GaTAPP is a collaboratively designed educational program that prepares qualified interns with requisite competencies that that meet the professional standards required for initial teacher certification preparation in Georgia

Hiring school systems must send thecompletedapplication and resume to:

West Georgia RESA

Attn: Tonya Dean

99 Brown School Road

Grantville, GA 30220


Incomplete forms will not be accepted.

Incomplete or unsigned forms will be returned to applicant.

GATAPP Admission Requirement

Please enclose the following information with your Pre-Screening application

- Official transcripts (in sealed envelope) from

All colleges and universities you attended. Minimum 2.5 Undergraduate GPA (no rounding up) or a professional level passing score on the GACE content assessment required.

Provide copy of score report as verification for:

-Completed Pre-Screening Application

-GACE Program Admission Assessment(formerly Basic Skills exam)-No exemptions

-GACE Content Assessment

(passing score must be provided within 120 days of acceptance)

-Certificate of Completion for Georgia Educator Ethics

Program Entry Assessment (350)

-Enclose $1,000.00 processing fee (checks/money orders only)

Non-refundable - Make payable to West Georgia RESA

-Please mail application, resume and payment and

requested documents to:

West Georgia RESA

Attention: Tonya Dean

99 Brown School Drive
Grantville, GA 30220

Once your information is reviewed, you will receive a letter concerning your eligibility for the TAPP program.

What is GaTAPP?

The GeorgiaTeacherAcademy for Preparation and Pedagogy (Georgia TAPP) is a classroom-based teacher preparation option for individuals who have the basic qualifications to teach P-12 students but have not completed a teacher preparation program. The program is not intended to replace regular college teacher education programs. It is, instead, an alternative option for individuals who hold a bachelor’s degree or higher but who did not complete teacher education requirements as part of their degree programs. Georgia TAPP seeks to equip teacher candidates with the skills to ensure a reasonable expectation of initial success in their classrooms, and to put in place a supervised internship/induction program that will help them move toward subsequent mastery of teaching.

West Georgia RESA’s TeacherAcademy for Preparation and Pedagogy was established in 2001 and initially included programs for middle-grades, secondary, or P-12 special education. In May of 2009, additional routes were approved by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission creating different paths to clear renewable certification.

The GaTAPP program (1-3 years) begins with an intensive two week summer session that is required for all GaTAPP candidates. Along with teaching responsibilities, the candidates are required to attend a monthly meeting at RESA during the two year period. An extensive portfolio( edTPA) will be maintained during the internship that will include unit and lesson plans, logs, video lessons, observations and required admission documents. This portfolio will be submitted and scored by PEARSON at the expense of the candidate. Over the course of the internship, candidates will participate in a minimum of 150hours of observations, mentor/supervisor/administrator meetings and school information sessions. This requirement will increase with those in the special education certification program.

Applicant Signature:______Date:______
Documentation for Candidate Application

Please check the following documents that are included in the Candidate’s application packet:

GA PSC Required Fields for Teacher Data Entry Form

Candidate Application Form

Intern Recommendation Form

Enclose Two (2) Professional Recommendation letters

Superintendent Assurance Form

RESA/System Partnership Agreement

Payment and Payment Information Form

Has received clearance for a non-renewable certificate

Positive screening from a criminal background check

Official Transcripts from an accredited college/universityindicating a Bachelor’s degree

Evidence of passing the GACE Program Admission (formerly Basic Skills exam)

 Evidence of passing GACE Content Assessment Tests

 Evidence of passing Georgia Educators Ethics – Program Entry (350)

Please mail the application:

West Georgia RESA

Attention: Tonya Dean

99 Brown School Drive
Grantville, GA 30220

Required Forms

The following pages have forms with information requested that is required by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission and West Georgia RESA for every GaTAPP candidate. These forms should be completed and returned along with the previously listed required documents to the human resource office of the employing school system. In order to complete the application/acceptance process, all forms must be complete in addition to submission of all required documents.

Georgia Professional Standards Commission (PSC) Required Fields

For Teacher-Candidate Data Entry by Section



Full Legal Name

First Name______Middle Name______Last Name ______

Date of Birth

Gender (circle one) Female Male

Ethnicity (circle one) American Indian Asian Black Hispanic Multi-Racial White Other






Home E-Mail School E-Mail

Seeking Certification in:______


Major 1 Masters

Institution Institution

Year Completion Year Completion


(This section asks questions about teacher candidates’ teaching assignment(s).All of this information is required for GaPSC.

