
by Gentry


CS,71, G 339, Sutro, 1909


Nicholas Gentry II, of Albemarle Co., VA., who died there in 1779, had a daughter Elizabeth, born August 14, 1731, who married Nathaniel Haggard between 1745 and 1750 and died July 28, 1820. They reared ten children. The two oldest may not have been her children, as the oldest one was born in 1845. (Printed in pencil someone had pt "Nonsense, mabe Nick and Liz Honeymooned early at age 14. See page 33).


  1. Henry, born 1745, A Baptist preacher.
  2. Martin, born in 1748, A Baptist preacher.
  3. Elizabeth, born 1752, married Ned Kindred.
  4. John, born 1754, married Mary Sheppard.
  5. Mary, born 1757, married Mr. Kindred
  6. James, born 1759, married Betsie Gentry.
  7. Jane, born 1761, married David Gentry.
  8. Bartlett, born 1763, married Martha Dawson (twin).
  9. David, born 1763, married Nancy Dawson (twin to Martha.
  10. Nathaniel, born 1765, married Elizabeth Hayes.

Nathaniel Haggard and Elizabeth Gentry, his wife, moved from VA to Clarke County, KY. with their whole family about 1788: in the meantime most of his children were married.

Their son, Rev. James Haggard, married Betsie Gentry, his cousin, a daughter of Moses Gentry, a brother of his mother, and also settled in KY.

Jane Haggard, their daughter, born 1761, married David Gentry a son of David Gentry, a brother of his mother, and settled in Madison Co. KY. They reared eleven children, among them were Elizabeth, born Jan 6, 1788, who married David Haggard and had seven sons and five daughters: and Mary Gentry, born March 5, 1790, whom married William Haggard, a brother of David her sister Elizabeth's husband, and had five sons and seven daughters. These two Haggards, David and William, were sons of William Haggard, and grandsons of Edmund Haggard, a brother of Nathaniel Haggard, who married Elizabeth Gentry in Albemarle Co. about 1845/50. (Someone changed the date to 1745 to 1750.)

Among the descendants of David Haggard, born in 1763, a son of Elizabeth Gentry Haggard, is ex-governor Routt of Colorado now deceased.

Among the descendants of Jane Haggard, born in 1761, and David Gentry, is the Rev. Alfred Haggard, dean of Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa.

Joshua Henry Gentry, of Pettis Co. MO married Nov 13, 1855, Amanda Haggard, and his brother John Campbell Gentry of same county, married Dottie Haggard, Aug. 23, 1866. These two Gentry's were sons of Joshua Gentry of Palmyra, MO

(Written in book in pen follows:)

Nathaniel Haggard owned land before 1788 near town of Covesville on Lynchburg Road. In Albemarie Co. VA (See History of Albemarle Co. by Woods.)

Page 33 shows Elizabeth, born Oct 14, 1731; married Nathaniel Haggard in 1747.