Names: ______

Getting to Know Bio. (and Technology!) Scavenger Hunt

Directions: You may work together in your groups to answer the following questions, and type in your responses in blue on one group member’s computer. To find the answers browse through the book, use your computer, read the syllabus and lab safety sheet, and you may send one person at a time from your group to find something in the room if necessary. Submit online to Mrs. Sutton or email the document. First group received with all answers correct wins a prize.

1. What is the title of the book we will be using in biology?

2. What are you required to get for this class?

3. What should you bring with you to class every day?

4. What is an MCA and what percentage of your grade is it?

5. Where is homework posted?

6. What is the minimum grade you need to get for each quarter and MCA to pass this class?

7. How many pencil sharpeners are in the room? Where are they located?

8. Where are the garbage can(s) in the room?

9. Are you allowed to eat or drink during class?

10. The only sinks that should be used in the classroom for hand washing or cleaning equipment have a paper towel dispenser located near them. Where are these sinks located?

11. As your putting your stuff down on the table you accidentally put your hand into a puddle of fetal pig juice- YUCK! Who should you notify of the situation and where should you immediately wash your hands?

12. What do you think the black spiky racks are used for located above the sinks in the back of the room?

13. Scenario:
You were absent on Tuesday and a big assignment was due on Tuesday, when should you hand in that assignment?

14. During lab you drop a glass beaker and it breaks on the floor. What do you do?

15. During lab what do you do with your backpacks, books, etc..?

16. In case of a fire drill, what is our exit and where do we go? (**WE WILL REVIEW THIS ONE TOGETHER)

17. What section of the book would you use to find the order of chapters?

18. What page of the index is the phrase “cellular slime mold” found on?

19. Which section of the book would be best to use to find out what page the phrase “base pair” is on?

20. Find an appropriate/helpful/interesting webpage we could use for our biology class and copy and paste the url here:

21. What is the easiest way to find a school rubric or sample piece of student work for any Chariho High School class? Type instructions below. (Hint: start on the Chariho webpage!)

22. Type your favorite biology word and highlight it in yellow below: