I&IT Prioritization & Recovery Committee


May 1, 2006

Task Force Members

Debra Brum, Mauricio Calderon, Marvin Campbell, Curtis Clark, Stephanie Doda, JoAnn Karns, H Keita, Gabe Kuri, David Levin, Bill Manes, April McKettrick, Marci Payne, Denny Mosier, Susan Reese, Karin Schott, Marcy Wright

Today’s Meeting Outcomes

·  The P&R Committee will determine committee composition for 2006-07

·  The P&R Committee will review unfunded budget requests in preparation for 2006-07 budget planning

·  Evaluation Team will share its progress with the P&R Committee

·  The detailed assessment by Project Teams will be discussed, and a report format will be finalized

Today’s Agenda

1.  Committee Composition for 2006-07 - Debra

Per Debra, the composition of the P&R meeting was discussed at last weeks’ Leadership meeting. One of the managers asked if we should be sharing this experience with others. Based on some discussion we decided to institute two year terms. So people that are on now will roll off at the end of next year. The Leadership team also suggested that going into next year we add an additional staff member from each department. This would allow every department to be represented by two staff members and one manager.

2. Preparation for 2006-07 Budget Planning – Stephanie

Handout: I&IT Division Project & Position Report; 2006-07 Project Funding Candidates; and 2006-07 New Personnel Candidates

Next Monday the VP’s will meet to discuss the 2006-07 budget. In general the VP’s go into the meeting assuming that they have the same baseline budget that they had this year and then ask for anything that they need beyond that amount. They will be looking at permanent funds and one time funds.

Stephanie discussed her budget handouts. The first document is the one that shows what we have done this year. She took all of the orders in the system and recorded them. The top category is all projects that were recommended by this committee. She is waiting for Open Source Services and Studio 6 Enhancements requisitions. Mauricio and David are working on these. The managers have until 5/12 to prepare the paperwork for Procurement. The second category shows major emergency purchases that have happened this year. This committee didn’t vote on these items but they were alerted as they occurred. The last category is software licensing projects that we approved.

For the next page we believe these are the new positions that we have funded since 7/1. Per Denny, the Help Desk Consultant replaced Louis Mills and the Tier 2 Tech replaced Donna Vargas. Per David, the Web & Multimedia Developer replaced Angelica. Debra said that we will only go back one year after a person has left to consider someone a replacement. The last category consists of new positions in process.

Stephanie said that the next two sheets (2006-07 projects funding candidates 2006-07 new personnel candidates) are all of the projects and positions that were left from this year. Per Debra, for Monday’s VP’s budget meeting she would like to know what the big ticket projects are. For example, is $200,000 going to be enough for the Intranet replacement? Also for positions are there any on this list that we have had second thoughts about or are there positions not on this list that we should add. Debra doesn’t want a lot of detail right now, just a simple list. Stephanie needs this information no later than Wednesday, 5/3/06 at 5:00 pm.

Debra mentioned that the Hyperion software could be very expensive. Per Mauricio, it is about $150,000 one time and then we pay for upgrades.

Mauricio brought up that Susan’s people may want some software for some metrics. Gabe thinks this is Open Source software.

3. Evaluation Team Report – Debra

Handout: Evaluation Team meeting – April 28, 2006

Per Debra, the Evaluation Team entered the analysis they had done in their last meeting into Bill’s database. They had several suggestions for Bill and he is in the process of implementing them. The database is a great tool for our work. In addition to suggestions in the Evaluation Team handout, Bill will add functionality to allow us to change the category (A, B, C) of a program/service and maintain history of categories.

They decided that for the items not yet evaluated, the representative from that department would enter his/her evaluation into the database with his/her name as the Evaluator.

4. Project Team Report Format – Marci

Handout: I&IT – Prioritization & Recovery Project Team Report

Per Debra, if an item is a C we may ask for a formal proposal before making it go away. Especially if the item has a significant profile because then it may have to go to IT Governance. It is possible that we could decide in P&R that since no one is using the item then it is clear that it can be decommissioned. And then we would just come up with a communication plan.

Per Debra, there should be a final section called something like Project Team Recommendations that says this is what we are recommending. Also, there isn’t a place for the recommendation from the Evaluations Team in the document.

The committee decided that the data base would contain the project team list, date assigned and status and due date and a link to the physical documentation. Bill is building this functionality.

5. Future work and deadlines – Debra

a.  Managers complete descriptions

Per Debra, the descriptions of A items need to be completed by Wednesday, 5/3 at 11:00am. The descriptions for B & C items need to be completed by Tuesday, 5/9 at 5:00 pm.

b.  Evaluation Team completes review of Bs and Cs

The Evaluation Team will have until 5/19 to complete their work.

c.  Assessment Team completes review of As

The Assessment Team has until 5/19 to complete their work.

Next Meeting

·  The next meeting of the P&R Committee will be Monday, May 15, 2006, 1:00-2:00 p.m. T6-5