Long Cat scarf pattern


Long cat scarf directions:
gauge = ??? I used marvel premium 8ply on 4.0mm needles. Yay, cheap-ish acrylic yarn that's nice and soft. Use whatever gauge you feel is confortable, and whatever yarn floats your boat.
different gauge for the head/tail: you have to go down a needle size or two, in order to create a tighter fabric. You don'thaveto, but the stuffing might fall out and it won't be as sproingy.
Knitting the scarf
section I: body
-Provisionally cast on, join a circle on dpns or circs. It's a tubular scarf. (I used 60 stitches, you can add or subtract to decide how fat you want your longcat to be. Note that if you make it fatter, the head must also be adjusted.)
-Knit a really long tube, to slightly shorter than you want the full length of the scarf to be. I reccomend you knit to your height.
When you reach your desired length...
Section II -leg(s)
transfer all stitches to two dpns if they're not already on them.
slip 10 (1/3 the number of stitches you have on one needle) onto another dpn. Do the same for the other original needle
"Join" the stitches you just transferred in the round, by picking up one stitch on either side of the join, then knitting one round.
knit 15 rounds.
kitchener stitch the leg closed.
Repeat for the other leg.(you have to join yarn for this)
slip the same number of stitches that you did in section II onto dpns. work the leg the same way, but the stitches to be picked up must be done on the other side (the side facing inwards).
kitchener stitch the rest of the stitches to make the butt/crotch. Or bust area, whichever you choose it to be.
Section III: The other side
Remember that provisional cast on we did at the beginning? Now pick it out, and you can make the other set of legs, in the same way.
Optional: this is your chance to add extra LOOOOOONG if you discover the scarf won't be as long as you'd like it to be.
After this point, you're gonna use smaller dpns for everything else.
Section IV: Tail
From whichever end you determined as Longcat's butt, count 8 rows up from the place where you closed the tube. Then, pick up a triangle of 3x3 stitches using dpns.
k6 rounds
this is the beginning of the 'spiral' increases.
m1,k30. You should have 4 st on each needle at this point.
m1,k34. You should now have 5 stitches on each needle.
end of spiral increases, k5
(you may continue to increase ine stitch every two rounds in the spiral pattern for a fatter and longer tail)
Now, you have the option of shaping the tail. You can just knit in the round more, for a straight tail, or you can utilize short row shaping to make the tail curve upwards/downwards. Another option is to put wire inside the tail to make it posable.
short row shaping:
*pick up bar between stitches and k2tog. repeat to end of the row.
If you made the tail fatter, you need to continue to k/p to the nth stitch, turn, sl1, and repeat.
when the tail is nearly of an apropriate length:
*k2tog, k3, repeat from *
*k2tog, k2, repeat from *
Break yarn and draw through the remaining stitches, stuff the tail, then pull the yarn tight. Using a darning needle, make one stitch around the last stitch you drew it through,then another towards the inside of the tail and pull the needle out at the base of the tail. If the yarn is too long, cut it just before it comes out. Pull the stitches/area around your yarn tail horizontally, and the yarn will slip back into the tail. It's now secure.
If you made the tail fatter, then you may have to add extra decrease rows.
Section V: Head
This is the only section that actually needs any thinking and this pattern anyway. 8D
From the head end where you sealed the tube, count 8 rows up. On the 8th row, pick up 15 stitches. ( 7 on each side of the middle stitch)
Making the head:
Every even unmarked row is purled.
row 1: k
row 3: *k, k into stitch below, repeat from * 7 times, k
use another dpn to work the next set of stitches.
*k, k into opposite stitch below, repeat from * 7 times
(You don't have to change the direction of the increase unless you're nitpicky like me.) You now have 30 stitches.
The logic behind using 2 needles is so you don't have to count. Also, the piece is going to warp madly, so it may be easier to knit (especially with the tighter gauge)
row 5: * k2, k into stitch below, rep from * 7 times , k into the stitch below, k1, and k into the stitch below with the opposite direction.
resume with k into opposite stitch below, k2, and repeat to end.
You now have 60 stitches.
row 9-21: work flat. (thestockinette's going to curl inwards, which will be advantageous to us later)
23: (K2,k2tog) repeat to middle stitch, (ssk, k2) repeat to end.
Making the ears:
row 23: k5, k5*, turn work.
*- you can use a seperatedpn to do this.
Now you're just working with those 5 stitches. So I'll reset the row numbers for the ears:
1: k
2: p
3: ssk, k, k2tog
4: p
5: slip st, k2tog, pass slipped st over.
6: k
7: k
At this point, the ear turns around. You're making the back of the ear.
8: k
9: k into the stitch below, k, k into the stitch below.
10: p, on last stitch, p that stitch and the opposing stitch on the other side of the ear together
11: k with opp stitch, k into st below, k, k into opposite st below, k last stitch with opposing stitch.
12: p with opp stitch p3, p last stitch with opp stitch
13: k with opp stitch,k3, k last stitch with opposing stitch. On the same row, continue to knit the rest of the head stitches.
-ear end-
knit to the last 7 stitches on the row, k5, and repeat the ear-steps. k the last two stitches.
row 24: p
row 25: *(k2tog, k1), rep from *
row 26: p
row 27; *k2tog, repeat to end.
//Or you can make the ears seperately and sew them on. It's up to you. Just knit two triangles and stitch them on later. I prefer the ears to be made with the same yarn as the head, because it looks nicer(to me) and they won't drop off if they get snagged on something.
To finish, pick up the same number of stitches as you have on your needle on the scarf, and knit them together. Remember that you have to fold the head at the base of the ears(it should naturaly fold anyway), to get the right place for the base of the neck.
Leave a long yarn tail and use it to sew up the rest of the head.
For eyes, I use the 'wheel; method. You can use your own favourite method? 8D