Social Science Research Skills

in the Family Studies Classroom

Grade 12 Curriculum Support Materials

The Fashion Industry HNB40

Written by

Michelyn Putignano

Reviewed by

Karen Wilson

Edited and Managed by

Michelyn Putignano

July 2002

The Fashion Industry - HNB40

The following activities have been developed for the grade 12 course, The Fashion Industry – HNB40.

The materials created in this documents rely heavily on the use of computer technology to communicate the results of their research. They could all be easily adapted by the teacher if access to computer technology is limited.

Teachers must follow school and board policies abut the safe and ethical use of the Internet. They must inform their students about these policies. All web sites identified in this documents were current at the time of publication. Given the frequency with which these designations change, teachers should always verify the websites prior to assigning them for student use.

Primary research forms a significant component of these materials. Students must be instructed in the proper and ethical research techniques. When students are conducting primary research collection they should be instructed to respect an individual’s choice to respond to an interview/survey with “no comment” or “no response at all” as a valid answer.

Additional support materials on the use of social science research skills in Family Studies courses can be found in “Social Science Research Skills in the Family Studies Classroom Overview.”

The Fashion Industry [HNB40]

Grade 12, Open Level

Social Science Research Skills

The following coded expectations in HNB40 incorporate social science research skills:

Fashion and Society

Overall Expectations

FSV.01 · recognize the origins, influence, and importance of fashion as a medium of communication and an expression of national, cultural, and personal identity;

FSV.03 · identify the need for clothing for special markets.

Specific Expectations

FS1.03 – describe the background and significance of different forms of dress (e.g., kimono, sari, tunic) and adornment (e.g., tattoos, scarification);

FS3.01 – identify the psychological and practical needs for clothing for special markets (e.g., uniforms, clothing in non-standard sizes, clothing for people with physical disabilities, maternity wear, clothing for children and the elderly; protective clothing for dangerous conditions and climatic extremes; purpose-designed clothing for the sports, leisure, and entertainment industries).

The Canadian Fashion Industry

Overall Expectations

CFV.02 · evaluate the impact of consumer satisfaction on the Canadian fashion industry;

CFV.03 · describe the impact of international factors on the Canadian fashion industry;

Specific Expectations

CF2.02 – analyse the factors that contribute to consumer satisfaction with apparel (e.g., brand names, design features, fabric details, supportive materials, finishing details, ease of care) for people of various ages, engaged in a variety of activities;

CF3.03 – summarize the results of an investigation into the international factors that affect the Canadian apparel industry (e.g., government regulations, availability of materials and labour, child and worker exploitation and related issues, economic cycles, size of the Canadian and other markets).

Fibres and Textiles

Overall Expectations

FTV.01 · identify the raw materials and processes that are appropriate for the production of particular fibres and fabrics;

Specific Expectations

FT1.01 – use correctly the terminology associated with fibre and fabric sources and production (e.g., staple fibre, filament fibre, comb, card, spin, weave, grey good, piece dye, finish);

Design and Construction

Overall Expectations

DCV.03 · describe the role of the textile developer and fashion designer in the initiation and creation of new products;

Specific Expectations

DC3.02 – summarize the influence of prominent Canadian designers (e.g., Linda Lundstrom, Peter Nygaard, Dorothy Grant, D’Arcy Moses, Brian Bailey);

Research and Inquiry Skills

Overall Expectations

ISV.01 · use appropriate social science research methods in a supervised, self-directed study of topics related to fashion and the fashion industry;

ISV.02 · correctly use terminology associated with the fashion industry;

ISV.03 · use appropriate methods for organizing and interpreting data and analysing results;

ISV.04 · communicate effectively through written and audio-visual presentations, using accepted social science research format;

ISV.05 · demonstrate effective collaborative group skills.

