Curriculum worksheet for Development and Sustainability Track

Phone: 301-405-4073;

Geography Primary Courses - 8 credits

Course Type / Course Number / Credits / CORE / Gen ED / Grade
Physical / 201 / 3 / PL/LL / DSNL
Physical Lab / 211 / 1 / PL/LL / DSNL
Human / 202 / 3 / SB / HS
Human Lab / 212 / 1

Geography Gateway – 15 credits – 3 credits in a Human, Physical, Integrated, Techniques, and Quantitative course [1]

Type / Course Number (circle one) / Credits / Semester Completed / Grade
Human (H) / 310, 312, 313, 328A, other_____ / 3
Integrated (I) / 330, 331,332, 328B 328C, other_____ / 3
Physical (P) / 340, 342, 345, other_____ / 3
Technique (T) / 372 or 373 / 3
Quantitative (Q) / 306+ / 3

Upper Level Geography Electives – 12 credits (six out of the 12 must be at the 400 level)[2]

Type / Course Number (circle one) / Credits / Semester Completed / Grade
H / 3
HI / 3
HIP / 415, 431, 4__ / 3
HIP / 415, 431, 4__ / 3

Supporting Courses – 15 credits – Courses must be approved by a GEOG advisor3

Course Number / Credits / Semester Completed / Grade
Math 130/140/220 / 3

CORE ONLY: Advanced studies – 6 Credits – Must be 300 or 400 level outside GEOG Dept.

Course Number / Credits / Semester Completed / Grade

+Satisfactory completion of four General Education Distributive Studies courses which can include GEOG 201/211 and GEOG 202.

+Satisfactory completion of Math 110 or higher and English fundamental studies course requirements.

+GEOG 306; credit only granted for: BIOM301, BMGT230, CCJS200, ECON321, EDMS451, GEOG306, GVPT422,

PSYC200, or SOCY201

Benchmark 1: Geographical Sciences majors must complete six of the following courses within 30 attempted credits of entering the major: Must complete with a ‘C-’ grade or higher: GEOG 201/211 or GEOG 202 and at least one other Geography course of your choice (except any 100 Level Geography courses).

Suggested Supporting Area Courses

Development and Sustainability Track

Phone: 301-405-4073;

The courses listed below appear to fit well within the Geographical Sciences major’s Development and Sustainability track. Some of these courses are part of a course sequence so you’ll need to double-check pre-requisites and plan ahead. Some may be closed to non-majors. The list is by no means exhaustive so feel free to check out other courses of interest to you. Just be sure to run them by a GEOG advisor for approval for credit.

Development and Sustainability

ANTH 253 Anthropology of Global Health

ANTH 266 Culture and Climate Change

ANTH 298E Anthropological Applications to Sustainable Development

AOSC446 Earth, Life, and Sustainability

ARCH 418M Measuring Sustainability

ARCH 461 Sustainability in Architecture

AREC 240 Introduction to Economics and the Environment

AREC 345 Global Poverty and Economic Development

AREC 365 World Hunger, Population, and Food Services

AREC 445 Agricultural Development, Population Growth, and the Environment

BSCI 205 or 215 Global Sustainability: A Biologist’s Perspective

ENST 436 Emerging Environmental Threats

ENST 100 International Crop Production Issues and Challenges in the 21st Century

ENST 233 Introduction to Environmental Health

ECON 315 Economic Development of Underdeveloped Areas

ECON 375 Economics of Poverty and Discrimination

GVPT 306 Global Ecopolitics

GVPT 354 Peacebuilding, Post-Conflict Reconstruction, and International Development

LARC 461 People and the Environment

LARC 451 Sustainable Communities

MIEH 210 Environmental Justice

PUAF 300 Introduction to Sustainability

SOCY 305 Scarcity and Modernity

URSP 250 The Sustainable City

[1] No technical courses will be applied to the Geography Gateway Electives for (H, I, or P)

[2] No technical courses will be applied to the Upper Level Geography Electives.

3 A Geographical Sciences advisor must approve these courses