Georgia Performance Standards for General Music Novice
Strand: Sings alone and with others

MUS.GB.1.1 Sing Unison and Harmony

The learner will be able to sing unison and harmonic songs.

MUS.GB.1.2 Sings Various Styles

The learner will be able to sing songs of varying styles.

Strand: Plays instruments alone and with others

MUS.GB.1.3 Performs Accompaniment

The learner will be able to perform accompaniment from simple notation using classroom melodic, harmonic, and percussive instruments.

Strand: Reading and notating music

MUS.GB.2.1 Recognize Music Symbols

The learner will be able to recognize basic music notation including the staff, note names, clefs, accidentals, time signatures and note values in the treble clef in the key of C.

MUS.GB.2.2 Major Minor Scales

The learner will be able to recognize a major and a minor scale aurally and visually.

MUS.GB.2.3 Construct Major

The learner will be able to construct a C major and an a minor scale.

Strand: Compose, arrange, and improvise music

MUS.GB.3.1 Rhythmic Ostinati

The learner will be able to create rhythmic ostinati.

MUS.GB.3.2 Improvise

The learner will be able to improvise musical accompaniments using a variety of classroom instruments to produce varied tone colors.

Strand: Analyze, describe, and evaluate music

MUS.GB.4.1 Identify Voices

The learner will be able to identify soprano, alto, tenor, bass and cambiata voices aurally.

MUS.GB.4.2 Vocal Part Position on Score

The learner will be able to identify the position of the voice part in the musical score.

MUS.GB.4.3 Simple Meters

The learner will be able to distinguish between simple meters; 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4.

MUS.GB.4.4 Conduct Simple Meter

The learner will be able to conduct 3/4 and 4/4 meters.

MUS.GB.4.5 Musical Structure

The learner will be able to recognize such musical forms as AB, ABA, and AABA.

MUS.GB.4.6 Vocabulary

The learner will be able to demonstrate growth in knowledge of music vocabulary appropriate to the level and content of material.

MUS.GB.4.7 Expressive Qualities

The learner will be able to describe the expressive effect of music in terms of its elements: melody, rhythm, harmony, timbre, tonality, expressive qualities, and, when present, text.

MUS.GB.4.8 Listens Critically

The learner will be able to listen critically to music in a variety of instrumental and vocal styles and origins.

MUS.GB.4.9 Critiques

The learner will be able to critique music performed in class and suggest ways of improving the performance.

MUS.GB.4.10 Compares

The learner will be able to compare contrasting performances of the same composition using folk songs and simple AB and ABA forms.

Strand: Music in relation to culture/history

MUS.GB.5.1 Identifies Musicians

The learner will be able to identify musicians representing a variety of styles and periods of music.

MUS.GB.5.2 Research

The learner will be able to use print and nonprint media to research music and musicians.

MUS.GB.5.3 Original Instruments

The learner will be able to create simple, original instruments.

MUS.GB.5.4 Relates Musical Ethnicity

The learner will be able to relate the role of music to the cultural expression of ethnic groups represented in the school.

Strand: Music in relation to other disiciplines

MUS.GB.6.1 Integrates Music with Arts

The learner will be able to integrate many elements of music with other art forms and curricular areas.

MUS.GB.6.2 Career Opportunities

The learner will be able to explore career opportunities in music.