Specific Expectations

IS1.01 – correctly use terminology associated with the fashion, clothing, and textile industries (e.g., primary and secondary fashion markets, haute couture, trickle-down theory, fibre art);

IS1.02 – demonstrate an understanding of the research methods used in the study of fashion and the fashion industry (e.g., personal observation, interview);

IS1.03 – locate and access primary sources (e.g., individual designers, media fashion forecasters) and secondary sources (e.g., magazine articles, Internet articles, TV programs) of information relating to fashion and the fashion industry.

IS2.01 – formulate appropriate research questions to frame their inquiries;

IS2.02 – organize and interpret information gathered from reliable sources, and summarize main points;

IS2.03 – interpret charts, graphs, and statistical data presented in the literature, and produce graphs and charts to organize information gathered through quantitative research;

IS2.04 – evaluate the validity and reliability of information collected through research;

IS2.05 – differentiate between research evidence and opinion.

IS3.01 – compile information and key ideas from their research, and document sources accurately, using correct forms of citation;

IS3.02 – effectively communicate the results of their inquiries, using a variety of methods and forms (e.g., graphs, charts, diagrams, oral presentations, written reports, newspaper-style articles, videos).

The curriculum policy document for this course can be found at

To locate a copy of all the coded expectations for HNB40, please go to:


Click on The Ontario Curriculum Centre. Under the heading Grade 12 Course Profiles click on Grade 12 Learning Expectations. Click on Social Sciences and Humanities. Download The Fashion Industry, HNB40, Open Level .

New Fibres Research Report

Your task: You are to write a research report (500 - 750 words) on new technology and how it is affecting the types of fibres and fabrics being produced. You may wish to research ONE specific fibre or a number different ones.

Issues to address include:

what is it?

how is it produced?

what new technology allows for its production?

why is it being produced - market demand, need for it?

the benefits/disadvantages of the fibre

the costs involved

the end uses of the fibre/fabric

other info

You will need to do your own research in the library. The internet will be a good source of information for this report since much of the technology in this area is very new. A good website to start your search on is Fabric Link - Remember to take careful notes to ensure that you are able to give credit to original sources. You will be using in-text citations following the APA style. A detailed handout on this style is available. You should have 3 to 4 credible sources of information.

To Hand in:

- a title page

- your report

- a reference page written in correct format


- see the attached rubric


New Fibers Report Rubric

Assessment Category/Criteria / Level One
(50 – 59%) / Level Two
(60 – 69%) / Level Three
(70 – 79%) / Level Four
(80 – 100%)
Knowledge and Understanding
The report addresses the following:
- identifies the fibre,
- its properties,
- how it’s produced,
- its advantages and disadvantages / Identifies and explains the components of the fibre with limited effectiveness / Identifies and explains the components of the fibre with some effectiveness / Identifies and explains the components of the fibre with considerable effectiveness / Identifies and explains the components of the fibre with a high degree of effectiveness
The report describes:
- the technological developments in the production of the fibre
- the end uses of the fibre / Describes the technological developments with limited effectiveness
Describes the end uses of the fibre with limited effectiveness / Describes the technological developments with limited effectiveness
Describes the end uses of the fibre with limited effectiveness / Describes the technological developments with limited effectiveness
Describes the end uses of the fibre with limited effectiveness / Describes the technological developments with limited effectiveness
Describes the end uses of the fibre with limited effectiveness
Thinking and Inquiry
The report examines:
- why the fibre is being produced
- the relationship between the fibre and fabric construction and its end use / Examines the relationship between the fibre and it uses in a limited manner / Examines the relationship between the fibre and it uses somewhat / Examines the relationship between the fibre and it uses with in a considerable manner / Examines the relationship between the fibre and it uses thoroughly
Category / Level One
(50 – 59%) / Level Two
(60 – 69%) / Level Three
(70 – 79%) / Level Four
(80 – 100%)
The report uses:
- terminology accurately / Uses terminology with limited accuracy / Uses terminology with some accuaracy / Uses terminology with considerable accuracy / Uses terminology with a high degree of accuracy
The report presents information in a clear and concise manner (e.g., using appropriate language conventions)
The report is organized to allow for clear understanding (e.g. paragraphs, title page, introduction and conclusion) / Uses appropriate langauage conventions with limited accuracy
Communicates information with limited clarity / Uses appropriate langauage conventions with some accuracy
Communicates information with some clarity / Uses appropriate langauage conventions with considerable accuracy
Communicates information with considerable clarity / Uses appropriate langauage conventions with a high degree of accuracy
Communicates information with a high degree of clarity
In-text citations are used
Credit it given to original sources following APA style / Document sources using correct forms of citiation in a limited manner / Document sources using correct forms of citiation somewhat / Document sources using correct forms of citiation in a adequate manner / Document sources using correct forms of citiation in a thorough manner

