Position title / State Commissioner
Nominated by / In accordance with the State Constitution
Appointment by / In accordance with the State Constitution
Responsible to / Board of Girl Guides NT Inc.
Positions reporting to / All paid employees; all Managers; and in the absence of a District Manager all Leaders in such a Unit/District
Term of Appointment / In accordance with the State Constitution


To ensure the proper governance and effective administration of Girl Guides NTInc. and to promote guiding throughout the Territory. The State Commissioner is the most senior spokesperson and ambassador of Girl Guides NT Inc. She is responsible for ensuring the Mission, Vision and Goals of Girl Guides Australia are implemented within the Northern Territory.


  1. To ensure that Girl Guides NT Inc. is administered properly and competently according to the direction of the Board of Girl Guides NT Inc.
  2. To promote the development of Guiding generally throughout the NT.
  3. To maintain the commitment of Girl Guides Australia to a child safe and child friendly culture.
  4. If appointed by the Board of GGNT to be an director of GGABoard, to attend at least fiveGGA Board meetings and additional teleconferences annually, to promote the views and needs of the NT in relation to matters requiring a national decision and to report to the Board of GGNT points for information and feedback for their consideration as agreed by the Board of GGA.
  5. To maintain regular contact with the Chief Commissioner of GGA, and be a member of the Australian Guiding Committee, which is a sub-committee of the GGA Board and which holds up to fourmeetings and additional teleconferences annually; to advise her of areas of concern or opportunities for promotion of Guiding.
  6. To be the chair of the Board of Girl Guides NT Inc. as per the Constitution and manage all duties normally undertaken by the Secretary of the Board.
  7. To be an ex-officio member of all NT Committees, receive minutes of the meetings held and to follow up any areas of concern and give support where appropriate.
  8. To maintain contact with and advise and encourage District Managers, and visit areas by invitation when possible.
  9. To maintain regular communication with all State and relevant National office-bearers, to give support to State activities where appropriate and when necessary arrange for relevant training.
  10. To assume responsibility for any vacant Manager or State representative positions including receiving and disseminating information and tasks from the relevant National Volunteer Managers.
  11. To delegate responsibility to suitably qualified people for areas which require specific expertise and maintain contact with them to ensure that the needs of Girl Guides NT Inc. are met.

12. To promote and maintain a work environment where paid employees, members and volunteers treat everyone with dignity, courtesy, trust and respect.

  1. To represent Girl Guides NT Inc. at Government and community level.
  2. To maintain links with Scouts Australia and other youth organisations in the NT.

Personal Requirements:


  1. To be a member of Girl Guides NT Inc.
  2. To be able to travel intrastate and interstateon a regular basis.


  1. To have astrong understanding of governance principles.
  2. To have an understanding of the role of different groups within the State organisation.
  3. To have an understanding of the Australian Guide Program and the Australian Learning & Qualification Program
  4. To have good communication and administrative skills.


  1. To the principles of Guiding.
  2. To hold the qualification of Leader of Adults of the Australian Learning & Qualification Program or be willing to work towards this qualification.
  3. To be willing to represent Guiding to the best of her ability.


  1. Constitutions: Girl Guides NT Inc. & Girl Guides Australia
  2. MOU Part 1 as adopted December 2010
  3. Guide Lines
  4. State Policies and procedures
  5. Australian Guide Program
  6. Australian Learning & Qualification Program
  7. Australian Trainers’ Training Program

GGNT\Job Description\State Commissioner1Draft 2/2018