The Right Family Vacation Game

All you need is the story script and about 8 wrapped prizes. Depending on the amount of guests, there should be 1 prize for every 2-3 people. The host or hostess gathers the guests in a circle and distributes the prizes, one every 2nd or 3rd guest.

The host stands in the middle of the circle and reads the story aloud. Every time the word “right” is said the guests must pass the prizes to the right. When the word “left” is read the guest must pass the prize to the left.

At the end of the story who ever has a prize keeps it.

The Story

The RIGHT Family was looking forward to their vacation. Mother RIGHT had packed the suitcases. Father RIGHT, Danny RIGHT, and Jenna RIGHT were getting the drinks and snacks from the kitchen. "What’s LEFT to do," said Father RIGHT as he came upstairs to help his wife. "Did you take the dog to the neighbours?" asked Mother RIGHT. "I LEFT him with Bobby, he was excited to have him," said Father RIGHT." Coco RIGHT, the dog, couldn’t come on the vacation; they wanted to make sure he was going to be all RIGHT while they were away.

The telephone rang, and Jenna RIGHT LEFT to answer it. She rushed back and told the family, "Grandma LEFT a package for us her porch. I'll go over there RIGHT now and get it," she said and LEFT in a rush. Father RIGHT came downstairs with two suitcases and put them in the car. By the time Jenna RIGHT returned, Mother RIGHT, Father RIGHT, and Danny RIGHT were almost ready to leave. “Look what Grandma RIGHT LEFT us”, said Jenna RIGHT. And there sitting on the table was a basket of homemade bread, jam and some warm cookies for the trip. The entire RIGHT family did high-fives all around and swore to bring Grandma back something nice from the trip. So the RIGHT family got into the car and they were on their way. Father RIGHT made a wrong turn getting out of the city and he got a little lost at first turning LEFT when he should have turned RIGHT, then LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, then LEFT again. But eventually he made it to the highway and they were on their way


Now I hope you have the RIGHT present for yourself, because that's all that's LEFT of our story, except to wish you Happy Summer, isn't that RIGHT?

Who ever has a prize in their hand can keep it. Let the guests open the prizes.

Right Family Vacation Game