Overall Level ______Percentage: ______

Comments/Next Steps:


Sourcing Fashion Related

Materials on the Internet

You work within the fashion industry. You may be a designer, a retailer, a photographer, a market researcher, and an advertiser or hold any one of the other hundreds of jobs within the fashion industry. Using the internet locate fashion related materials that you would need to fulfill your job requirements.

1. Find a wholesale textile firm offering velvet and/or satin fabric.

The website I found was: ______

Information I found included: ______


Special Notes or information I would want to remember about this website:



2. Find a wholesale supplier of buttons and trims.

The website I found was: ______

Information I found included: ______


Special Notes or information I would want to remember about this website:



3. Find a wholesale supplier of polar fleece.

The website I found was: ______

Information I found included: ______


Special Notes or information I would want to remember about this website:



4. Find head office information (i.e. mailing address, phone and fax #, name of CEO) for two of your favourite retailers.

Company #1 ______

Contact Info______




Name of CEO______

Company #2 ______

Contact Info______




Name of CEO______

5. Find information about swimwear from one of the following periods: 1920's, 1950's, 1960's, 1980's. Locate information about:

• the "look" of the period

• the major swimwear designers of the time period

• the dominating silhouette

• the significant textiles, fibres and colours of the time period

The time period I choose was ______

Information I located included:







6. Find information about a "new" fibre that has been produced as a result of new technology.

The website I found was: ______

Information I found included: ______


Special Notes or information I would want to remember about this website:



7. Find two web sites that offer free fashion clip art.

The website I found was: ______

The website I found was: ______

8. Find a biography of your favorite fashioner designer.

The website I found was: ______

Fashion In the News

Refer to recent and current newspapers and magazines. You may also want to visit fashion Internet sites. Look for FIVE articles that have information about topics such as fashion trends, current designers and their designs, colours and fabric trends, the fashion industry etc.

Specific Expectations:

• locate and access primary sources and secondary sources of information relating to fashion and the fashion industry

• evaluate the validity of information collected through research

• compile information and key ideas from their research, and document sources accurately, using correct forms of citation

The Process:

1. You will need to include a copy of each article with your final report.

2. For each article:

Part One

• include correct referencing for articles following APA style.

Part Two

• summarize the information contained within the article

• your response should be written in complete sentences and proper paragraph format

Part Three

• comment on the information - use the following ideas to assist you with you write-up

• What do you think about this information?

• Do you like the types of fashion being shown? Explain.

• How is this information similar/different to your previous knowledge?

• Is this a valid and reliable source of information

• your response should be written in complete sentences and proper paragraph format

Market Research Project

What is a market researcher?

Market researchers study the needs, wants and attitudes of consumers. They conduct interviews and surveys to find out what consumers like and dislike about different products. Market researchers also track the type of advertising that people respond to most. They analyze the sale of specific products to identify trends. This information is used by manufacturers to decide what styles, fabrics, colours, and sizes are most likely to sell in various regions of the country.

Your Job

You are to take on the role of a market researcher for a garment manufacturer. The company wants to develop a new line of clothing. You may select the segment of the marketfor which you want to develop your line. You will conduct a survey to determine what the market wants and then create a line of clothing that meets the needs and wants of the market.

The Process

•Identify who your target market will be. Male? Female? Ages? etc. Write a paragraph that explains who your sample is and why you have decided to study this group. How will you select your sample?

