Geometry Common Core Support
2015 – 2016
Ms. Goncharova
Dear Students and Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to Math Lab II! I am looking forward to a great year in math. In order to accomplish our goals, it is important that we all be on the same page regarding grading, rules, and other expectations in class. We will be discussing policies and procedures in great detail on the first day of school, this letter is designed to communicate with you this information. Please take the time to go over this letter with your child, and sign and return the last page. For any questions concerning the information outlined in this letter, or further questions or concerns over the year, I can be reached or at 732-289-3700 x74045. Thank you very much for your cooperation, and I look forward to working together to ensure the success of your child in Math Lab II.
Grades will be split into two separate sections detailed below:
- ALEKs – 40%
- Students will work in the computer lab on a personalized geometry curriculum
- Classwork/Preparedness –60%
- There will be various in-class assignments given throughout the year. These can be do-nows, group work, notebook checks, etc. This grade will also be calculated using the point system formula.
**Students will receive one day for every day absent to make up missed work in any of these graded categories, i.e. a student absent on Monday and Tuesday will have Wednesday and Thursday to make it up; the work being due on Friday. It is the absent student’s responsibility to get this work from me and to complete it. Any work not handed in due to an absence will be marked as a zero. Work will not be permitted to be completed during class time.
- Be on time, in your desk, and ready to work when the bell rings. (See student handbook for school policy on lateness/cuts of class).
- Begin the Do-Now immediately at the start of class, you do not need to wait for me to tell you to start.
- Be prepared everyday with your notebook, textbook, pencil, and completed homework.
- Always show respect for yourself, your classmates, and the teacher.
**All other NBTHS rules and regulations will be strictly followed and enforced as per the student handbook.
No Gum, Cell phones and Lotion are allowed in my classroom
Cheating will not be tolerated.
- An organized notebook with sections for Do-Nows, Notes, and Homework.
- Writing utensil
- It is also recommended that you own a graphing calculator. When they are necessary in class they will be provided, but it will be helpful when working on homework and the end-of-course examination to have your own that you are comfortable with. See my teacher homepage for a list of suggested calculators.
I will be available on most days after school to provide extra help if necessary. Please let me know on what day you are coming so I can plan accordingly. If you cannot come for extra help after school for any reason, come speak to me so we can schedule a session before school, or during period 8 in room 609. If you are having trouble, PLEASE come to see me, I will be happy to help.
I stay after school only for those students who do their class work, have all notes, and behavein class.
I am looking forward to a great year with your student. If any question or concern arises, do not hesitate to contact me. Please sign and return the below portion. Keep this letter for reference at any time this year.(You can also access this letter on my teacher homepage).