Ref DD/121/29/2 1550
Gersum 6s 8d William Saylbanke holds one cottage in the same
paid to the lord place by the lord’s warrant and renders per annum 6d
Gersum 3s 4d Hugh Sailbank has surrendered to Michael 6 Eliz
now to be paid Seggesweke, butcher, one cottage with the appur- lease for
Dismissed tenances which the lord granted to Thomas 21 years
Respited Sailbanke, father of the said Hugh, by indenture
dated 14 April 6 Eliz for the term of 21 years. And
the same Michael took the premises during the
lord’s minority of age. And it yields per annum at
the feast aforesaid; 6d
Gersum 13s 4d Thomas Hyne holds by the lord’s warrant dated
Paid. Not apper- 14 July 1 Eliz for the term of his life etc one cottage
taining in the in the same place formerly in the tenure of Thomas
warrant but he says Bren[au]ntt to hold etc. And it yields per annum at
he paid the lord the feasts aforesaid; 6d
at Burgham
Dismissed And the aforesaid Thomas Hyne by licence of the
Countess of Cumberland exchanged the premises
and gave and assigned them to Hugh Sailbank to
hold at the will of the lord etc.
Gersum 6s 2s Hugh Sailbanke holds by indenture dated 14 April Lease
Fully paid 6 Eliz for the term of 21 years granted to Thomas 6 Eliz
Respited Sailbanke his father one cottage with the appur-
Dismissed tenances. And it yields per annum at the feast
aforesaid 6d
Hugh Sailbanke haithe taken of the said Commiss One Cotaige one Laythe & one garden with the apptnnces there of the Rent of 6d lait in the tenure of Thomas Hynd by him surrendred unto the said hugh to have and hold Yelding And paying for his fyne 6s
The Rents of the tenants at will there (Giggleswick)James Sailbank for a cottage and garden / 6d
Fine 50s
James Salebanck holds by indenture dated the last day of October 2 James of England 1604
All that one Cottage and one little garden thereunto adjoining situate in G aforesaid, at the yearly rent of 6d and then in his occupation,
And all houses etc. No Exceptions.
To hold for 6000 years without impeachment of waste,
Yielding per annum 6d at Martinmas and Pentecost equally,
Suit of Court and no suit of mill,
With like covenants and conditions as in other former long leases of Gigg.
[Note in RH margin:
No moore Ren[t]
Ref DD/121/31/5 1572
Gersum 12s Hugh Sailbanke holds by indenture of the said 6 Eliz lease
Fully paid 14 April 6 Eliz for the term of 21 years one cottage as before
Dismissed with the appurtenances, that is to say, one garden for 21 years and one barn. And it yields per annum at the feast
aforesaid; 3s
At will The same Hugh holds at the will of the lord half
Dismissed an acre of waste land in the same place at Crayke.
And it yields per annum at the feast of St Michael 9d
And the aforesaid Hugh Sailbanke by licence of the
Earl or Cumberland has exchanged all his premises
and assigned them to Thomas Hyne, tenant at the
will of the lord etc.
Thomas Hynde haithe taken of the said Commissioners one Cotaige one laythe & one certen pcell of ground called the Cragg of the rent of 3s9d lait in the tenure of hughe Sailbanck of the surrender of the said hughe To have and hold yielding And paying for his fyne 52s 6d
William Hine for one cottage late Thomas Hines / 3s 9dMargarete Sailbanke of Giggleswick Will 1551
Borthwick v 13 f 825
In dei noie amen the xxii day of October in the yere of our lorde god 1551 I Margarete Sailbanke widowe hooll of mynd and memorie lovid be almightie god make this my last will and testament in manr and forme followinge First I bequethe my soull to almightie god and to all the glorious company in heaven and my bodie to be buried in the churche yarde of giggleswike Item I will that the dewties of churche be paid and my mortuarie as the right will
Item I bequethe to Ric my son vii sheepe and one whyte headed whye
Item I bequethe to xpofer Foster wife of Wynskayll one coitt Item to Alice my maid a pare of read sleves and one kyrchiff Item to my mother in langclife one pare of newe shoes
Item to Isabell Saylbanke my goodsister a pare of knit sleves and one holiday kyrcheffe
Item to Jenett Battersbye one approne Item I bequethe
to Alice my daughter my grene kyrttle and my best white coott
The residue of all my partte of goods my detts paid and funerall expenses I geve and bequethe to xpofer my son and also my daughter whome I make my hole executors of this my last will and testament so that my daughter Alice have the better partte of my goods at the sight of John Pacocke and Thomas Sailbanke my Brother in Law
Item I will that my said brother Thomas Saylbanke and my brother William Wetherhede of Kyrkby Mallamdale have the governance of my children and their goods and to answer for theme till thei come to lawfull aige witnes hereof Jacobus Foster curate John Paycoke lawrence Smythe with other moo
Henry Saylbank of Giggleswick Will 1551
Borthwick v 13 f 858
In dei noie amen The xviith day of mche in the yere of our Lord god 1551 I Henry Saylbank hooll of mynd and perfcte memorie lovid be almightie god make this my last will and testament in manr and forme followinge First I bequethe my soulle to almightie god and my bodie to be buried within the holye ground of giggleswicke churche yarde Item the dewties of the churche and for my mortuarie that at the right will
Item I give and bequethe after my wife the title and tenantright of my tenement with the licence of the lord to Richard Sladeburn, some of my Raymente two stottes and to every child of the said Richard a lamb
Item to Henry Howsome children xld when they shalbe of lawfull aige and if any of theme dye then the other to have the hooll. the Residue of my partt of goods my detts paid I give and bequethe
to Margarete my wife and Richard my sonne whome I make my hooll executors thes witnes Robert Somerskaill Willm Lawkland William Husband and Symon Yveson with others