System Completes

Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy)



Is this a Special Education Assignment? (circle one) Yes No

Grade Level Taught (circle one) K-5 6-8 9-12 P-12 Pk Secondary Not Specified

Subject Matter Taught (circle) Business Ed English Foreign Lang Math Music Science

Technology Ed Physical Ed Reading Self Contained History Not Specified

Candidates’ Mentor FName LName Cert #


Phone Email

Candidates’ School Administrator FName LName Cert #

Phone Email
Please respond in a narrative format to the following questions:

(Must be typed - Attach another sheet of paper if necessary)

1. Briefly describe how your past work and / or academic experiences qualify you to pursue a teaching career in this field: (Attach another sheet of paper if necessary)

2. Why do you want to teach? What characteristics/attributes/attitudes do you have that may have led you to this decision? (Attach another sheet of paper if necessary)

Intern’s Name______SS#______

School System______School______Phone #______

The above intern has registered as a participant in the WestGeorgiaTeacherAcademy for Preparation and Pedagogy. Admission into the program requires official assurance that the intern satisfies all eligibility criteria. As a professional colleague, please assist by responding in the appropriate section.

1. School System Personnel Director

As a duly authorized administrator I certify that the school system holds official records and documentation as verification that the intern, named above:

Completed a baccalaureate or higher degree from a regionally accredited college or university;

Graduated with an overall GPA of 2.5 or higher if within the last 10 years;

Has applied to the Georgia Professional Standards Commission for an intern teaching certificate;

Has received clearance for Teacher Certification through the positive screening of a criminal background check;

Has passed GACE Program Admission Assessment (formerly Basic Skills exam)

Has passed GACE Content Assessment Test


(Signature) (Title) (Date)

2. School System Superintendent or Designee

As a duly authorized administrator I certify that the school system:

Has issued the intern a contract of employment;

Agrees to provide the intern a minimum of five days of release time for field experience observations;

Agrees to provide candidate with school level administor and mentor support;

Ensures that payment is made to West Georgia RESA either by the system or the candidate.


(Signature) (Title) (Date)

3. Alternative Preparation Intern

To assure the success of the Alternative Preparation program and your success as an intern, please verify that you have read the Alternative Preparation Intern Handbook, and that you understand the program expectations and requirements.


(Signature) (Please Print Name) (Date)


West Georgia Regional Educational Service Agency does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, color, national origin, or disability in its educational programs, support services, activities, and employment practices.

Superintendent’s Assurance Form

Realizing the benefit that the program provides our school system and the community it serves in staffing critical teaching areas, I am assuring West Georgia RESA TAPP that:

The TAPP Candidate ______is eligible for an Intern


Certificate and has been employed by______Board of

School System

Education for the ______- ______school year in a classroom teaching position.


All candidate records and application materials for employment are complete and are on file in the system personnel office.

The Candidate has completed his/her West Georgia RESA application packet and forwarded it to the appropriate person at West Georgia RESA.

The school and school system agree to provide the mentor teacher the equivalent of at least two days in the summer in addition to regular planning time.

The school and school system agree to provide at least one building level administrator and one central office level administrator release time from other duties and responsibilities to work with the candidate on an as needed basis, to observe the candidate’s performance in the classroom, and to provide feedback, instruction, guidance, and support.

Our school and school system agree to provide the Candidate with release time to observe other classes and to conference with the teachers observed.

Our school and school system agree to provide the Candidate at least five school days release time throughout the internship to observe in a school significantly different in socio-economic status and in ethnicity from the school where the Candidate teaches.

The Principal, or his/her designee, will arrange schedules for the above activities at the request of the mentor teacher.

The Principal will conduct system required observation (TKES) with feedback to the Candidate each semester of teaching.

The school system and its personnel are committed to making the West Georgia RESA TAPP Candidate a successful teacher and member of the professional community and to retaining this person in the WestGeorgiaRESATeacherAcademy for Preparation and Pedagogy.

System Approval:


Superintendent’s Name (Printed or Typed)Superintendent’s Signature

Acts as the information resource and provider for the GaTAPP Candidates / Recommends beginning teachers meeting all eligibility requirements for the GaTAPP West Georgia RESA
Accept recommendations for practicum candidates meeting all eligibility requirements from local school systems / Ensure that all beginning teachers recommended hold a bachelor’s degree in the teaching field or closely related field to which they are seeking certification and meet the minimum GPA requirement set by the PSC (2.5 in all college-level work completed within the last ten years or has been accepted into a master’s level program)
Provide orientation for the school-based administrator and establish roles and responsibilities for all team members / Ensure that all beginning teachers recommended meet the GACE Program Admission Assessment (formerly Basic Skills exam)
Train mentors in the program requirements, assessments, and practices for all beginning teacher candidates / Ensure that all beginning teachers recommended have been offered a full-time teaching position
Observe the beginning teacher candidate for the duration of a class at least six times during the school year, three times per semester / Ensure that the candidate begins at the start of the beginning teacher’s employment and that the school based mentor observes the candidate a minimum ofsix times during the year.
Conduct pre and post observation conferences / Assign a school-based mentor and a school administrator to participate in the 3-person support team for each beginning teacher
Supervise beginning teacher candidates
  • Assess lesson plans
  • Observe classroom practices
  • Model effective teaching practices
  • Make recommendations if needed
/ Discuss the fee paymentwith the beginning teacher candidates to determine who is responsible for the payment
Call additional CST meetings when necessary, specifically for beginning teacher candidates at risk / Evaluate and supervise the beginning teacher candidates according to the practice for all other new teachers
Provide (or recommend other providers of) the Georgia Special Requirements courses / Assure that the mentor will attend training by West Georgia RESA in the roles and responsibilities expected
Meet with and chair a Candidate Support Team a minimum of 2 times a year / Make decisions concerning renewal/non-renewal of the beginning teacher candidates’ contracts according to the practice for all other new teachers
Recommend, in partnership with the school/system, to continue or to cease the relationship with each teacher candidate based on evidence of continuous progress / Ensure that the beginning teacher is allowed five full days to observe exemplary teachers in fields relevant to the desired area of certification

