Gifted Curriculum Unit Planning Guide

Topic / (Example- Space)
Issue / (Example- Should we continue Space Exploration?)
Related Standards / 3rd, 4th, 5th grade science
Intro Activities / List-Sort-Generalize (Taba) Quick Debate Sculpt/Draw a Concept
KWL Fact or Fiction Concept Map
Need to Know Board Quotes
Reading / Gather relevant materials and articles for students to explore, read, and research.
Critical Thinking / Depth and Complexity (Kaplan)
Big Ideas
Unanswered Questions
Trends (influences)
Change over Time
Multiple Perspectives
Across Disciplines / Jacob’s Ladder (StambaughVanTassel-Baska)
A3- Implications/Consequences
A1- Sequence
D3- Creative Synthesis
D2- Summarize
D3- Paraphrase
Scientific Method / Cause-Effect Forecasting Make many varied predictions about the causes of a situation.
Make many varied predictions about the effects of a situation.
Should? What criteria?
Creative Thinking / Creative Process (Torrence)
-Think of many ideas…
-Think of varied ideas….
-Think of unusual ideas…
-Add to your ideas to make them better
SCAMPER (Eberle)
What if we
Minimize? Maximize?
Put to other use?
Reverse/Rearrange? / Problem-Solving (FPSI)
  • Identify multiple problems. (see forecasting)
  • What is the main problem?
  • How might we solve the main problem in multiple ways? (Who will do what, how?)
  • What questions must we ask to choose the best solution? (which solution will best…?)
  • Choose decision.
  • Write detailed action plan (who, what, when, where, how)
Divergent Thinking
Make a list of questions ___ might ask_____
Analogy Comparisons
How is___ like___? / 6 Hats (DeBono)
  • White- What are the facts?
  • Yellow- What are the benefits?
  • Black- What are the flaws?
  • Red- How do you feel?
  • Green- What are other possibilities? New ideas?
  • Blue- Summarizes ideas, draws conclusions.
Questivities (Coil)
  1. List all…
  2. Compare/Contrast
  3. What would happen if
  4. Would you rather…?
  5. How would you feel if you were…?
  6. Why?
  7. How?

Concept / How does this relate to a change generalization? A pattern generalization?
List, Sort, Generalize
Product Options
PRODUCT reveal PROCESS / Create a
prezi, powerpoint, monologue, poster, brochure, skit, i-movie, model, game etc.
Include content parameters (facts, details). / That
Most important
Explains why
Another perspective
What might happen if… / Other ideas
Fact or Fiction Book
7 abstract symbols
ABC Book


Create a monologue from the perspective of a black hole. Teach the class about 5 important and interesting facts about black holes. Include at least 3 unanswered questions about black holes and how our understanding of black holes has changed over time. Make a list of questions a black hole might ask the sun.

Create a product of your choice explaining important factual information that that includes two of the following additions:

  • CONSEQUENCES- Explains three long-term consequences of the issue.
  • CAUSES- Explains three significant causes of the issue.
  • PERSPECTIVE- Shows the perspectives of at least two stakeholders’ points of view.
  • SOLUTION- Offers a detailed solution to the issue (who will do what, how it works)
  • INVENT- Uses or creates a new technology or invention to address the issue.
  • PERSUADE- Persuades others or raises awareness about the issue.
  • CHANGE- Relate the question to a change generalization (e.g., “Change can be evolutionary or revolutionary.”)

Sample Rubric

Excellent / Adequate / Below Expectations
Complete / All project components are complete. / Most project components are complete. / Project is not complete.
Research / Research is thorough and addresses the content / Research is adequate and addresses the content / Research is inadequate and does not address content
Content / Content is clear, organized, and easy to understand / Content is adequate and somewhat organized / Content in incomplete.
Visually Appealing / Product is visually appealing, neat, and free of errors / Product is adequately visually appealing; some minor errors / Product is messy or unorganized
Creativity / Product creatively conveys your learning – it is not just a rehash of ideas. / Product shows some inventiveness and creativity / There is little evidence of fresh thought- it is simply a rehash of others’ ideas.
Thinking / Demonstrates sophisticated thinking (synthesis, analysis, evaluation) / Demonstrates adequate connections (synthesis, analysis, evaluation) / Does not demonstrates complexity of thought.

Created by Dr. Emily Mofield, Sumner County Schools Gifted Services