Bear Creek HOA meeting June 24, 2008 (continued)
Bear Creek HOA Meeting
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
7pm @ Lowe’s Conference Room
Overland Road - Promenade Center
Doug Reader – President
Nancy Young – Vice President
Donna Flamm - Treasurer
Dave Young – Landscape Committee
Rafael Osorio – Architectural Change Committee Chair
Tanya Edmondson – Gated Community Representative
Dan Albert, member at large
Brandon Grant, member at large
Barbara-Lee Jordan, member at large
Hal Pierce, member at large
Shana Silvestri
Mitch Young, Nancy Young, Glen Mate, Mary Kay Mate, Camille Altringer
- Question put to board: Should Committee Chairs be members at large? The only Chair in question is the Social Committee Chair who is not a current board member. Rafael motioned to accept Social Committee Chair as a member at large. Barbara-Lee seconded. Passed.
- Doug proposed electing the new officers before proceeding with the meeting. The new BOD positions are:
President: Doug Reader
VP: Nancy Young; 2nd VP Brandon Grant
Treasurer: Donna Flamm; 2nd Treasurer, Tanya Edmondson
Secretary: Barbara-Lee Jordan; 2nd Secretary, Camille Altringer
Water Master (temp): Brandon Grant
Members at large: Rafael Osorio, Shana Silvestri, Dan Albert, and Hal Pierce
Old Business:
1)The fence at Garibaldi and Cub: no real news from MGM, Hal stated that many of the residents on Cub are upset. The options presented to the Board:
- Pay for a new fence
- Put a lien on Matt Schultz’s properties through MGM, or
- Send a letter of intent to put the lien on the properties to Matt Schultz and give him a specific time to respond. If he doesn’t respond in the specified time, then we will build the fence and put the lien on the properties.
**Discussion: The board agreed that a letter of intent with a response date of Aug 1, 2008 was appropriate.
2)Rafael reported on the mulch for landscaping. ID Landscaping did not reply to his request for a lower bid. Rafael met with Wilson Maintenance about putting in perma bark. There is currently no weed barrier around the bushes. We need to get an estimate on the cost and effectiveness of putting in a weed barrier where we will put annual flowers.
a)Donna motioned to get an estimate with an okay for Rafael to hire up to $6,500
b)Dan seconded
c)Motion passed
2)Dave Young reported on the landscaping. There is $1,500 in the contract for annuals that have not been planted. Jeff has been ill. Dave has a call in to the company. The leak on Hibernation Way is still an issue. Jeff’s company called during the meeting and said they’d have annuals planted this Sat.
New Business:
1)Bear Creek entrance signs at Calderwood and Orso Way brought up at Annual Meeting: After some discussion, the Board decided to put an article asking for design suggestions in the Summer Newsletter 2008 (mailing set for June 30). Dave and Brandon agreed to write the article.
2)Irrigation Canal: The dirt area on either side of the canal separating the gated community and the lower area is very overgrown. It is our property with a permanent easement to the irrigation district. We need to know who is responsible for clearing out the weeds and debris. ** Ask MGM to get clarification from the District on the homeowner’s rights concerning this area.
3)Past due Homeowner fees: The Board noticed that MGM was assessing a monthly $25.00 fee for late payment. After discussion, the Board agreed it should be a one-time fee, not a monthly fee. Some members did not receive a bill because of MGM not having their address listed. These people will not have a late fee assessed. Donna agreed to get with MGM to determine which addresses did not receive on-time billing. ** Only those who received a January billing will be charged.
4)ID landscaping has proposed a $1,150 fee to remove the dead branches off two trees, remove a very large dead tree, and replace it with a similar tree. Barbara-Lee will research the bid to see if it’s comparable to other companies.
5)The Board received complaints from Mr. GR Ford and Mr. Tennyson about subdivision violation concerns and common area maintenance (irrigation, exposed tree roots on Stoddard, fountain cleanliness, no flowers in the flower beds). Dan talked with Mr. Ford and explained his concerns to the Board. The biggest issue seems to be the definition of “screened from view.” We agreed to put this on the agenda for the next meeting. We’ll put a definition in writing for the association. Concerning the other violations:
a)Nancy moved we ask MGM for a copy of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd letters of violation of CC&Rs.
b)Rafael seconded
6)Hal asked for authority to form a committee to look into determining who owns the property that is currently a parking lot on Bear Creek & Bear Claw Way. If we own the property, he’d like to investigate the possibility of putting in a swimming pool and cabana. If we don’t, he wants to know if it’s purchasable and if sewer issues will prevent an in-ground pool.
a)Hal motioned
b)Nancy seconded
7)Glen asked on the progress of the large waterfall at the gated community. It is still not on. It needs cleaning and the filter is burned out. Dave Young will get with Jeff and find out the estimate to fix it.
8)Mary Kay brought up concerns about the overflow ditch in the gated community. It isn’t draining properly and is a drowning hazard. Dave Young will find out if ACHD or Bear Creek is responsible for its maintenance.
Previous Business Review:
Review minutes from the May15, 2008 meeting. Motion by Rafael to approve, seconded by Hal. Passed.
With no further discussion on the agenda, Doug announced the next meeting is on July 17th at 7 PM at Lowes.
All future meetings will be held the 3rd Thursday of the month at Lowe’s
The meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.
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