System Superintendent or Designee DateSchool Principal Date

______, RESA Supervisor


West Georgia RESA requires that a fee of $ 4,500.00 (in district) or $5,500.00 (out of district)be paid for year one of the program. Please check one of the payment options listed below:

□ Option 1: Enclosed with this application is payment in the amount of $1000.00 to cover the initial West Georgia RESA GaTAPP fee for the 2015-2016 school year. I will pay West Georgia RESA an installment of $2,000.00 by February 26, 2016 and the final payment by May 2, 2016.

*GaTAPP Candidates can make monthly payments towards your remaining balance. I understand that fees are dueFebruary 26, 2016 and the final payment by May 2, 2016. If fees are not paid, this will delay program completion.

Applicant’s Signature Date

□ Option 2: Attached is a purchase order or check from the employing school system to pay the tuition.The school system will be billed for each additional year by August 1st with system approval.

System Approval:

Superintendent’s Signature Date



 1. Official college Transcript or a copy from the system central office isattached (in sealed/unopened envelope).

 2. Official Transcript from college (list all additional colleges below)was requestedon and is being mailed to West Georgia RESA.

 3. Official Transcript has already been submitted to West Georgia RESA on ______.

Applicant SignatureDate

List All colleges attended (transcripts are required from all):



1. GACE Program Admission Assessment (formerly Basic Skills exam)

2. GACE content Assessment

3. Certificate of Completion for Georgia Educator Ethics

Program Entry Assessment (350)

I understand that I cannot be accepted into the program until all entrance requirements are meet.

Applicant Signature Date


GaTAPP Tuition & Mentor Stipend

In District: Year 1: $ 4,500.00

Year 2: $ 1,000.00 Year 3: $ 1,000.00

Out of District: Year 1: $ 5,500.00

Year 2: $ 1,000.00 Year 3: $ 1,000.00

Fees for the Georgia Teacher Academy for Preparation and Pedagogy are evaluated annually and subject to change.

Mentor Stipend:

In addition to the fees paid to West Georgia RESA, it is the decision of the county to whether mentor fees are to be paid by the candidate or by the employing school system. Stipend amounts are normally $500.00 per semester.Mentor stipends are paid at the end of each school year.


Candidate’s SignatureDate

Personal Affirmation:

The PSC requires all applicants to complete the following personal affirmation questions. THE PSC INVESTIGATES ALL “YES” ANSWERS. All “YES” answers require a written explanation (your statement of what occurred) and supporting documentation. False statements made in this application will open an investigation and may result in a sanction, including revocation or denial of a certificate. Failure tocomplete this section will result in your application not being processed.

Circle the appropriate answer for each question. DO NOT include matters that the PSC has investigated or is currently investigating.

1. Have you ever had any adverse action taken against any professional certificate, license or permit, or are

you the subject of any pending investigation(s) by any agency other than the Georgia Professional Standards Commission? (Adverse action includes but is not limited to: warning, reprimand, suspension, revocation, denial, voluntary surrender, disbarment.) Yes or No

2. Have you ever retired, resigned, been dismissed, terminated, or otherwise separated from any employment position for inappropriate conduct with children, or are you the subject of any pending investigation(s)? Yes or No

3. Have you ever retired, resigned, been non-renewed or otherwise separated from any employment position for a violation of any profession’s laws, rules, standards or Code of Ethics, or are you the subject of any pending investigation(s)? Yes or No

4. Have you ever received a less than honorable or dishonorable discharge from any branch of the armed services? (If “yes”, provide a copy of form DD214.) Yes or No

5. Have you ever been found guilty for any crime involving a child, minor or a person in custody (i.e. student)? Yes or No

6. For any felony or any misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, have you ever:

♦ Pled guilty;

♦ Entered a plea of nolo contendere;

♦ Been found guilty;

♦ Pled guilty to a lesser offense;

♦ Been granted first offender treatment without adjudication of guilt;

♦ Participated in a pre-trial diversion or program;

♦ Been placed under a court order whereby an adjudication or sentence was withheld?

♦ Been found not guilty by reason of insanity?

Yes or No

7. Have you ever retired, resigned, been dismissed, terminated, or otherwise separated from any employment position while under investigation for the commission of any felony or any misdemeanor involving moralturpitude? Yes or No

8. Have you ever been charged, convicted, or pled to a lesser offense for any sexual offense?Yes or No


West Georgia RESA GaTAPP/ 2015