классической науки - М.: 1970.
Updating / September 27, 2012
Module name and code / Foreign Language (Professional English) –FL(p) 2
Responsible for module / cand. of ped., associate professor JantassovaD.D.
Module type / General compulsory module
Module level / МА
Amount of hours a week / 2
Amount of credits / 2 (6 ECTS)
Education form / Full Time
Term / 1
Quantity of the being trained / 8/12
Module prerequisites / English Language Course (B1), Professionally-Oriented English Course (B2) of the Bachelor Degree
Module content / Practical studies (30 h.): Level C1
Oral practice: analysis and translation of scientific articles on the basis of originally read scientific literature on the specialty; ability to make up a glossary of technical terms, scientific discussion, listening to the professionally-oriented material; academic writing.
Grammar material: Passive Voice and translation of its structures, Infinitive and Infinitive constructions, peculiarities of their translation; Gerund and Gerund constructions; Participle I and Participle II, peculiarities of their translation, words and their substitutes, methods in translating sentences with the help of substitute words, translation of multicomponent terminological combinations, modal verbs and their equivalents, peculiarities of their translation.
Individual work: abstract writings, written and oral articles rendering, writing a research report for the international conference on the research theme, monograph translation on the specialty.
Education results / Level C1
Reading: improving reading skills, foreign-language authentic material reading, the definition of semantic units in scientific texts, the definition of logical connections and focus on those fragments;
Writing: making written reports on scientific topics on the specialty, scientific report writing, thesis writing on research theme, poster presentation, rendering and abstract writing
Auding: professionally oriented authentic discourses on monologue and dialogue nature, its comprehension and doing assignments
Speaking: oral communication on the specialty in monologue form, scientific report and research theme presentation, scientific discussion and debates.
Graduate student must:
1. be able to read easily, translate the original literature on the specialty with its further analysis, interpretation and assessment of the extracted information;
2. obtain general scientific terminology on the specialty in a foreign language;
3. be able to express the scientific information (abstract, report) in the written way;
4. be able to make research presentations at seminars, conferences, symposia, forums;
5. be involved in professional discussions, scientific debates.
Total control form / Examinaton: written examination – 100 min.
Conditions for receiving credits / Control work handling, translation of the original texts on the specialty, writing abstracts and articles rendering on the specialty, midterm assignments, writing a report for the international conference on the research theme
Module duration / 1 semester
Literature / 1. Ethem Alpaydin. Introduction to Machine Learning. TheMITPress, 2004.
2. Английский для технических вузов : учебное пособие / И. П. Агабекян, П. И. Коваленко. - 6-е изд. - Ростов н/Д : ФЕНИКС, 2005. - 350 с. - (Высшее образование).
3. Рубцова М.Г. Чтение и перевод английской научно-технической литературы: Лексико-грамматический справочник. / М.Г. Рубцова. – М.: ООО «Издательство АСТ»: ООО «Издательство Астрель», 2002, - 384 с.
4. Рубцова М.Г. Практикум по переводу: английский язык - русский язык: учебное пособие / М. Г. Рубцова. - М. :Астрель : АСТ : Хранитель, 2007. - 479 с.
5. Голикова Ж.А. Learnto Translate by Translating from Englishinto Russian - Перевод с английского на русский: учебное пособие для студентов вузов, магистрантов, аспирантов / Ж. А. Голикова. - 5-е изд., стер. - Минск : Новое знание, 2008. - 286 с.
6. Пособие по научному стилю речи : учебное пособие для вузов технического профиля / под ред. И. Г. Проскуряковой. - 2-е изд., доп. и перераб. - М. : Флинта : Наука, 2009. - 315 с.
7. Science. Weekly science journal, published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
8. K. Harding. English for Specific Purposes. OxfordUniversity Press, 2009.
9. Hewings, Martin. Advanced Grammar in Use [Электронныйресурс]: a self-study reference and practice book for advanced learners of English. With answers / M. Hewings. - second edition. - Cambridge, 2005.
10. R. Harrison, S. Philpot, L. Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing and Study Skills. OxfordUniversity Press, 2009.
