How to Login
Once you are a confirmed member of the TAG, you will receive an email from staff at WSU Extension Energy Program (WSU EP) with your username and password. This password will need to be changed when you login for the first time. The URL for the website is
Please note that the screenshots may vary from the live version due to ongoing changes to the website.
Figure 1: Login to E3T
We recommend that you take a look around and familiarize yourself with the website. The next sections will give you a brief overview of how to do things related to your work on the TAG. If you have any questions or concerns, please click Contact Us in the left margin of the website.
What do I do now?
The functions that you likely will use on this website are:
- Search the E3T database
- Link to a document
- Edit a document
- Add a document
- Add a new technology
- Use the TAG Portal
This version of the Getting Started Guide reviews the Search function and TAG Portal and will be updated soon to include other functions. In addition, we have added a section on our associated collaboration site,, which TAG members are encouraged to join.
Note that the screenshots here may vary from the live version due to ongoing changes to the website.
Search the E3T Database
The search function lets you search all of the technologies that are already in the database. When you click Browse E3T Technologies in the left margin, a page similar to that shown in Figure 2 opens.
Figure 2: Browse E3T Technologies
You can search the database in a variety of ways, depending on the information you need:
- Select the Focus Areas you are interested in or select All.
- Select one of the search terms listed in the left margin, such as HVAC or Lighting.
- Click any of the tabs across the top of the Search page:
Focus Areas: Refers to program initiatives being considered or actively pursued within BPA, and is helpful to BPA staff to display which focus areas include a particular technology.
Energy Systems: Search by the type of energy system this emerging technology addresses, such as Appliances, Building Envelope, or HVAC.
Sectors: Search by the sector this technology applies to, such as Residential or Commercial.
Planning Sources: Search by the regional plans that include this technology, such as 6th Power Plan, EE Plan, or BPA 2006 Energy Efficiency Roadmap.
Completed Forms: Search by the research documents have been completed for this technology.
When you have selected your search criteria, click Go! A list of technologies completed to date that meet your criteria will open. Click a title to get more specific information about a technology (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Summary Providing Detailed Information about the Selected Technology
Note the six tabs along the top of this page:
Summary: Describes what the technology is, how far it has progressed through the E3T process, its rating (if it has been considered by a TAG), and a status update. This symbolindicates that you can subscribe to an RSS feed to be notified of updates to this technology.
An RSS feed lets you stay informed about what is happening on a website without actually having to go the site. You will need a reader installed on your computer in order to receive the RSS updates. One good source for more information is
Identification: Contains more information about the technology, such as who proposed it, when it was proposed, detailed description, energy savings, etc.
TAG Scorecard: Scoring sheet used when the technology is considered against other technologies. Also includes comments from TAG members.
BPA Scorecard: Summarizes a parallel scoring process conducted by BPA planning staff to characterize the technology’s fit with the region’s mechanisms for acquiring efficiency resources.
Market Potential: This information, collected only if a technology emerges from a TAG with specific recommendations for next steps, addresses quantitative and qualitative characteristics affecting the technology’s energy savings and implementation in the region. Usually only four to six highly rated emerging technologies make it to this step.
Documents: This is where documents specific to the technology are stored. You can link to or edit these documents, or add a new document.
Use theTAG Portal
This part of the E3TNW website serves as a central repository for TAG-related documents. In it you can view/download documents and see the calendar. Access the TAG Portal from the lower left home page of E3TNW once you are logged in. At the Portal there are three tabs:
- Announcements: Important announcements will be posted here.
- TAG Documents: Documents related to the TAG and its deliberations will be stored here. These include agendas, meeting minutes, technology rankings, etc.
- TAG Calendar: Announcements of upcoming TAG activities, such as new member orientation, identification and scoring sessions, will be noted here.
E3T (Figure 6) is the place for peer-to-peer interaction among emerging energy efficiency technology professionals. Our goal is to share collective E3T knowledge and resources and to inform processes that foster the technologies’ wider adoption and implementation.
Figure 6: Homepage of the E3T Website
Join E3T
If you haven’t already done so, please join our site. Members are encouraged to start discussions; post blogs, pictures and video; and join other discussions.
We have created a group just for the Energy Management TAG so the opportunity for discussion will not be limited to the TAG group meetings. To join the group, click Groups, Energy Management TAG, and then click Join (title of group).
Start a New Discussion
- Click Add Content on the homepage.
- When the selection box opens, click Discussion.
The Add a Discussion window opens.
- Give your discussion a title and type content into the textbox.
Attach a File to a New Discussion
You have two choices when attaching a file to a new discussion: click on the paper clip icon (Figure 7) or use the Attach Files fields as you would in an email message (Figure 8). With either method:
- When the Upload File window opens, click Browse to search for the file you want to add.
It might take a moment for the file to be uploaded (size limit: 7 MB).
You can change the title; keep in mind that this title will appear in the post as link embedded in your text.
- Click Add Discussion. Your file will be uploaded.
Figure 7: Attach a Document to a New Discussion (Method 1)
Figure 8:Attach a Document to a New Discussion (Method 2)
Attach a File to a Reply
- Click Upload Files at the bottom of the reply window (Figure 9).
- When finished, click Add Reply.
Figure 9: Attach a File to a Reply