Ruthie McCall

Fall 2008

~ GILMORE GIRLS~ first aired in 2000 ~ 5 minutes for a show~

The show centers on the life of Laureli and her daughter Roarie. Laureli is not married; she became pregnant with Roarie when she was 17 years old. Laureli has raised her and by this point in the show, Roarie is attending college.

In this scene Laureli is at a wedding with Luke. Luke and Laureli are not currently dating, but they are leading up to dating at this point in the show. The wedding that they are at is for Luke’s sister, Liz, and TJ.

Liz and Laureli know each other but they are only acquaintances, they have not developed a friendship yet. Liz has a very wild background from little hints the audience picks up about the way Luke talks about her and when Liz speaks of her life.

Carey is a lady that likes to flirt with all the guys.

Laureli and Liz have a very fast paced speech compared to the other actors in this show.

Carey comes over to the table where Luke and Laureli are sitting.

Carey: Hi, so umm there will be a little delay. Liz ripped her dress… and its gonna take a lil

while to fix it. I'm supposed to us, spread the message.

(she's trying to flirt with Luke while speaking to Luke and Laureli.)

Luke: Well spread it Carey. The message the message.

(Carey giggles)

(as Carey walks away, Luke leans over and says to Laureli)

She makes me VERY uncomfortable.

Laureli: Poor Liz, does she know how to fix something like that?

Luke: She never was one for household skills

Laureli: I'm gonna go see, she at Miss Patties?

Luke: Don't leave me alone (pleading with her)

Laureli: Don't worry, looks like Carey found a guy to keep her occupied for a lil while.

Luke: Hurry back

(frustrated tone)

-At Miss. Pattie’s Place-

Laureli: Hey!

Miss. Pattie: Oh Laureli! Thank heavens. I'm so bad with wardrobe.

Liz: I ripped it getting up. I am sucha clutz.

Laureli: Well, that's why I am here. Pattie, do you have a sewing kit?

Miss Pattie: Oh yea, here. Right here sweetie.

Liz: I'm holding everyone up.

Laureli: No, no! Hey, it's your day. If anyone gets to hold things up its you.

Liz: Ah.. I'm nervous! Do I look nervous? I sound nervous!

Laureli: You look great. It's normal to be nervous on your wedding day.

Liz: This is the first wedding of mine that I've ever been sober for. I'm probably gonna remember this one.

Miss Pattie: The ones we remember are the ones that stick.

Liz: On your wedding were you this nervous?

Laureli: I've never been married.

Liz: What do you mean? You have a kid.

Laureli: found a way round that.

Liz: Oh, I see. (non-judgmental tone)

You want to get married?

Laureli: Oh now Liz, it's inappropriate to propose to me on your wedding day.

(joking of course)

Liz: (laughs) but, do you want to get married though? You MUST want to get married.

Laureli: I guess so, if I meet the right guy.

(nervous laugh)

Liz: I hated being single. Just think if you got married this year, or even next year. You could be married for 50 years. Same with me and TJ. I could be married for most of my life.Isn't that weird to think about?I could be married for most of my life. I don't want to screw up this marriage, even more than I want some pot. That's how serious I am.

Laureli: Hm.

(Liz’s son, Jess, enters the room)

Jess (Liz's son enters): Areyou ready? The crowd is getting restless.

Liz: You're getting restless. Hey do you two know each other?

Laureli: Oh Jess and I go way back. Dated my daughter.

Liz: Oh, your broke her daughters heart?!

Jess: I uh..

Laureli: No, no he didn't. It just didn't work out.

Liz: Good because I don't want him to be like his father breaking hearts. I want em to be like TJ, or my second husband. Or like my boyfriend after my third husband who died. They were good guys.

Laureli: Well, you are all done.

Liz: Oh perfect!

Miss Pattie: She's a miracle worker.

Jess: I'll go tell the others.

(he leaves)

Liz: Thanks hun! And, Thank you! You are gonna make a great wife some day and a great sister in law to some very lucky girl.

Laureli: Well I hope so.

Liz: Come on, Luke's waiting. Unless my friend Carey suffocated him with her boobs.

Laureli: Well, that would be festive.

MissPattie: Let's fix your hair real quick sweetie.

(fixes her hair)

You look absolutely beautiful.

~ You hear Wedding music. It is a "renaissance" theme. Laureli goes to sit with Luke and they wait for the Liz to enter.~

Luke: Everything ok?

Laureli: Crisis averted

Luke: it's starting

Laureli: They not know any Zeplin?

(making fun of the theme music.. Then a girl comes down the aisle throwing roses)

Oh roses, nice.

Luke: Does she remind you of someone?

(a strange girl prancing down the isle throwing the roses)

Laureli: Can you say, Leslie vanhelton? (answering with a question instead of an answer)

Now that's impressive! (Clapping for juggler)

Tj: (as he walks down the aisle) I tell you these tights are great. I'm happy.

Laureli: Oh I want one of those... (the trellis of flowers that Liz comes walking under)

She looks happy…

Luke: yea, she does.

Tj: She looks hot

Best man: Smokin

Tj: Don't you say that.

Laureli: Where's the minister?

The minister enters and he is singing while playing a little mandolin. The minister has a very mellow, laid back personality.

In this next part Laureli and Luke are trying not to laugh at how amusing the minister looks in his Renaissance themed outfit.

Laureli: think of something not funny.

Luke: Can't

Laureli: Avalanches, earthquake

Luke: Not doing it

Laureli: Famine

Minister: Dear friends, isn't it a beautiful day? A day that Liz and Tj share their love in front of those they love. Liz, do you want to tell TJ how you feel?

Liz: Yes. TJ.

Tj: Yea.

Liz: My heart just pours out to you. You have been so good to me, good for me. I don't know where I'd be with outchya. I'd be worse off, I know that. You are something else.

Minister: Nice. Tj.

Tj: Well I, wrote something down but my tights don't have pockets so I gotta go off the cuff.

I love ya.

Laureli: Aww, that wasn't so funny.