George Russell Oct. 21, 2017

1) Why did you decide at this time to run for the non-paid position on the Huntsville City Council?

I have lived in Huntsville since 1950 and have worked diligently since I returned to Huntsville from overseas military service in 1974 to promote ethics and fiscal responsibility in government at all levels. In my opinion Huntsville has sunk to the lowest level of corruption, fraud, promoting higher taxes, and waste that I have ever seen in the past. The current Mayor, who we helped elect has zero backbone to confront the City Manager who told me that he takes orders only from Mac "Gibbs" Woodward. and who is insubordinate to Andy and orders Andy around to promote whatever nefarious scheme the City Manager is ordered to concoct such as extorting money from SHSU students with paid parking and then forcing them into "Russellville" and then harassing and intimidating college student residents with ugly yellow curbs and then fining them for parking them in front of their homes.

The City Manager runs Huntsville like some kind of petty dictatorship and only Ronnie Allen REPRESENTS THE TAXPAYING CITIZENS and has had the guts to confront the City Manager, while the other members of Council cater to the ELITE and the OLIGARCHY that has ruled Huntsville since December 31, 1879. It is far past time to elect a Mayor with guts, integrity, ethics, and who is not afraid to confront waste of millions of tax dollars, like the $12 million in documented FEMA FRAUD to save the Farmhouse Cafe that was built right over Town Creek on Gibbs private property and was flooded due to the Gibbs having clearcut an ancient forest on Sycamore according to the TCEQ, that has penalized the Gibbs contractor. Of course the oligarchy controlled Huntsville ITEM refuses to print stories about documented facts about unethical acts and actions of our City Government and about corruption in the Central Appraisal Districts that I have documented.

Please forgive me for quoting Donald Trump and perhaps seeming trite, but Huntsville was in the past the educational, political, and cultural capital of the State of Texas and has been turned into a virtual ugly slum by taking our tax dollars and subsidizing multi-national corporations on the west side of the freeway to damage and even destroy local businesses in favor of purchasing slave labor made Chinese junk and abandoning American jobs. It is past time to "Drain the Swamp" and "Make Huntsvulle Great Again."

There are some really fine public servants in our local government and I told the Chief of Police that he was NOT on my "Swamp Creature" list and he was very happy to hear that. Same goes for the Fire Chief and many other dedicated city workers but tragically there are a few "SWAMP CREATURES" that give Huntsville a black eye and need to either REPENT and REFORM or RESIGN.

It is time to give the taxpayers refunds of some of the millions of surplus money that has been raised with obscene and unfair property taxes and insane water and sewer rates, said money being unethically used to bribe multi-national money exporting companies to locate on elitist's lands on the west side of the freeway, in order to unfairly compete with local businesses.

I am running for Mayor to represent our taxpaying citizens and to stop the ever escalating water and sewer rates and to stop giving pay raises to the already overpaid City Manager who has proved that he cares ZERO about Huntsville and already takes home with benefits over a QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR!!!!

Our current Mayor is a pathetic puppet of the elitists and the ruling oligarchy. It is far past time to give Huntsville back to the people and not allow a handful of elitists to continue to suck money out of their pockets of the average citizens for wasteful self-serving nonsense.