Geology Advisory Board Meeting

April 17, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m.

Present were Keith Wedge, Franca Oboh-Ikuenobe, Edie Starbuck, John Hogan, John Held, Dave Wronkwiecz, Dave Bardsley, Suzan Wiemers, Trish Gregg, Amy Reeves, Ann Hagni, Dave Ryckman, Bob Laudon and Cheryl Seeger.

Suzan welcomed everyone to the meeting and noted considerable progress had been made in the previous year. She stated her responsibility as chair is to help the Board to 1) set goals, and 2) achieve results, noting that the model of subcommittees and subcommittee chairs will enable the Board to set goals for the next year. She committed to continue as Board chair, with the term to expire in March 2014.

Suzan noted two primary goals for the Board were identified in March 2013: grow field camp endowment and enablea 2015 alumni field camp reunion trip. She also noted other goals were identified over the last year: improveBoard membership, assist in communication offaculty growth needs to the Chancellor’s office, and improve opportunities for corporate gifts. Effort has been made in all these areas, with varying degrees of completion.

Program Update (Dr. Oboh-Ikuenobe)

Enrollment continues to be healthy, and Dr. Chapman is on board and teaching advanced structure. She noted that G&G was involved in a proposal for the university initiative for interdisciplinary studies (Best in Class: minerals proposal)which may land a position for an economic geologist.

Money is needed for laboratory and teaching upgrades. A smart lab is being developed for microscopy; a check was received from John Miller for $10,000 for the lab but an additional $40,000 is needed for $50,000match (required by December 31).

Work on the seismic station is ongoing with $60,000 raised so far. Plan is to formally launch the station at Homecoming. Another $20,000 is needed to do a data tie-in (receive data from the instrumentationto Havener or McNutt commons).

Golf Fundraiser (Amy Reeves)

Amy noted that John Hogan and John Held are also working on this event, scheduled for the Sunday before the career fair. The event is to be a casual meet and greet for the first fundraiser with moderate expectations for fundraising as we learn how to do this kind of event. Higher expectations for fundraising will be addressed atfuture events. Funds raised will benefitthe S.K. Grant field camp scholarship fund. John Hogan noted that Mining, Petroleum and Geological Engineering are invited to increase participation. Monies will be put to whichever department the participant chooses. Lunch will be included in the cost for the event. An estimate of the cost was requested; this was noted as $8 to play, $5 for a cart and lunch costs. It was suggested that we auction off the carts as an additional fundraiser.

A barbeque lunch was noted. Items for a raffle or auction were requested as well as for "side games." Alcoholic drinks will be available afterwards and will be arranged through Chartwells; it will be approximately $50 to $100 for the license and alcohol can only be served in the clubhouse, not on the course.

The potential for corporate sponsors was brought up. Amy has talked to the career center; information on the golf outing will be sent with career fair information in August. Keith Wedge offered to help with getting word out to alumni.There was discussion about whether the event will be publicized in the summer alumni magazine. Franca confirmed it will be included in Earth Tides.

The question was asked as to how we can reach out to corporations. John Held will coordinate asking the corporations, but will need a comprehensive list of whom and how much to request. Amy offered to handle information for companies she is familiar with and will work on contacting others. Sponsorship amounts were discussed, with John Hogan suggesting $100 for tee boxes and for holes. This would require signage. A question was asked about providing a t-shirt for participants, with a company sponsoring them and having their name on them. John Held noted that they would need to be pre-ordered in quantity and have the risk of eating into the net profits. A visor was brought up as an alternative. John Hogan suggested that for the first event we concentrate on keeping it simple and work on the sponsorships.

Awards were discussed such as certificates from local resorts. Emails on companies to contact for this are to be sent to John Held. Amy noted that sponsorships are the most important thing at this point.

John Held noted that there could be package deals, such as four players and a sponsorship for $250 or similar. He also noted we should emphasize that it is an easy course and the purpose is to meet and greet.

Suzan noted that we also needed to emphasize safety, first aid, and that we have the responsibility to make sure that water, sunscreen, etc. are available.

Suzan asked for an idea of how much we are trying to raise. It was noted that for a first event, several thousand dollars would be nice.

Suzan thanked everyone who was working to make this happen.

Alumni Field Trip (Suzan Wiemers and Bob Laudon)

Suzan gave some of the history of the development of the trip so far. A brochure has been sent to a small number of alumni who indicated early interest (~20 people); it has not been sent to all alumni yet. Bob Laudon noted that he currently had half the number required for this trip (those who’ve continued to indicate interest), which included spouses potentially attending. A blurb for the trip will be included in the next Earth Tides. Franca noted that attendees do not have to be alumni. Bob will open the trip to others, and said that he also hopes some faculty will attend the trip. Deadlines for first and final payments were noted; Suzan noted that if the trip does not happen due to lack of at least 20 attendees, a mechanism will need to be in place for refunds. It was noted that 30 participants would be ideal, with a maximum of 60. Suzan requested that the trip be publicized whenever opportunities arise. Bob will handle communications as much as possible. Any funds raised beyond required expenses will go to funding field camp; however the trip is not designed as a fundraiser. The cost model has approximately $50 per person earmarked for the Grant fund.

