Visual FoxPro Toolkit for .NET

GetColor() Method

Displays the Color Dialog box and instead of returning a color code this function returns the actual color object. It receives a color object as a parameter and opens the dialog with that color selected

Displays the Color Dialog box and instead of returning a color code this function returns the actual color object

This method is only available in WinForms and not available for ASP.NET WebForms.


Public Shared Function GetColor(ByVal oColor As System.Drawing.Color) As System.Drawing.Color
Public Shared Function GetColor() As System.Drawing.Color


public static System.Drawing.Color GetColor(System.Drawing.Color oColor)
public static System.Drawing.Color GetColor()



MyTextBox.ForeColor = GetColor(MyTextBox.ForeColor) 'Pass the current color as a parameter

MyLabel.ForeColor = GetColor()


MyLabel.ForeColor = VFPToolkit.dialogs.GetColor(MyLabel.ForeColor);

MyLabel.ForeColor = VFPToolkit.dialogs.GetColor();



Public Shared Function GetColor(ByVal oColor As System.Drawing.Color) As System.Drawing.Color
'Create a new ColorDialog object
Dim cd As ColorDialog = New ColorDialog()
'Just in case you do not want customers to create their own colors
'cd.AllowFullOpen = false ;
cd.ShowHelp = True
'Specify the default color to be selected
cd.Color = oColor
'Show the dialog and return the color
Return cd.Color
End Function
Public Shared Function GetColor() As System.Drawing.Color
'Create a new default color object
Dim oColor As System.Drawing.Color = New Color()
'Call the overloaded method above and pass the color object to it
Return GetColor(oColor)
End Function


public static System.Drawing.Color GetColor(System.Drawing.Color oColor)
//Create a new ColorDialog object
ColorDialog cd = new ColorDialog();
//Just in case you do not want customers to create their own colors
//cd.AllowFullOpen = false ;
cd.ShowHelp = true ;
//Specify the default color to be selected
cd.Color = oColor ;
//Show the dialog and return the color
if(cd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel)
//Visual FoxPro returns the White color when the Cancel button is selected
cd.Color = Color.White;
return cd.Color;
public static System.Drawing.Color GetColor()
//Create a new default color object
System.Drawing.Color oColor = new Color();
//Call the overloaded method above and pass the color object to it
return GetColor(oColor);




Platforms:Windows98, WindowsNT4.0, WindowsMillenniumEdition, Windows2000, WindowsXPHomeEdition, WindowsXPProfessional, Windows.NETServerfamily

Assembly:VFPToolkit (in VFPToolkitNET.dll)

See Also

VFPToolkit.dialogs Members | VFPToolkit Namespace