6th Grade Honors Math Syllabus
Course Description:
The 6th Grade Honors Math Course will follow The Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) for Accelerated Math 6/7A, which covers all of the 6th Grade GSE and the first semester of the 7th Grade GSE. These standards may be viewed at http://tinyurl.com/p82vwcj. Our material this year will come from Eureka Math. Tips for parents and students can be found for each module at this web address: http://greatminds.net/parents.
Since this is an accelerated course it will be challenging, and students should be prepared to put forth the extra time and effort to meet the objectives for this course. Since this is an honors level course, there will be no extra credit assignments and no dropped test grades, however they will receive an extra seven points added to tests or projects that fall into the major grade (55%) category. (See Grading Policy below.) Resources to assist students and parents can be found by clicking the “Math Tutor” link on floydboe.net.
Per the Floyd County Gifted Schools Make-Up Policy, if a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to get the absentee work from each teacher. If the absence is excused, the student has three school days from the date of his/her return to complete and turn in the work. Any tests missed will be rescheduled with the teacher.
I look forward to a great year of challenging and enriching mathematics study! Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns by email at or call 706-236-1856.
Sequence of Accelerated 6/7A Modules
Grade 6 Modules
Module 1: Ratios and Unit Rates
Module 2: Arithmetic Operations Including Dividing by a Fraction
Module 3: Rational Numbers
Module 4: Expressions and Equations
Module 5: Area, Surface Area and Volume
Module 6: Statistics
Grade 7 Modules
Module 1: Ratios and Proportional Relationships
Module 2: Rational Numbers
Module 3: Expressions and Equations
Grading Policy: Quizzes/CW 20%
HW 10%
Tests/Major Projects 55%
Final Exam 15%
Student Signature: ______
Parent Signature: ______
Parent E-Mail Address: ______