Getting started in Graphics and Construction Studies
To start LCAGraphics and Construction Studies it is important to give structure to the two years work to be covered. This can be very simply done by giving out a plastic pocket folder to each student and explaining to them that this folder is to be an important part of their exam workand that this folder is to be their Key Assignment folder. In starting the year by creating this folder and assigning a secure storage place in the room for them it will give structure both for them and you as to the work to be covered over the next two years. In completing the small exercises on the Key Assignment cover sheets it will personalise the folders for them and get everyone working in the same direction as well as making the students familiar with variety of the modules to be covered.
- Give each student a plastic pocket folder to become their Key Assignment folder. (Buy one for each student from LCA funding in your school if possible)
- Give out the pre- printed module topic pages an put them into the plastic folder dividing it into equal sections.
- Have students put their names on each of these pages and at a later stage their exam numbers. Explain to them that this is an important folder and must be kept by you in the room for examination purposes.(These folders must be available if your school has a subject or LCA inspection as evidence of completion of the key assignments)
- Start with the Graphics module and explain to the students that this is a compulsory module. Let students copy the drawing on this sheet and try to get them using colour and shade if you can.
- Repeat the process for each of the cover pages for the modules and at the same time you can explain the content of the modules from your module descriptor.(this process will make the students familiar with the modules)This will give you time to prepare the first lessons in the graphics module and as this module is compulsory it is as well to get it done first.
- It has been helpful from my experience to have a box of pencils and other drawing equipment in the room as students tend to be a bit forgetful these days! I also keep in my room a number of packets of colouring pencils as it will help in rendering the drawings to be done in all modules.
Hopefully these small exercises will keep you and your class active until you get the chance to attend in-service in early September. Please note that the above is only a guide to help you get started and you may have your own resources which may be better than those I have given. If you wish to customise the sheets given they were generated on Microsoft Publisher 2000 which you will need to have on your PC to download them or modify them to your own situation.There is also a CD available from the LCA support service which will be of benefit to any teacher starting teaching LCA Graphics and Construction Studies which contains many resources which will be of use to you in both teaching of the modules and task production.
Wishing you and your class the best of luck,
Paul Byrne,
Co. Leitrim