Georgia Music Educators Association
Large Group Performance Evaluation
Information Letter
January 12, 2018
Parents and Guardians:
Thank you for allowing your child to be a part of the Lovinggood choral program. The students have worked extremely hard to prepare for the performance evaluation (choral festival). Our choral festival date is Monday, March 5, 2018. The performances will take place atBurnt Hickory Baptist Church in Powder Springs. The 8th grade chorus will perform at 9:45 am. Students should report to the auditorium at 8 am in their uniform. We will depart from the school around 8:30 am. We expect to return to the school around 12:00 pm.Lunch arrangements will be shared at a later date.
The choral festival provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate their music knowledge and ability. They are also able to listen to other choirs, which increases their musicianship. During the festival experience, the students will participate in three activities. After warming up their voices, they will perform on stage for three judges. During this time, the judges will evaluate the group’s tone, diction, blend, balance, expression, interpretation, and appearance. Though this is not a competition, we do receive ratings. They are as follows: Superior (I), Excellent (II), Good (III), Fair (IV), and Poor (V). After singing on stage, the students will work with a clinician who witnessed their performance, and offers praise for the good points and aid for the weaker points. The last portion of the festival experience is the sight-singing activity. During this time, the students will, as a group, read music that they have never seen before. They will have a few minutes to practice, and then must perform it for a judge. The sight-singing judge is evaluating their preparation time, sight-singing execution, and blend and balance between the different voice parts. The ratings used for the on-stage performance are also used for the sight-singing portion. So, in essence, the festival experience is an evaluative tool to measure the academic portion of chorus. The event serves as our standardized test.
All chorus members will wear the following:
- Girls: Black dress, black closed-toe dress shoes
- Pearls will be provided for all girls who do not have them
- Boys: White button-down shirt, black dress pants, black dress shoes
- A bow tie will be provided for all boys
Because we are judged on our appearance, all students must follow the given dress code.
We hope that all students are able to attend this event. Please note that this performance is one of the four required events of the year (Hillgrove Cluster Concert, Winter Concert, LGPE, Spring Concert). If your child is not able to attend, please note the reason on the field trip form below.
Chaperones are needed for this event. We need adults age 21 and over to travel with us on the school buses, or meet us at the church. If you are available, please note your chaperone preference on the field trip form.
Please email if you have any questions related to this event. Thank you for your support!
C. Robinson
Please return this sheet by Wednesday, February 7, 2018.
Lovinggood Middle School Large Group Performance Evaluation Field Trip Form
_____My 8th Grader, ______, will attend the LGPE event on Monday, March 5, 2018. I understand that the estimated time for the event is 8:00 am-12:00 pm.
_____My child, ______, will not attend the 2018 LGPE event. I understand that LGPE is a required performance for the year.
I understand that my child will have to make up this grade at a later date. I also understand that the make-up assignment may be in the form of a written assignment or in-class (group) performance.
_____I am able to chaperone the 8th Grade LGPE event from ______to ______pm on Monday, March 5, 2018. I understand that my primary duty is to help maintain order while the students are seated in the performance room.
Parent SignatureDate
Contact NumberEmail Address