11. Mechanical Engineering Magazine.
Updating / annually
Modulbenennung und Code / Fremdsprache (Profi)–FL(p)2
Der Modulveratwortliche / A.Kh. Suleymenova, Dozentin
Modultyp / Verpfchlits modul
Modulstand / МА
Stundenzahl pro Woche / 2
Kreditzahl / 2 (6 ECTS)
Studienform / direkt
Semester / 1
Studentenzahl / 6/8
Modulvoraussetzung / Deutsch Bachelor
Modulinhalt / Praktische Stunden (30):
Passiv und Passivkonstruktion. Modalkonstruktionen. Modalverben. Partizipien. Ersatzwörter. Die Besonderheiten der Übersetzung der Sätze mit den Ersatzwörter. Die Übersetzung der Multikombinationen.
Mündliches Praktikum:
Die Analyse der Artikeln nach der gelesenen Wissenschaftsliteratur im original.
Selbststudium der Master mit dem Hochschullehrer: das schriftliche Referieren der Artikeln; das schriftliche Annotieren der Artikeln; Die Glossarabfassung; Die Schreibung der Vorträge für die Wissenschaftskonferenz nach der Forschung.
Studienergebnisse / Der Master soll:
1. die Fachliteratur freilesen und übersetzen und sofort eine Analyse, sowie Interpretation durchführen;
2. Allgemeinwissenschaftliche Terminologie auf Deutsch nach der Fachrichtung beherrschen;
3. Die Wissenschaftsinformation schriftlich explizieren;
4. an den Seminaren, Konferenzen, Symposien, Foren mit den Presentationen sprechen.
Prüfungsform / Komplexprüfung mit 3 Aufgaben:
1. Erzählen Sie über ihre Forschungsarbeit.
2. Machen Sie eine schriftliche Übersetzung eines wissenschaftstechnischen Textes. (Volumen 800-1000 g.Z).
3. Machen Sie eine mündliche Annotierung des Wissenschaftsartikels (Volumen 2000-30000 g.Z).
Bedinungen für das Kreditbekommen / Die Ausführung der Kontrollarbeiten №1, №2, №3.
Die Überwttzung eines Originaltextes nach der Fachrichtung– 12 Texte.
Das Annotieren der 3 Artikeln nach der Fachrichtung. Die schriftliche Referierung der 4 Artikeln . Ausführung der Aufgaben des Prüfungskontroll №1, №2.
Moduldauer / Ein Semester
Literatur / 1 Кузикевич Г.П. Учебно -методическое пособие по совершенствованию навыков реферирования и аннотирования на немецком языке для магистрантов и аспирантов. Минск, БНТУ, 2011.
2. Бориско Н.Ф. Бизнес курс немецкого языка. Киев, 2008.
3. Басова Н.В., Ватлина Л.И. Немецкий язык для технических вузов. Ростов- на – Дону, Феникс, 2008.
4. Дубнова – Кольварская Е.Н. «Учись читать литературу по специальности».
Москва, «высшая школа», 2005.
5. Богданова Н.Н. Учебник немецкого языка для технических университетов. МГТУ им. Баумана, 2007
6. Сулейменова А.Х., Джуманова Л. С. и др. Учебно – методическое пособие по грамматике немецкого языка для студентов неязыковых вузов, КарГТУ, 2005
7. Сулейменова А.Х. Джуманова Л.С. Сборник технических текстов на немецком языке. КарГТУ, 2011
Datum der Erneuerung / Oktober, 2012г.
Module name and code / Psychology - Psy 3
Responsible for module / cand. of ped., associate professor Kozyrskay I.N.
Module type / Basic, compulsory module
Module level / MА
Amount of hours a week / 2
Amount of credits / 2 (6 ECTS)
Education form / Full-time
Term / 1
Quantity of the being trained / 4
Module prerequisites / 1. Philosophy 2. Sociology. 3 Political
Module content / TCMD «Psychology» Psy 5203
Lectures (15h.):Subject, purpose and structure of high school psychology. The content of the psychological theory of psychological practice in teaching in higher school: about the subject of the psychology of higher education. Place of psychology in the system of the human sciences. The main stages in the history of psychology dedelopment. Personal development and cognitive areas of the student in the learning process in higher school. Psychological characteristics of activity. The psychological structure of the learning process. Social psychology of student body in higher school. Psychological characteristics of the group and collective. Group dynamics and characteristics of student team in the learning process in higher school. Psychological foundations of vocational teacher communication. Pedagogical communication as the basis of the interaction of educational subjects in process, its functions, the nature, structure and specificity. Social psychology of student body in higher school. Group dynamics and characteristics of student team in the learning process in modern higher school. Psychological foundations of vocational teacher communication. Psychology of vocational and educational teacher activities in higher school. Content, forms, characteristics and functions of pedagogical activity. Psychological support of higher school. Psychological problem of the content of education in higher school.
