Geography: The Greek Homeland

-Built small City-States, cut off from each other by land or water

-Greeks felt strong loyalty to their tiny city-states, and fiercely defended them

-Wars between city-states

Greek coastlines

-Provided safe harbors for ships

-Greeks became skilled sailors

-Carried cargoes of olive oil, wine and marble

The Polis

-Name for a Greek city-state

-Population of each City-State was small

Early Governments

Greeks had different forms of government

-Monarchy, King, queen, etc.

-Slowly power turned to the class of noble landowners

-Aristocracy- Rule by a landholding elite

-Oligarchy-power is in the hands of small, powerful elite, usually from the business class

Changes in Warfare

-Contributed to the increased power of the middle class

-Iron tools replaced bronze ones (iron was cheaper)

Phalanx-was a massive formation of heavily armed foot soldiers

-Reduced class differences, because it put defense in the hands of ordinary citizens

Chapter 5 section 4 The glory that was Greece

Lovers of Wisdom

Group of thinkers called the sophists questioned ideas of truth and justice

-To them, truth was more important than moral truths

-Urged students to develop skills in rhetoric, or the art of skillful speaking

-Turmoil of the Peloponnesian war, led many Athenian youths to support the sophists


Most of what we know about Socrates comes from his student Plato

-Wrote no books

-Went around questioning people about their beliefs (their reason for things)

-Urged his students to examine the world around them (Socratic method)

-Sentenced to death by an Athenian jury (corruption of youth)


Left Athens for ten years because of Socrate's death

-The Republic Plato describes his vision of an ideal state

-Wrote that a state should control every aspect of a person's life

-Thought there should be three classes:

1. workers to produce the necessities

2. Soldiers to defend the state

3. Philosophers should rule

Aristotle (do not write this down)

-student of Plato

-Studied the different kinds of governments (monarchies, Aristocracies, democracies)

-Found good and bad examples of each

-Questioned democracy, thought it may led to mob rule

-Promoted reason as the guiding force for learning

The Search for Beauty and Order


-Tried to make buildings, temples, etc. balanced to reflect the harmony and order of the universe

-Greek architecture has been admired for centuries

Poetry and Drama

Set a standard called the classic style (elegance, harmony, and balance)


Greek Plays

-Performed outdoors, in large theaters cut out in the sides of hills

-little to no scenery

-Greek drama were usually based on Greek myths and legends

-Tragedies- Greek plays that told stories of human suffering

-Comedies- Humorous plays that mocked people

Alexander and the Hellenistic Age

Macedonian Ambitions

Phillip II the King of Macedonia took over Athens and other Greek city-states

-Wanted to conquer the Persian Empire

-before he could take action, he was killed at his daughter's wedding

A Mighty conqueror

Alexander was 20 when he took the throne

-already an experienced solider

Conquest in Persia

-Like his father, Alexander planned to invade Persia

-Darius III was weak, people were rebellious

-Alexander took over Persia

-Never lost a battle

Sudden Death

-Fell victim to a sudden fever

-Caused his death

Legacy of Alexander

Alexander's empire crumbled without him

-Most lasting achievement was the spread of Greek culture

-Founded many new cities

-Blending of Eastern and Western cultures took place

New culture emerged known as Hellenistic civilization

-Blend of Greek, Persian, Egyptian, and Indian influences

Hellenistic Civilization


-City at the heart of the Hellenistic world

-Markets had a wide range of goods

-city included Greeks, Egyptians, Hebrews, and Persians

Opportunities for Women

-No longer restricted to the house

-More learned how to read and write

-Some became poets, and philosophers

Hellenistic Civilization

Hellenistic rulers felt like they had to glorify themselves as godlike, absolute monarchies

-Led to schools of philosophy

Stoicism- founded by Zeno, to accept what life brings

Advances in Mathematics and Sciences

Pythagoras developed the Pythagorean formula

-Astronomers determined the earth rotated on it's axis

-Earth was round

-Lever and Pulley


Hippocrates looked for the cause of illnesses and cures

-Moral oath for doctors