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Geoscience Bulletin Board –6 November 2017- compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Video of a holographic whale – in a gymnasium!!!
More hockey sticks: WMO releases CO2 data: Highest level in 800,000 years – up by 3.3 ppm OMG!!!
7.0M EQ in Loyalty Islands, no tsunami warning for east coast of Australia
So why did these cephalopods take a walk on the beach?
How severe were the climatic impacts following the Chicxulub meteor impact? Perhaps a significant role in the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event
Tunnel collapsed at North Korean Nuclear Test Site – estimated 200 workers killed
Blue Planet II: ocean is the “largest habitat on Earth”
“Sloshing” in the core of the Earth may spike major earthquakes – 32-year intervals
USGS Video & Photographic Portal contains seafloor & coastal images produced by Coastal & Marine Geology Program
California DWR expected concrete work on Oroville Dam Spillway to be completed by deadline, despite $500M costs nearly doubled initial estimate
Waters in the Caribbean are cluttered with plastic
Conditions in the Arctic Ocean are changing – as they have for millions of years but humans don’t like change
Report reviews tsunami hazards of the last 400 years & highlights seismic gaps – Tsunami Awareness Day is 5 November 2017
- Report:
Matheronodonprovincialis, a new rhabdodontiddinosaur species discovered in southern France
Sentinel-1 measured sea surface below hurricanes to help predict storm path
Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast (UCERF3) released – a fault-based model predicting rupture probabilities
CCAMLR may not approve new gigantic Antarctic marine sancutary
NASA estimates the global reach of “atmospheric rivers” – accounts for 22% of total water flow
Kleptopredation – newly recognized feeding behavior of sea slugs – pirates of the marine world
Understanding extinction dynamics in Late Triassic
Deep-sea mining poses great danger to marine species – most abundant species, Plenastercraigi - a sponge, could help regulate mining operations
Competing theories on how giant boulders arrived on top of cliff in the Bahamas
“Spooky” geological materials & terminology
Decennatherium rex – new species of late Miocene giraffid found near Madrid, Spain
“Hole” in the ozone layer over Antarctica is smallest of the last 3 decades – not because of humans
Is this just more “global warming” hype? Or is there real science in this latest report?
- Report:
- Report summary:
Bárðarbunga volcano in Iceland may be getting ready to erupt
Winds are causing Totten glacial ice to melt in Antarctica
Komatiite volcanic rocks from the 3.3 billion-year-old Weltevreden Formationreveal early history of Earth
Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 6 November 2017 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Perspective: Needing a system-level view of watershed to inform scientific understanding & management decisions
Acetaminophen (Tylenol®) use by mother during pregnancy linked to risk of ADHD in children based on Norwegian cohort study of more than 100,000 children
- Paper:
Climate change policy depends on how we value human population
How the health impacts of natural disasters are measured – connecting epidemiology & disasters
Perspective: What to do with our nuclear waste? Classify & dispose according to risk?
Bison in Yellowstone don’t always do what is expected – results of annual count
Saudi Arabia contemplating $500B city on the shore of the Red Sea – does this megaproject make sense?
State of Florida seeking $50M to speed up “improvement” of dike system around Lake Okeechobee in attempt to protect nearby towns from potentially deadly failure & flooding
Can new super concrete really make buildings strong enough to withstand M9 EQ shaking?
India urged to build better roads with plastic waste
CMS adds protections for 33 migratory species including lions, chimps, giraffes & whale sharks
More than $200M loss for Texas agriculture caused by Hurricane Harvey – livestock & crops
Radioactivity lingers in lagoons of Marshall Island atolls from nuclear testing in the 1940s & 1950s
26 Asia-Pacific cities at high risk for natural disasters – need to build resilience
- Asia-Pacific Disaster Report 2017:
Blue Planet II: ocean is the “largest habitat on Earth”
$10M project including inflatable dams and a water wheel part of latest plan to revitalize Los Angeles River
Meeting US energy needs from evaporation? No, just another Rube Goldberg idea – not feasible
Jim Gilchrist on US immigration policy that protects our Nation & our history under the rules of law
Dennis Banks (1937-2017) – co-founder of the American Indian Movement
Setting schedule to close Uluru to climbers – protecting a sacred place
“Best buds” – young Tasmanian devil named Hurricane and a cavoodle named Archie
Following bushfire and installation of a fence, koalas & potoroos are trapped
Relationship between climate and health is extraordinarily complicated
Like your tequila, then you better also like bats who pollinate the agave but cloned agave is a threat
Mice in New York City are biologically different from their country cousins because they eat pizza
Kathleen Hartnett White is Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality
Homeowners file lawsuit against polluters in East Chicago for property damage & emotional distress in the USS Lead Superfund site
50 million tons of toxic E-waste created in a year – much is illegally traded or dumped
How to simply reduce your carbon footprint during the winter of 2017
Rural & coastal locations more psychologically beneficial to humans than time in urban green spaces
Surface waters are naturally more corrosive than groundwater – implications for drinking water supply
$7B hydroelectric dam mega-project in British Columbia, Canada, is behind schedule & over-budget
Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 6 November 2017 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
US Army Corps of Engineers recommends $1.8B to protect Norfolk, Virginia, from coastal flood waters
Draft NCSRM Feasibility Report:
Napier, New Zealand, costal erosion seawall put on hold due to expensive cost
USGS Video & Photographic Portal - seafloor & coastal images produced by Coastal & Marine Geology Program
Vector Doppler instrumentation valuable in understanding coastal sediment transport processes
New technique for measuring soil carbon in coastal carbon sinks such as mangroves
Limpets play important role in coastal environments in maintaining biodiversity
$61B plan to rebuild Texas coast after H. Harvey includes flood control structures, new reservoirs and property buyouts
Washington State F&W approved 3-day clam dig at Twin Harbors, Long Beach, MockrocksCopalis following marine toxin testing
US Supreme Court refused to revive Louisiana flood protection board lawsuit for damage to coastal wetlands
Geo-visualizations of coastal areas provide virtual help with informed decisions on coastal plans
Perspective: Coastal military outposts
US Navy asking residents to allow sampling of drinking water wells for AFFFs near outlying Atlantic Field along Core Sound in Carteret County, North Carolina
Pier 70 waterfront development gets final approval from San Francisco supervisors
Pier 70 Project:
Florida wants to purchase sand from the Bahamas for its beaches – but that is illegal