Fifth Grade, Quarter3
Lewis and Clark
Gifted/ALP Supplement for Recommended Pacing Guide Stories
Higher Order Thinking Questions
- List three questions you have about what you read.
- Evaluate how the author of Lewis and Clark feels the accomplishments of Lewis and Clark. Defend your answer with text evidence.
- What information would you not include in a summary of this text? Explain why you feel it is okay to leave this information out.
- What was a topic in Lewis and Clark that you would have like to know more about?
Creative Thinking:
*Activities may be used in a center.
- Imagine you could interview Lewis and Clark. What five questions would you ask them?
- Do you feel that Lewis and Clark were afraid before and/or during their journey? What would you have been afraid of if you were part of the expedition?
- Describe the personality traits that would be need for a person to be a good explorer.
- If Lewis and Clark were to write a nonfiction book, what do you think it would be about? What might some of the subtopics be?
- If you could explore a place anywhere in the world, where would it be. Why would you want to go to that place? Write a letter to your parents, explaining where you would like to go and why, in order to persuade them to let you take the trip.
*Activities may be used in a center.
- Complete the lapbook at the following website to learn more about Explorers:
- Consider completing some of the lapbook/minibooks in regards to Native Americans:
Independent Project:
- Write a children’s book about the Native Americans who once lived in your state. Include answers to all of the questions young children might ask.
- Create a Help Wanted Advertisement that might have been used to recruit explorers for the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Make sure to include the mental and physical skills/strengths they need to have, along with other information such as working conditions and job expectations.
Creative Solutions:
- In Lewis and Clark, the members of the expedition met a lot of physical challenges, such as carrying their boats up steep cliff to find calmer water. Identify one of these challenges and create an invention or contraption that would have been helpful to the expedition members.
*Choose 5 everyday items to use in creating your invention. You may only use tape, glue and these 5 things.
Vocabulary Activities:
*May be used for Word Work during Daily 5.
*Activities may be used in a center.
1.Throughout their expedition, Lewis and Clark’s, and the other members of the expedition, experienced a lot of different emotions. Choose some of the attached emotion words, that you are unfamiliar with, and “uncover” their meanings. Use the attached Undercover Meanings sheet and complete a minibooks for each of your chosen words.
2.Complete one or more of the attached Creative Activities with Language Pages and/or create your own: Walks, Hills, Rocks, Blank.
- Research games the Native American children enjoyed playing. Make a poster, PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Prezi to teach your classmates about the game and how to play it.
- Using the Internet, compile a list of words and quotes that express the traits or characteristics of a successful explorer. Create a collage of your list and include visuals.
3rd Quarter 2016