• Create a survey that you will distribute to a people who meet your target audience. You will need to distribute the survey to at least 25 people. Your survey should ask questions that addresses the following:

• likes and dislikes about clothing and accessories

• styles, fabrics, colours, prices, brand names and advertising

• what do they like best?

• what do they need and want in their clothing?

• what would appeal most to the customers?

Have your survey proofread by someone before you hand it in to your teacher for approval. It should be typed and have NO spelling mistakes. It should be neatly presented and easy to read and understand.

• Hand out the survey to a minimum of 25 people. Completed surveys must be back in class on ______.

• When conducting your primary research collection it is important that you respect an individual’s choice to respond to an interview/survey with “no comment” or “no response at all” as a valid answer. Some people will prefer not to participate in your research.

• Use the tally sheet provided to compile your results. After completing your tally you will need to analyze the results of your survey. Each question should have a graph (i.e. bar, pie chart, line graph) that explains your results. You must use the computer to complete at least one of the graphs. The remainder MAY be done by hand using graph paper. Use the handout provided in class to do this.

• After completing your market research and analysis, write your recommendations for a new line of clothing that would be suitable for your target audience. Include specific information about styles, fabrics, colours and price. When choosing fabrics ensure that they are suitable to both the consumer and the garment. Suggest a name for the new line of clothing, as well as the advertising methods that would reach your market. ALL OF THIS INFORMATION SHOULD COME FROM THE RESULTS OF YOUR SURVEY. You may decide how you can best present this information – poster, booklet, computer- generated presentation.

• You are also to include fashion drawings of the clothing line. The fabric swatches that you have chosen should accompany each drawing.


Market Research Project


Category / Level One
(50 – 59%) / Level Two
(60 – 69%) / Level Three
(70 – 79%) / Level Four
(80 – 100%)
Knowledge and Understanding
• questionnaire allows student to determine the needs of their identified market
• designs questionnaire that allows researcher to obtain needed information / Ideintifies the needs for clothing with limited effectiveness / Ideintifies the needs for clothing with some effectiveness / Ideintifies the needs for clothing with considerable effectiveness / Ideintifies the needs for clothing with a high degree of effectiveness
• appropriate sample is chosen / Chooses sample with limited appropriateness / Chooses sample with some appropriateness / Chooses sample with considerable appropriateness / Chooses sample with a high degree of appropriateness
Thinking and Inquiry
• thorough analysis of questionnaire data
• student is able to identify the needs of market
• details the type of advertising campaign that will be undertaken to promote clothing line / Analyzes factors the contribute to consumer satisfaction with limited effectiveness / Analyzes factors the contribute to consumer satisfaction with some effectiveness / Analyzes factors the contribute to consumer satisfaction with considerable effectiveness / Analyzes factors the contribute to consumer satisfaction with a high degree of effectiveness
• create a line of clothing that meets the needs identified / Interprets data with limited effectiveness / Interprets data with some effectiveness / Interprets data with considerable effectiveness / Interprets data with a high degree of effectiveness
Category / Level One
(50 – 59%) / Level Two
(60 – 69%) / Level Three
(70 – 79%) / Level Four
(80 – 100%)
• present information clearly and concisely / Communicates information with limited clarity and precision / Communicates information with some clarity and precision / Communicates information with considerable clarity and precison / Communicates information with a high degree of clarity and precision
• appropriate fabrics are chosen for the line of clothing based on garment design and consumer wants/needs / Demonstrates a limited understanding of the necessity to create harmony between textiles and garments / Demonstrates some understanding of the necessity to create harmony between textiles and garments / Demonstrates considerable understanding of the necessity to create harmony between textiles and garments / Demonstrates a high degree of understanding of the necessity to create harmony between textiles and garments
• fashion drawings show details of designs
• drawings are neatly presented / Demonstrates a limited understanding of the techniques of fashion drawing / Demonstrates some understanding of the techniques of fashion drawing / Demonstrates considerable understanding of the techniques of fashion drawing / Demonstrates a a high degree of understanding of the techniques of fashion drawing

Overall Level ______