Faculty Increase (Keith Wedge and Franca Oboh-Ikuenobe)

The university is searching for a new provost; of the four candidates, one is a professor of Geology and Geological Engineering. The impact of searches for new provost and two deans means that not much is being decided on other issues at this time. The program is working with John Held to get industry support for additional faculty. Justification for the additional faculty needs to be based on the strategic plan. It was felt that the Best in Class proposal looked promising for selection.

The question was raised about another letter to the Chancellor from the Board. It was felt that there was no need for a follow-up letter right now, but perhaps another one after the new provost is selected would be useful. It was emphasized that industry support is needed. France felt the Board could still contact the Chancellor to let her know the Board is disappointed. Keith noted he had informally met with the Chancellor, and she is aware. John Hogan felt that we have done a good job of making our case and that we need to continue to do so.

The Best in Class was discussed. The current strategic plan is for 100 new faculty by 2020; 18 have already been hired. Also, approximately one-third of positions are to be non-tenure track. Keith noted that hiring will likely be reevaluated based on money issues after the provost and two deans are hired. Phase 2 of the strategic hiring plan will start in the fall upon arrival of new provost and two deans; it was felt that this is next time to send another letter. Keith noted that 2 of the 6 vice provosts are new this fall. Keith will do some introductions with the Board once the provost and deans are in place; this will be followed by formal meetings.

Corporate Gifts (Dave Bardsley)

The Board needs to identify clearly what any funding is to be used for with lists of needs and specific goals. The Board should develop three to four specific projects with needs and budgets. The Board should then look as a group at corporations by market segment. It was noted that target companies need to be run past John Held and Darla (?). Darla will help do proposals once the project and customer base have been developed. It was noted that the microscopy Smart Lab is already on the table. John Held noted that companies like to match dollars when possible. John Hogan noted that the Smart Lab room needs modifications that are not in the current proposal and asked if donors at larger petroleum companies might want to be involved; the price tag for the modifications is approximately $200,000.

An endowed chair was noted as a second current need. Suzan requested a discipline for the chair; strategic natural resources and petroleum geology were noted. John Held said $150,000 per year needed to annually fund a chair (for specific research project).

Dave Bardsley asked how we make sure we are not stepping on toes in the process. John Held felt that the Smart Lab was okay. The endowed chair would not come out of regular giving, but can come as an annual corporate gift and can be tied to specific research. It was also noted that monies could be used for the seismic station, a field camp endowment and sponsoring visiting faculty as speakers.

Dave Bardsley noted that the suggestions all need to be quantified, and asked how we go about contacting corporations. John Held suggested working with companies with which the program has existing relationships, then starting to build relationships with other companies. Dave Bardsley asked if we need to break out this task by Board affiliations. John Held suggested that the Board look at which companies are hiring alumni and graduates and who is coming here for research. Suzan suggested that metrics be collected for a first pass then discuss. It was suggested that a date be set for a discussion of needs to move forward. Dave Bardsley asked if there were any other formal proposals for items beyond the Smart Lab, the seismic station or endowed chair. John Hogan noted that it would not be difficult to write one for a visiting speakers program, and he offered to draft a proposal for such. Dave Bardsley asked that proposals be done in 60 days. He will also do a first pass on the company list for Civil, Environment and Mining; he requested help with oil companies. He will send information within 60 days.

Suzan noted that someone specific will be needed to help Dave and to engage other Board members. Franca suggested Bill Tedesko. Suzan suggested Zack Lawrence (a Board member, ExxonMobil).

Membership (Trish Gregg)

Trish noted that she will need help to move forward due to having accepted a new position. Dave Bardsley asked if there is a "job description" for being on the Board; there is not one currently. Trish recapped her discussion from the last meeting. Keith noted that when the Board originally formed, by-laws were developed; it is not known where these are archived. It was noted that we do have an inactive members list. Trish reiterated the importance of getting interested members on the Board. Suzan noted that Dave Bardsley may know some potential members. Volunteers were requested to help Trish discuss this; Dave Bardsley and Edie Starbuck will help. Cheryl volunteered to help Edie.

Next Meeting

Keith asked about the fall meeting schedule. Suzan noted that the Homecoming meeting often does not time well. It was decided to have it on October 16, 12-2 p.m., as that is the same date as the banquet.

The meeting was adjourned at 5 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Cheryl Seeger
