Society of Women Engineers
January 16th 2008
Hello SWE member!
Welcome back from break. I hope you are all refreshed and ready to start a new semester! There are lot of things that happen in Spring semester for SWE including socials, outreach, community service and our annual banquet! You'll be able to find all the details for these events on the new calendar on our website This calendar will be the 'information hub'! I'm really excited to start a new semester and don't forget to figure out how to get more involved with SWE. Let me know if you have any questions and I really hope you enjoy the meeting today! Have fun!
-Emily ()
Vice Presidents
Hello Members,
Thank you all for attending today’s meeting. The Vice-Presidents this semester are Tracey Lynch and Katie Longley. So we can answer any questions, take all suggestions, and help you in any way. So contact us if you need us. We hope that you all have fun today and meet some new people with the activities that we have planned. This semester we will be reinforcing the Task List by adding a few new positions, and one of which would be to ESCORT THE PRESENTER. The other positions would be to be a Greeter, Food Assistant, or a part of Set-Up or Clean up Crew. A list will be going around and you can sign up and a reminder will be sent out prior to the meeting. This is a really cool way to earn points if you enjoy attending meetings. Have fun and take advantage of the networking opportunities that are presented to us at every meeting, and please don’t hold back on your questions.
-Tracey Lynch ()
-Katie Longley ()
Hello All! Welcome back to MSU! For any of you who are new to SWE this year, my name is Eva Reiter and I will be the Treasurer for the rest of the year. As of right now, I have two things I'm working on:
1) I have ordered polos for E-board and/or people who will be attending the Regional Conference in Peoria. If you have not talked to me already about getting a polo I have a few left so claim yours today! For any of you who plan on receiving a polo, plan on having approximately $20 to pay for them. I will NOT give you a polo until you have paid for it in full.
2) I am starting to brainstorm a Spring fund raiser and a design for our Chapter Shirts. This year I was thinking that we'd do sweatshirts instead of t-shirts. If you have any ideas for designs please talk to me or e-mail me. If your design ends up being the one we use, I will cover the cost of your shirt. So start sending those designs my way and make sure they are to me by February 1st!
Thanks! Hope you all have a great semester!
-Eva Reiter ()
Hello everyone!!! Hope your semester has gotten off on a good start! My name is Kristen and I am taking over for Karen as the SWE Secretary. I hope that each one of you decides to become actively involved with SWE, for it has many benefits. Please check out the calendar of events and see what fun activities you can attend. As always, feel free to contact me or any other E-board member with questions. Enjoy the meeting!
-Kristen ()
Corporate Relations
Hey SWE-sters! I just want to reintroduce myself. I am your corporate relations chair. I have started a resume collection for CDs. If you are interested in joining you may send your resume to . I will be using these resumes to compile a CD based on the company and the majors they are looking to hire. We are hoping to pass these out at the SWE banquet in February. If you send your resume please make sure to include your major. If there are any questions or if you have any suggestions you can contact me personally at . Good luck with this semester!
-Kristie ()
Hey everyone! We hope you're ready for a great new semester! We're your social chairs, Lauren and Sophie. Our first social event will be Monday, January 21 at 7 PM at Noodles & Company (on Grand River, across from the MSU Union). Join us for a great dinner and to catch up with your SWE friends! Take a break from mediocre cafeteria food or cooking your own meals! We hope to see many of you there! If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for future social events, please sendone of us an e-mail.
-Sophie Carrell ()
-Lauren Blair ()
Community Service
Hey Ladies! Welcome back and we hope you all had a wonderful break! We are trying to organize a lot of different community service events for this semester, so look out for them! Next week, on Tuesday 1/22,we will be going to the Ronald McDonald House to prepare a meal for the families. If you would like to attend, please meet us in the EB lobby (by Sparty’s) around 4:30pm. Rides will be provided and we will return to campus around 6:45-7pm. Also, we were looking to adopt a dog this semester through the Vet Clinic. This requires that we make sure the dog is walked every week as well as entertained with toys and people :-). If anyone is interested in participating in this, please let us know!! And of course, keep collecting those pop tabs! We collected alot last semester and hopefully even more this Spring. And in case you forgot, pop tabs are made of pure aluminum so they are worth more when separately recycled from an aluminum can. We donate them to the Ronald McDonald House to help support them throughout the year!
-Lauren ()
-Linsey ()
Welcome Back! I hope everyone had an enjoyable winter break! This semester we will be visiting different schools and giving presentations to the students about engineering. We will also be holding an after school program at Woodcreek to get kids more involved with math, science, and engineering. This will be taking place on Thursdays. If you are interested in helping out with any of these activities then please e-mail Traci Taylor ( ) or Marissa Wiltz (). Thanks!
-Traci ()
-Marissa ()
Member Relations
The Reward System this semester will be a little different: a reward will be given to the member with the most points for the calendar month. There will be four months total: January, February, March, and April. That reward will be ink pens. Points will also be tallied cumulatively throughout the semester. Points start over this semester; they do not roll over from the fall. I encourage you all to make the effort to participate and get all you can out of SWE. It's a new semester and a new start.
-Sara ()
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a relaxing semester break. If you're wondering what's new with SWE, check out the website at There is a now a News section on the front page that will let you know when something is added to the website, or there is any SWE news to report. Also, be sure to check out the calendar. This will have all the events for SWE for the entire semester and I will be updating it to add more events as they arise. If you ever have any questions about what is going on, this should be the first place to check! Good luck this semester!
-Bethany ()
Welcome back ladies! Hope you all had a wonderful break! As always, keep yours eyes open for posters and DECS pop-ups for SWE events. The display case also has activity dates. Make sure to attend the SWE Banquet in February, as well as participate in the other E-Week activities, they will be a great time!
-Nicole ()
Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
13 / 14 / 15 / 16
SWE Meeting: 6pm Rm 2250 / 17
SWE Joint Meeting: 7pm
Rm 1145 / 18 / 19
20 / 21
Social: 7 pm
Noodles & Company / 22
Comm Service 4:30pm
Ronald McDonald / 23 / 24 / 25
SWE Regionals / 26
SWE Regionals
Regionals / 28 / 29 / 30
SWE Meeting:
6pm Rm 2250 / 31