Beechfield School PE and Sports Premium

Action Plan

Together Everyone Achieves More

The Value of Sport and Physical Education

At Beechfield School, we believe that physical education should be experienced in a safe and supportive environment, which is a vital and unique contribution to a child’s physical and emotional health, development and wellbeing. The safe environment allows children to understand diversity and individual ability. It also provides centred movement activities, social interaction, participation and self-respect.

The DfE’s vision for the Primary PE and Sport Premium is:

‘ALL pupils leave primary school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to quip them for a healthy, active lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.’

The funding has been provided to ensure impact against the following objective:

To achieve self-sustaining improvement in the quality of PE and sport in primary schools. It is important to emphasise the focus of spending must lead to long lasting impact against the vison that will live on well beyond the Primary PE and Sport Premium funding.

It is expected that schools will see an improvement against the following 5 indicators:

1.  the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick starting healthy active lifestyles

2.  the profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

3.  increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport

4.  broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils

5.  increased participation in competitive sport

What have we achieved and where next? 2014/2015

Key priority / Key achievements / what worked well / Key learning / What will change next year
Observation of specialist coaching in P.E lessons and clubs / Coaches were observed delivering P.E lessons to:
Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4 and Y5 throughout the academic year.
These were of a high quality and the children demonstrated high levels of enjoyment.
Coaches were also observed delivering the following clubs:
The Multi-Skills Club (2 x weekly before school) is very popular and the children really enjoy the wide range of activities and skills they learn. / Quality coaching from apex was observed consistently.
Don’t necessarily need to observe them next year but use them to support teacher confidence and expertise as planned.
Increase in pupil participation / Pupils participated in some of the Partnership activities such as the Y3 Tri-Golf tournament, the Y5 Fun Run and the Y6 Cricket Festival but due to the school’s PLT/P.E leader being absent for two terms; this was difficult to keep up with. Y5 Play Leader training was also undertaken in the Summer Term.
A new P.E leader is in place for the new academic year and participation at events for all year groups will be a priority. / New PLT/PE leader in place.
Set up a wider range of clubs and activities to increase pupil participation with a particular focus on fitness e.g Skip2bFit.
Pupil and staff questionnaire / Staff acknowledged that they had benefited from the INSET and staff meetings in particular. The support with planning was key.
Those that had the practical support of having Apex coaches teach their classes are more confident and equipped to plan a series of lessons and deliver higher-quality and more active lessons.
Pupils reported that they had enjoyed the Apex led P.E lessons (apart from four Y5 boys who did not enjoy the Dance units).
Pupils expressed they wanted even more clubs: Cricket, Rounders and more Multi-Skills. / Continue to use Staff and pupil Voice to plan needs and activities.
Apex Coach support will target NQTs and those less experienced teachers so they can skilled up and become confident.
Number of Y4 pupils that could swim 25m unaided after 2 terms of swimming / The current classes still have one term of swimming left. However, by the end of the summer term 2015, after two terms of swimming lessons:
Total chn – 57
Of the 57 Y4 pupils, 38 (67%) were ‘non-swimmers’ in January when swimming lessons began.
Of these 38 pupils, 31 (82%) could swim a minimum of 10m by the end of the summer term (2 terms). The aim is for them to develop their skills in their final term of swimming so they can swim 25m unaided by December.
Of the 19 pupils that could already swim; 14 of these pupils have developed a stronger technique over 2 terms.
Final swimming data will be recorded in December 2015 at the end of their swimming lessons. / Swimming is an important life-skill so the school will continue to subsidise swimming fees each term. This is budgeted for annually.
P.E equipment purchased / Jumps Education teacher resource books (£500)
Other equipment such as hoops, mats, bats and balls was purchased throughout the year to update/replace old resources. / The Jumps resources have provided teachers with quality lesson plans and ideas.
Observation of staff in lessons / NQTs were targeted for support in one of the Y1 classes and both Y4 classes.
Gymnastics, Outdoor Adventurous Activities and Dance were areas that were highlighted at the start of the year by teachers when asked what they felt less confident teaching (via teacher questionnaire).
Coaches modelled lessons each week to the class teacher for approximately 3-4 weeks. They then team-taught together for a further 4 weeks to build teacher confidence. Towards the end of the term; the teacher delivered the lesson and the coaches observed.
All teachers said they felt much more confident having been able to observe the coach teach their actual class. Observations demonstrated this increase in confidence and much improved delivery of P.E.
Three INSET / staff meetings were also led by Apex staff where they supported teachers with ideas for lessons and planning structured lessons that would demonstrate progress for all. This was very successful as they were done at the end of each term once a unit had been taught on either Dance, Gymnastics or OAA. / NQTs and less experienced teachers will be targeted for support from experienced coaches and then observed teaching PE to develop confidence and competence.

Action Plan for 2016 - 2017

Primary PE & Sport Premium
Key Outcome Indicator / School focus / Planned impact on pupils / Actions to achieve / Planned Funding / Actual Funding / Evidence / Actual impact
(following review) on pupils / Sustainability / Next steps
Complete mid year / To be completed mid-year through a range of monitoring activities including Pupil Voice
1. The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick starting healthy active lifestyles / Increased proportion of pupils participating in sports activities (curricular & extra-curricular). / Before-school, lunchtime and after-school sporting activities to provide extra activities including those not covered within the PE curriculum.
Purchase of new resources to support. / £1000 / Pupil Voice
Audit and record numbers of pupils taking part in clubs.
2. The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement / Ensure PE curriculum is fully inclusive.
Attitudes to sport and activity to be improved.
Implement fitness as part of curricular PE. / Purchasing specialist equipment and teaching resources to develop a fully inclusive curriculum.
Training for staff to develop subject knowledge of teaching fitness across KS1 & 2. / £5000 / An inclusive curriculum which inspires and engages all pupils.
Confident and competent staff.
Number of pupils participating in activities, clubs and other sporting activities will increase.
3. Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport / Higher quality of teaching & learning in PE and sport. All pupils confident to try new activities especially Fitness. / Audit of staff skills and PE planning scrutiny.
Training/INSET for staff to ensure and increase confidence and expertise.
Staff meeting to plan PE topics and activities including inter-house competitions. / Planning scrutiny
Lesson obs
Team teaching with PE leader and/or sports coaches
INSET log / meeting minutes
4. Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils / To increase the number of clubs and activities not offered as part of the PE curriculum. / Introduce new initiatives.
Purchasing specialist equipment (and possibly coaching) to develop a non-traditional activity e.g fencing, archery / £6000 / Extended, alternative provision.
Enhanced quality of delivery of activities.
Club registers showing increased take-up of clubs on offer.
5.Increased participation in competitive sport / Increased participation and success in competitive school sports / Review our strategy for engaging in competition:
-engage more parents to support and progress through competitions
- Improve links with other schools
- Increase number of pupils attending inter-house competition (lunchtime activities)
- Achieve Sainsbury’s Sports Mark Certificate - Bronze / £500 / Athletics and sports assessments measure the participation rates and characteristics of pupils in school competitions

School will continue to subside swimming – approx. £4300 – 2016/17