Practical classes (15h.):On the subject of the psychology of higher school. Driving forces, conditions and patterns of development of higher education at the present stage. Prospects of higher education development. Psychological characteristics of the activity. Features of development of the student’s personality. Typology of the student’s personality. Development of the students’ creative thinking in the learning process in higher school. Group dynamics in the learning process of students in higher school. Leadership and guidance in the student group. Intergroup and intragroup conflict. Psychology of the impact on the audience. Communication barriers. Psychological aspects of conflict solutions by teacher. Psychological Service of the university, its organization, purpose, objectives, and experience. Psychological support of educational activities.
MIWT (60h.):The object and purpose of psychology in higher school. The content of the psychological theory and practice of teaching psychology in higher school. Personal development and cognitive areas of the student in the learning process in higher school. Social psychology student body in higher school. Psychological foundations of professional teacher communication. Psychology of professional and educational activities of teacher in higher school. Psychological support of higher school.
Education results / Master students:
- domain and the basic concepts of psychology; psychological approaches to the problems of higher and postgraduate education; lead and organize psychologically competent teaching.
is able:
- work independently with educational and specific literature, find interest in their problems and knows how to disclose them from the position of psychology.
is competent:
- in the application of psychology in the study of student and teacher personality; integration of social and psychological factors in the educational work with students.
Total control form / Examination: written examination – 100 min.
Conditions for receiving credits / - Lecture visit.
- Performance of practical tasks.
- Submission of the paper.
- Performance of tasks on subjects MIWT.
- Examination.
Module duration / One term
Literature /
  1. Андреев Г. Обучение и воспитание в вузах неразделимы // Высшее образование в России. 1996. № 3.
  2. Архангельский СИ. Учебный процесс в высшей школе, его закономерные основы и методы. - М.: Высшая школа, 1980.
  3. Балл Г.А., Бургин М. С. Анализ психологического воздействия и его педагогическое влияние // Вопросы психологии. 1994. № 4.
  4. Берак О., Шибаева Л. Установка на развитие личности студента // Вестник высшей школы. 1990. № 10.
  5. Вайнцвайг П. Десять заповедей творческой личности. - М., 1990.
  6. Введение в научное исследование по педагогике / Под ред. В. И.Журавлева. М., 1988.
  7. Вербицкий А.А. Активное обучение в высшей школе: контекстный подход. - М.: Высшая школа, 1991.
  8. Дьяченко М.И., Кандыбович Л.А. Психология высшей школы. - Минск: Изд-во БГУ, 1981.
  9. Дьяченко М.И., Кандыбович Л.А. Психология высшей школы: особенности деятельности студентов и преподавателей. - Минск: Изд-во БГУ, 1978.
  10. Казанская В.Г. Взаимоотношения преподавателя с учащимися ПТУ в процессе обучения. - М.: Высшая школа, 1990.
  11. Ковалева В. Студент и преподаватель глазами друг друга // Высшее образование в России. 1996. № 3.
  12. Корнилов Т.Е., Григоренко Б.А. Сравнение личностных особенностей российских и американских студентов // Вопросы психологии. 1995. №5.
  13. Краевский В.В. Методология педагогического исследования: Пособие для педагога-исследователя. - Самара, 1994.
  14. Мигиренко Г. С. Педагогика высшей школы. Будущий инженер. - Новосибирск, 1992.
  15. Основы педагогики и психологии высшей школы / Под ред. А. В. Петровского. - М., 1986.
  16. Пейсахов И. М. и др. Прикладная психология в высшей школе. - Казань: Изд-во
  17. Смирнов С.Д. Педагогика и психология высшего образования: от деятельности к личности. - М.: Аспект Пресс, 2001.
Юсупов И.М. Психология взаимопонимания. - Казань, 1991.
19. Закон РК «Об образовании» от 27 июля 2007 года.
Updating / annually
Module name and code / Pedagogics - Ped 4
Responsible for module / cand. of ped., associate professor Mikhalkova O.A.
