Green Infrastructure Training Workshop

New Kent Forestry Center, June 21-22, 2010


12:00 p.m. Registration and Lunch

1:00 p.m. Forest Development and Landownership Trends Virginia, the Southern Forests and Chesapeake Bay by Rob Farrell, Assistant Director for Forestland Conservation, Virginia Department of Forestry (VaDOF)

1:30 p.m. Changing Roles: Why do foresters need to do more to help conserve forested lands

long term – why and how are roles changing? Panel of VaDOF Foresters: Mike Santucci, David Stone, Joe Lehnen, Gerald Crowell and Scott Bachman

§  How have you seen your and other foresters' roles changing in your region?

§  What are some of the trends or issues (e.g. development patterns, changes in landownership) that are driving your roles to change?

§  Why is it important to make a stronger case on the importance of forests to a broader constituency such as planners and developers, boards of supervisors and planning commissioners, regional planning district staff and large landholders?

§  How have you adapted your work, who are you working with and how is that different than in the past?

Facilitated Group Discussion: What has happened in your communities regarding forest markets, land uses and development patterns? How are or will your own roles be changing? Led by Casey Williams and Karen Firehock.

2:30 p.m. Green Infrastructure Principles by Karen Firehock

3:15 p.m. Break


3:30 p.m. Land Use Planning Tools, Applications and Case Studies by Karen Firehock

4:00 p.m. How To Identify Green Infrastructure and Plan to Conserve It

§  Hands on Exercise – Create a Green Infrastructure Conservation Strategy

4:45 p.m. Overview of New Kent County Green Infrastructure Maps and Review Assignment by Karen Firehock

5:15 p.m. Adjourn

6:00 p.m. Dinner

7:30 a.m. Breakfast


8:30 a.m. Field Trip: Tour of local developments and discussion with local planners and foresters on green infrastructure planning challenges and new approaches to land conservation by New Kent County Staff: KelliLeDuc and Amy Walker and VaDOF Forester Will Shoup

11:30 a.m. Lunch - Provided

12:30 p.m. Working with Models For Strategic Resource Targeting by John Pemberton and Rob Suydam, VaDOF

1:00 p.m. Ecosystem Services by Buck Kline, Forest Land Conservation Manager, VaDOF

1:45 p.m. Break

2:00 p.m. Integrating Forest Conservation Into Local Planning by Karen Firehock

§  How to “sell” forest conservation to planners -- messaging and marketing.

§  What do planners need to know from foresters?

§  What do foresters need to know from planners to achieve more strategic forest land conservation?

§  How can you build your network within your local community to gain more support for forest issues?

2:45 p.m. Linking Forest Resources to Community Planning

§  Role Playing Exercise: How to make a case for forests to your locality

3:20 Moving Forward – How will you integrate your activities with local planners?


§  Lessons from the field trip about needs for integrating forest and land planning.

§  How can and will you apply the workshop tools in your counties and regions?

4:00 Adjourn


§  Slide show presentations

§  Planning Worksheet

§  Planning and Zoning 101

§  Green Infrastructure Planning Exercise

§  Fact Sheets on Green Infrastructure Planning and Tools

§  List of DOF and DCR Data Tools

§  Homework Assignment

§  Resource Guide and Bibliography

The Green Infrastructure Center Inc., 921 Second Street, SE, Charlottesville, Virginia, 22902

(T:) 434-975-6700 #222, (F): 434-975-6701