
(様式6-3/Form 6-3)

年Year / 月Month(3-letters) / 日Date
Plan of GESL International Training

Student Information

Student ID
Name of Graduate School

GESL International Training subject

Completed Subject / Media and Governance (Master’s student)
□Fieldwork A (2 credits)
□Fieldwork B (2 credits)
□InternshipA (2 credits)
□InternshipB (2 credits)
Media and Governance (Doctoral student)
□Advanced Fieldwork A (8 credits)
□Advanced Fieldwork B (4 credits)
□Advanced Fieldwork C (4 credits)
□Advanced Fieldwork D (6 credits) / Science and Technology (Master's student)
□Internship A (2 credits)
□Internship B (2 credits)
Science and Technology (Doctoral student)
□Internship A (2 credits)
□Internship B (2 credits)
□Internship C (2 credits)
□Internship D (2 credits)
Selected subject for the GESL International Training / Media and Governance (Master’s student)
□Fieldwork A (2 credits)
□Fieldwork B (2 credits)
□InternshipA (2 credits)
□InternshipB (2 credits)
Media and Governance (Doctoral student)
□Advanced Fieldwork A (8 credits)
□Advanced Fieldwork B (4 credits)
□Advanced Fieldwork C (4 credits)
□Advanced Fieldwork D (6 credits) / Science and Technology (Master's student)
□ Internship A (2 credits)
□ Internship B (2 credits)
Science and Technology (Doctoral student)
□Internship A (2 credits)
□Internship B (2 credits)
□Internship C (2 credits)
□Internship D (2 credits)


Information of VISA
(Please provide details of any VISAs obtained in the last 10 years and include the country, type of VISA, and period of validity, etc.) / Currently valid VISA: / Expired VISA:
Details of the GESL International Training
Theme of the GESL International Training
Host institution of the GESL International Training
Name of the university/research institute
Type of collaboration with GESL / □International Collaborative Institutions of GESL
□International Partner Institutions of GESL
□Institution/supervisor thathas experience to realize a joint research project with the main advisor/student
□Other ( )
Phone number
Supervisor of the GESL International Training
Name of the supervisor
Approval from the supervisor / □ Approved
□ Under discussion (will be approved on mmm/dd/yyyy)
Phone number
Email address
Process details for the approval/discussion
Schedule of the GESL International Training
Date of departure
Date of returning
Number of days of actual activities
(Please indicate the total days for research activities and RA activities during the GESL International Training)
Detail schedule of the research activities in the GESL International Training
Date/time periods / Details of the research activities
Detail schedule of the RA activities in the GESL International Training
Date/time periods / Details of the research activities

Application for the GESL International Training Promotion Scheme

(※Please use Japanese Yen for this application.)

Plan of the flight

※Please attach the cost estimation sheet issued by a travel agent or a Website of an airline.

※Please also notice that you only need to issue the estimated cost for the plan, so please do not purchase by your self at this timing.

Departing flight (if you need to transit, please also use the second line.)
(3-letters) / Date / Year / Flight number / Depart from / Arrive at
Returning flight (if you need to transit, please also use the second line.)
(3-letters) / Date / Year / Flight number / Depart from / Arrive at
(1)Estimated cost of the round-trip flight (JPY) / (JPY)

Plan of yourstaying

Accommodation plan
Country name
City name
Name of the place/building to stay
Category of the place / □Dormitory
□Guest house in University/Institute
□Home staying
Address of the place
Number of days of your staying
Cost calculation of the living expenses (Please confirm the appendix 1 in this guideline)
Living expenses for 30days for the city you will stay
(See appendix 1) / (To generate the cost for 1 day) / Number of days of your staying / Estimated cost of the living expenses
(JPY) / ÷ 30(days) × / (days) / = / (JPY)
(2)Estimated cost of the living expenses (JPY) / (JPY)
Total (1)+(2) / (JPY)
Outline of the GESL International Training (This part must be at least 10 pages.)
Please describe the details of your GESL International Training that includes the points listed below.
  • Background
Please indicate clearly about the placement and significance of the research theme of the GESL International Training through your master’s and doctoral research.
  • Motivation
Please indicate clearly about why you choose the supervisor, host institute to realize the research. Please also describe the reason that you can realize the research only with the supervisor and the institute.
  • Method to realize the research
Effectiveness to realize the research