1. Pick one team each week to win – no point spreads are involved. If the game ends in a tie or your team loses, you are eliminated.
2. A team can only be selected once for the entire season. For example, if you choose New England, and advance, you cannot pick them again for the rest of the season.
3. The pool is finished at the end of the regular season or when there’s one participant remaining. This is a winner take all pool.
4. In the event that all of the remaining participants in a given week lose, then the pool is over and the prize money is shared equally between those that remained. However, if all remaining participants wish to continue, then the pool will go on as if everyone had won their game that particular week. If any one participant involved is not in agreement to continue the pool, then the pool is over and all remaining participants must share the prize money equally.
5. Your pick must be emailed in by 12:00 p.m. on Thursday of each week. Once everyone’s selection is in, the picks will be tabulated and emailed to each participant.
6. If a participant does not email in by the specified time, they will not be eliminated from the pool. The participant will have a team selected for them based on the following:
(a) The team favoured by the highest point spread based on Thursday’s edition of the Globe & Mail. If a participant has already selected that particular team, the team favoured by the next highest point spread will be selected, and so on. Games that do not have a point spread by Thursday will not be considered.
(b) If two or more teams are favoured by the same point spread, the participant will get the home team. If both or all the teams are home or away, the participant will get a team based on alphabetical order, for example, San Francisco would be chosen over St. Louis, or Tampa Bay over Tennessee.
Note – This rule is in place to avoid having a participant eliminated due to forgetfulness. If a participant advances far enough into the season and forgets or chooses not to email in a pick, and all of the favourites for that particular week have already been chosen by this participant, they will be assigned the first unselected team by alphabetical order.
7. The pool starts with Week 2 on Thursday September 13, 2012.
8. Entry fee is $20 and must be received by the deadline of Wednesday September 20, 2012.
9. Half of the entry fee will go into the prize pool with the balance of the money going toward expenses of the Georgetown Raiders Novice AA Hockey Team. The final prize amount is based entirely on the number of participants and will be announced the first week.
10. Entry may be submitted in one of two ways:
(a) By e-mail to along with an e-mail money transfer. Please also include: (1) Name (2) Team name or moniker (3) Telephone number (4) E-mail address (5) Contact/parent name of your link to the pool.
(b) By completing this entry form and submitting cash or cheque payment to a team contact.
11. Weekly selections will be distributed via the following email address, “” (update your inbox filters). Any questions and/or information may also be forwarded to this email address. Your weekly selection will be acknowledged by email. If you do not receive an acknowledgement, your selection did not make it through and you need to resend.
12. Selection tables will be distributed in Excel format only.
Please feel free to forward this information on to family and friends who may be interested in participating.
Name: ______
Team Name or Moniker: ______
Telephone Number: ______
E-Mail Address: ______
Contact/Parent Name: ______