GIS Day Workgroup Meeting 4/24/2013
Jason Harbaugh x
Robyn Starr x
Gary Darling x
Christina Boggs
Jane Schafer-Kramer x
Harry Spanglet x
Todd Flackus
Danny Luong
Steven Springhorn x
Marill Jacobson x
10:00-10:05 – Attendance --
10:05-10:15 – Recap from previous meeting – Jane action item – Jane is still working on the Bonderson hearing room and trying to reserve another room. She will continue to work on it. She will also try the parks department. Jane got a call from David Harris – He is interested in GIS Day. He wants to see others involved beyond DWR. He offered to do the contact with Lieutenant Governor. He also asked to see the outline we have. We will have to talk to DWR public affairs office first about the proper procedure of contacting the Lt Governor. Jane will ask Greg Smith talk to the PA office. The people in charge of breakout session will outreach for their session for speakers. We will outreach to people who will be in charge of sessions. We will have to do it earlier. Tap our colleagues in other departments; some possibilities include David Harris’ network, and other agency GIS groups. Once we select, we don’t need to micro manage the breakout session leaders. The session leaders will put out feelers for topics of breakout sessions. Robyn has been in contact with Jerry Brown.
10:15-11:15 – Outline GIS Day 2013 – The audience is the GIS end users in natural resources agency; to learn, how to do better, network, and new techniques and resources. All others are welcome. Harry Spanglet will host GIS Day 2013. We’ll point to welcome wagon document for new users or nonusers, instead of having a newbie session. Jane offered to power point coach for presenters. We’ll come up with powerpoint guidelines and have a run through practice.
Handouts: Agenda - Jane, GIS welcome Wagon guide, resource page
GIS Day Outline
Morning Session: 900 -1015
General Plenary Session; All meet in the DWR Auditorium. Key Note Speakers; We will have 1 -2 general talks; possible general topic IT/GIS and relationship, Tom Lupo was suggested for this topic and Jane will talk to him. Other Possibilities include Lt Governor Gavin Newsom or Governor Jerry Brown. We will try to Include David Harris, Scott Gregory, and Tim Garza. (Let Tim decide how he wants to proceed with him and David Harris)
Break: 1015-1030
Poster Session: 1030 - 1100 Posters up all day. We’ll have a half hour time where presenters are present at their poster. Have it close to break time. Pass the microphone to each poster presenter and they can talk briefly on their poster. Do it as a quick intro for the session; Have it done by the master of ceremonies, Harry Spanglet. We will have a call for posters ahead of time and a brief summary of the poster. We should have the lightning intros just before the break; Break for 10-15 which runs into the poster session and then start up again on the talks afterward. The session will be 20-25 min with the overall break/posters about 40 min.
1100 – 1200 More General Session Plenary Speakers after the poster session. During the last talk before lunch, Harry will talk about the upcoming breakout sessions. Give a little summary of each session.
Lunch: 1200 - 130
Afternoon Session: 130 - 300
Break Out sessions. Start with planning for 3 sessions. If fourth comes up we’ll work on adding on another. Topics – Remote Sensing – Gary Darling. Web Mapping and Publication/ managing data in an enterprise fashion which can be used for publication– Danny Luong presentation, Ask Bryan Richter to be involved and head this breakout session, Spatial Analysis – find someone for this one.
Break: 300-315
Closing Session: 315 -400 Key Note closing speaker at the end; look to people to invite and who else we want to get or other topics.
Social Gathering: ~430
Robyn GIS Ninja Talk or possible poster for session.
GIS Business processes as a possible topic.
Look at agency secretary for speaker.
BDCP is a possible topic. Maybe consider something relevant to us, but not necessarily GIS related; especially if we can’t get the speakers. We need a visionary speaker. Maybe Jerry Merrill or Jerry Brown. Also try to talk to Jack Dangerman.
11:15—11:30 – Other GIS Day related business – meet again at the beginning of June. Next meeting work on outreach material, call for presentations and speakers.