Module type / Basic, compulsory module
Module level / MА
Amount of hours a week / 2
Amount of credits / 2 (6 ECTS)
Education form / Full-time
Term / 1
Quantity of the being trained / 4
Module prerequisites / 1. Philosophy 2. Sociology. 3 Political
Module content / TCMD «Pedagogics» - Ped 5204
Lectures (30h.):General theoretical and methodological foundations of pedagogy in higher school. Object, objectives, methods of pedagogy in higher school. The system of higher education in Kazakhstan. Pedagogy as a science. Pedagogical science and its place in the human sciences. Pedagogy in higher education. Methodology of pedagogy. Pedagogical activity and teacher’s personality in higher school. Nature and structure of pedagogical activities. Personality of high school teacher and current demands on its competence. Communicative competence of high school teacher. Professional and research culture as the basis of creative teacher’s development. Theory of learning in higher school (didactics). Essence of vocational training process. Methodological foundations of learning in higher school. Content of education. The organization of the learning process in higher school. Traditional methods and forms of teaching. Active teaching methods in the training of future professionals. Educational work in higher school. Higher school as a social institution. Advisor activity. Scientific basis of educational technology in higher school. Essence of educational technology. New educational technologies in higher school. Technology of pedagogical planning, organization and control in higher school. Organization of the educational process in higher school on the basis of credit technology. Technology of interaction and cooperation between subjects. Technology of training materials preparation. Organization of student’ independent work in credit technology. Organization of pedagogical control in credit technology.General theoretical and methodological foundations of pedagogy in higher school. Object, objectives, methods of pedagogy in higher school. The system of higher education in Kazakhstan. Pedagogy as a science. Pedagogical science and its place in the human sciences. Pedagogy in higher education. Methodology of pedagogy. Pedagogical activity and teacher’s personality in higher school. Nature and structure of pedagogical activities. Personality of high school teacher and current demands on its competence. Communicative competence of high school teacher. Professional and research culture as the basis of creative teacher’s development. Theory of learning in higher school (didactics). Essence of vocational training process. Methodological foundations of learning in higher school. Content of education. The organization of the learning process in higher school. Traditional methods and forms of teaching. Active teaching methods in the training of future professionals. Educational work in higher school. Higher school as a social institution. Advisor activity. Scientific basis of educational technology in higher school. Essence of educational technology. New educational technologies in higher school. Technology of pedagogical planning, organization and control in higher school. Organization of the educational process in higher school on the basis of credit technology. Technology of interaction and cooperation between subjects. Technology of training materials preparation. Organization of student’ independent work in credit technology. Organization of pedagogical control in credit technology.
MIWT (60h.):Critical analysis of articles on problems of education. Construction of the scheme categorical system of pedagogy. Construction of the scheme relationship of various factors affecting the development of educational thought. Construction of the scheme "Social and pedagogical processes in the modern system of education". Construction of the scheme "The modernization of education as a control object”. Construction of the scheme showing the level of education you have received, and a description of the role of each step in your personal development. Based on the survey of five successful entrepreneurs and government officials prepare an analytical report on the impact of education on quality of life. The study of a source of additional references and the three-part presentation of the diary read one of the sections of this source scheme. Prepare the report reflecting the opinion of five high school teachers taught about the role of discipline in professional growth. Technology of independent students’ work process organization. Gathering exercises on self-management and self-improvement. Educational project (extracurricular) activities.
Education results / Master students:
- topical issues of pedagogy; essence of teaching activity in higher school; the role of subject education in the process of future specialist training; formation of scientific concepts of categorical and terminological apparatus in pedagogy, approaches, principles of development and personality formation; development and education of vocational personality trait.
is able:
- select from the surrounding reality teaching facts, phenomena, events and describe it in language of pedagogy, using опираясьна patterns of pedagogical theories, explanations, prediction and development; design educational process, using new concepts of education;
is competent:
- in the organization of the educational process in higher school; in the ratio of their personal aspirations (plans, dreams) with the actual conditions of social life; in implementation of various social roles; to use effective mechanisms (consensus, tolerant) of communication in a multicultural environment.
Total control form / Examination: written examination – 100 min.
Conditions for receiving credits / - Lecture visit.
- Submission of the paper.
- Performance of tasks on subjects MIWT.
- Examination.
Module duration / One term
Literature / 1.Ахметова Г.К., Исаева З.А. Педагогика: Учебник для магистратуры университетов. - Алматы: Казак университеті, 2006. - 328 с.