Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,

Welcome to a new year at Manvel High School. I am looking forward to a great learning experience! This letter is to provide you with information about my class. Please read over the information with your parent/guardian.


1. Pencils – required each day

2. Notebook Paper - assignments will be turned in on loose leaf paper (not spiral)

3. Spiral or Composition book for Notes – suggested that you have one exclusively for this class

4. Kleenex – if you are able to provide a box of tissue for the class, it would be appreciated

5. BYOD – Bring Your Own Device (if available) *only to be used during designated times

6. TI NSpire Calculator – for use at home (optional)
*If you do not have a graphing calculator, you need to have access to a scientific calculator for homework.


In math, there will be homework almost every night with the exception of the day of a major test. Homework for the entire week will be posted on the board. Textbook assignments will generally be turned in on Monday with a Homework Quiz given in class, unless otherwise specified. Students may come in to tutorials to check homework answers before the homework is due. Homework grades turned in with homework quizzes will be graded as completion and a percentage of the homework quiz grade. WORK MUST BE SHOWN ON HOMEWORK. DO NOT COMPLETE HOMEWORK IN YOUR COMPOSITION BOOK OR SPIRAL! If a student has trouble with an assignment, he/she will need to make arrangements to attend tutorials. Students are encouraged to complete assignments on the day it is assigned.

Assignments may be in various forms, including but not limited to textbook, worksheet, and online. Assignment that require online access will be assigned several days prior to the due date.

Students are responsible for ALL notes. If absent, use other resources (peer notes, textbook, teacher website, online resources, etc).

Students are responsible for ensuring they have access to the homework. All students will be given access to a class set textbook and to the online textbook to complete assignments. Hard copies of the textbook will be available through the book room. Worksheets and homework problems that are not in the textbook that are posted on my website may be completed by printing the assignment or completing it on paper. If a student does not have access to the website, it is their responsibility to request a paper copy of the worksheet.


Weight of Grades

All nine week averages will be calculated on a percentage system for each category of assignment in accordance with the district guidelines for a Pre-AP course.

Test Grades

Major grades will comprise 50% of the nine week average.

Nine week tests will count the same as other tests given throughout the grading period.

*If a retest is needed, the student must attend tutorials and complete a retest request form.

Daily Grades and Quizzes

Daily grades and quizzes will comprise 50% of the nine week average. Daily grade categories include class work, homework, quizzes, and other similar assignments.

Extra Credit

Extra credit will not account for more than 5% of the nine week average and will be offered to all students in the class.


A late work form must be completed and stapled to the assignment when the late work is turned it.

Per AISD Grading Guidelines:

High School

One day 85%

Two Days 70%

Three days no credit

Four days no credit


Students who are not passing at the end of the 2nd progress report before each report card may be REQUIRED to write an Accountability Essay. The Accountability Essay is an opportunity for the student to reflect on his/her learning experience so far and take part in developing a plan for future success in the Geometry classroom. If a student does not turn in the essay by the assigned due date, the student will be assigned detention until the essay is completed.


1. Consistent attendance is essential to student success. Class time will not be used to catch up on missed assignments/notes. Students are responsible for attending tutorials to receive help with notes/assignments missed due to absences.

2. If a student is absent, it is THE STUDENT’S responsibility to get work either from the website or from the weekly assignments posted on the board in class. This is to be done on the day you return to class. Students must also get notes from either a classmate, online or during tutorials.

3. Students will need to come in during tutorials if they miss on a quiz or test day. Quizzes and test must be made up within a week of the student’s return to class.

4. If a student is absent for a test review, they are NOT excused from taking the test. Notification of test dates will be posted in the classroom. It is the student’s responsibility to prepare for the test.

5. If you are absent for a school related event, you are responsible for getting your assignment BEFORE your absence. It will be due when you return to class.


Students are encouraged to attend tutorials whenever necessary. To attend tutorials, students must fill out the tutorial sign in sheet, including student name, date, time in and out, and topic to be covered in tutorials. During tutorials, a student may get help on a topic he/she does not understand, may get help on a topic missed due to an absence or school activity, may get help to correct a failed test, and/or may do other make-up work. Below is my tutorial schedule. Student may also schedule tutorials by appointment.

1st Semester: Tuesday 6:50-7:15 am;

Wednesday 3:00-4:00

2nd Semester: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 6:50-7:15 am


1. Be in your desk and ready to begin when the bell rings. There will generally be a warm up or instructions on the board.

2. Do not talk or leave your desk while I am talking or another student is asking a question. Show respect to others by being attentive.

3. Remain in your desk working on your assignment until the bell rings. Do not pack up early or while notes are still being given.

4. Treat all materials respectfully. Promptly inform the teacher if any materials are damaged, broken, or missing. All classroom materials (books, calculators, etc) MUST be put up in the correct place before leaving class.

5. Use ONLY the calculator that has been assigned to you. A calculator will be assigned to you after you have returned the Calculator Agreement signed by a parent. Using a calculator other than the one assigned to you may result in loss of calculator privileges for a time decided by the teacher.

6. Students are expected to show respect to EVERYONE in the classroom at all times (this includes using respectful language). Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.

7. All students must comply with the school dress code.


Students are not allowed to use the restroom during the first or last 10 minutes of class or during instruction. Please take care of your restroom needs before coming to class. If you have to go to the restroom during class, you will need to ask permission and fill out the pass. The pass must be returned to the proper place when you return to class. Restroom breaks should be no more than 5 minutes.


Students are to stay on task when using a device in the classroom. Electronic devices will remain put away unless instructed by the teacher. A student if using a device for alternate reasons in the classroom will result in disciplinary action (including but not limited to loss of technology privileges).

No headphones in the classroom. Exception – during independent work with TEACHER PERMISSION


1. Bring materials to class everyday! This includes pencil, pen, notebook paper, assignments, and spiral/composition book.

2. Do not bring food or drinks into the classroom. Any food or drinks brought into the classroom will be thrown away. If you have food or drinks for lunch or another time during the day, keep it put away.

3. Do not use items on my desk. Student materials are located on the shelving unit. If you borrow a pencil, eraser, or any other material, return it to the appropriate place before leaving (If you take it, we run out and it won’t be there when needed!)


The most effective way to ensure your student’s success is for you to be aware of their progress throughout the year/grading period. Parent/Teacher communication is essential. Please make sure your email/contact information is up to date with the school. Class notifications will be sent through via text (through remind), on the website, and email (through SkyWard). Please check my website frequently for updates on information and updates on how you can receive information. If you do not have an email address, please let me know the best way to contact you.

Another useful source for you to be aware of your student’s class performance is through the Family Access. If you do not have a Family Access account/password, you can set one up with the office

Please contact me with any questions or concerns. It is generally much faster to contact me through the school email. Phone calls will take longer to return. I can be reached at the following e-mail address:


Stephanie Denbow

281-245-2232 Ext #4651