Career Development Award
Application Form
Part 1: General Information
- Basic data
Project title
Amount requested CHF
Starting date
Main Applicant
Surname, first name
Academic degree
The applicant hereby confirms that all the information provided in thisproject application form, including allattachments is true and correct. They were prepared with the consent of the persons involved.
Place, date: / Signature:- Applicants' personal data
2.1. Main Applicant
Surname, first nameAcademic degree
Date of birth
Nationality / Gender
Street, Nr
PC, City
Direct phone
Office phone
- Thematic orientation and scientific networks
collaboration / yes no
If yes, with which persons/
In which context?
In which countries?
National collaboration / yes no
If yes, with which persons/
In which context?
- Lay summary of the project(in German or French, max. 150 words)
- Negative list
If there are any researchers/ experts that you would NOT like to review your proposal (due to e.g. a conflict of interests), please provide this so-called negative list here[1]:
- Budget (Phase 1)
Total budget for the whole project:
CHF / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 1-2 (Year 1-2)Personnel (incl. social benefits)
* If the total budget for the position “Miscellaneous” exceeds 10% of total costs for the project, please attach a detailed budget for this position to the project proposal
- Disclosure of all other funding sources
- Curriculum Vitae (incl. a list of top 5 papers)
CV in another format can be attached to the application form. Please ensure that it includes a list of top 5 papers and selected citation metrics.
NAME / POSITION TITLEEDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.)
(if applicable) / YEAR(s) / FIELD OF STUDY
- Positions and Honours. List in chronological order previous positions, concluding with your present position. List any honours.
- A list oftop 5 papers (in chronological order). Do not include publications submitted or in preparation. For publicly available citations, URLs or PMC submission identification numbers may accompany the full reference.
- Research Support. List selected ongoing and completed (during the last three years) research projects (federal and non-federal support), as well as all pending applications. Begin with the projects that are most relevant to the research proposed in this application. Briefly indicate the overall goals of the projects and your role (e.g. PI, Co-Investigator, Consultant) in the research project. Do not list award amounts or percent effort in projects.
- Selected citation metrics
Total number of citations:
Average number of citations per paper:
Part 2: Scientific Information
Part 2: Scientific Information should not exceed five pages (incl. references, graphs etc., excl. letter of support and commitment from the supervisor). Proposals that exceed this limit will not be considered for the grant.
Please ensure that following parts are included: scientific abstract; introduction to the topic; specific goals of the project and detailed research plan.
IMPORTANT: Letter of support and commitment from the supervisor/ principal investigator (stating that the PostDoc will be working independently on the proposed project)is a mandatory part of the project proposal
Please submit Part 2: Scientific Information as a pdf file and do not forget to mention the project title and main applicant´s name on the first page of the paper.
Text format guidelines:
- ‘standard’ font, preferably 12-point Times New Roman or 10-point Arial
- Line-spacing – 1.5
- Page margins: top – 2 cm; bottom – 2 cm; right – 2.5 cm; left – 2.5 cm
Part 3: Career plans
Part 3: Career plans should describe career plans of the main applicant for the next five years. This part should not exceed one page.
Project Proposal Form 1/8
[1] Please note that all members of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Synapsis foundation participate in the project proposal evaluation (independently of whether they have been mentioned in the negative list of the project applicant or not).