Supplementary Material
Genomic regions associated to sheep resistance to gastrointestinal nematodes
Magda Vieira Benavides1*, Tad S. Sonstegard2, and Curtis Van Tassell3
1Embrapa, Brasília, DF, Brazil
2Recombinetics, Saint Paul, MN, USA
3Animal Genomics & Improvement Laboratory, USDA/ARS/Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD, USA
*Correspondence to: (M. Benavides)
Supplementary table S1. Chromosomal location of genes and relevant markers for faecal egg counts and related traits in ovine chromosome 1 and experimental details referred in literaturea.
Mbp_start / Mbp_end / Name of locus/gene / Species of parasite / Breed of sheep / Reference15.274271 / 15.274271 / OAR1_15228673 / T. circumcincta / Scottish Blackface / [S1]
15.734864 / 44.730409 / EPCDV010 - ILSTS044 / T. colubriformis / Romney / [S2]
24.901207 / 28.221350 / OAR1_25121292 - OAR1_28678534 / H. contortus / Red Maasai x Dorper / [S3] (cluster)
28.856094 / 44.730409 / BMS835 -ILSTS044 / T. circumcincta / Spanish Churra / [S4]
43.452165 / 43.914646 / OAR1_45014772 - OAR1_45507542 / H. contortus / Romane x Martinik Black Belly / [S5]
44.730246 / 44.730409 / OAR1 markers at position 153cM / Trichostrongylid / Spanish Churra / [S6]
109.477961 / 130.756218 / INRA006 - BMS574 / T. circumcincta / Spanish Churra / [S4]
130.756073 / 168.948404 / APPO10/BMS574 - MNS94/CSSM4 / H. contortus / Indonesian Thin Tail x Merino / [S7]
171.428022 / 171.428022 / OAR1_184805090 / T. circumcincta / Scottish Blackface / [S1]
179.527190 / 196.951219 / DU363924/DK4483A - BMS2572 and MCM37 - MCM137 / H. contortus / Merino / [S8]
192.912620 / 192.912620 / OAR1_208295610 / T. circumcincta / Scottish Blackface / [S1]
193.348951 / 193.374188 / OAR1_208747910 - OAR1_208772113 / H. contortus / Red Maasai x Dorper / [S3] (cluster)
216.348958 / 273.044608 / McM130 - McM357 / T. colubriformis / Merino / [S9]
247.453841 / 253.590200 / s69813 - s63115 / H. contortusand T. colubriformis / Merino / [S10] (cluster)
a Microsatellite bp locations were searched using In case no bp location was described, marker sequences were obtained from Ensembl ( or from and searched for genomic location using
Supplementary table S2. Chromosomal location of genes and relevant markers for faecal egg counts and related traits in ovine chromosome 3 and experimental details referred in literaturea.
Mbp_start / Mbp_end / Name of locus/gene / Species of parasite / Breed of sheep / Reference12.409183 / 13.129665 / ILSTS28 - ILSTS45 / H. contortus / Merino / [S8]
15.065325 / 36.976199 / OarCP34 - CSAP31e / T. colubriformisand H. contortus / Romney x Merino / [S11]
26.781082 / 28.940600 / OAR3_28864450 - OAR3_31172991 / H. contortusand T. colubriformis / Merino / [S10](cluster)
39.851694 / 50.846078 / s08514 - OAR3_53557748 / H. contortusand T. colubriformis / Merino / [S10](cluster)
44.631009 / 44.725366 / OAR3_47667848 - OAR3_47755179 / H. contortus / Red Maasai x Dorper / [S3] (cluster)
58.879027 / 58.879027 / s50340 / H. contortusand T. colubriformis / Merino / [S10]
83.766686 / 148.778883 / BM2818/BMS1953 - UCD52/BL4 / H. contortus / Indonesian Thin Tail x Merino / [S7]
110.314167 / 132.325486 / BM827 - OarFCB5 / T. colubriformis / Merino / [S9]
123.851264 / 130.230174 / OAR3_132008863 - OAR3_138897387 / H. contortus / Red Maasai x Dorper / [S3] (cluster)
127.384450 / 157.809881 / CSAP019 - MAF23 / T. colubriformisand H. contortus / Romney x Merino / [S11]
138.592862 / 150.345929 / BL4 - LYZ / T. circumcincta / Scottish Blackface / [S12]
151.527165 / 151.535188 / IFN gene
151.528400 / o(IFN)- / T. circumcincta / Soay / [S13]
151.528424 / o(IFN)- / [S14]
151.528424 / IFN SNP and IFN ins/del / T. circumcincta / Romney / [S15]
151.528424 / Intron 1 IFNtetranucleotide repeat size - (GTTT)5 / T. circumcincta / Texel / [S16]
151.528407 / 153.851070 / IFN - BMS1617 / T. circumcincta / Soay / [S17]
171.249925 / 188.007557 / CSRD111 -TEXAN15 / T. circumcincta / Scottish Blackface / [S12]
193.294649 / 208.095503 / BM6433 - BMS772 / T. circumcincta / Scottish Blackface / [S12]
201.526251 / 212.354024 / CSAP39E - BM2830 / H. contortus / Red Maasai x Dorper / [S18]
a Microsatellite bp locations were searched using In case no bp location was described, marker sequences were obtained from Ensembl( or from and searched for genomic location using
Supplementary table S3. Chromosomal location of genes and relevant markers for faecal egg counts and related traits in ovine chromosome 6 and experimental details referred in literaturea.
Mbp_start / Mbp_end / Name of locus/gene / Species of parasite / Breed of sheep / Reference16.880386 / 24.544380 / MCMA14 - JL1A / H. contortus / Merino / [S8]
25.063507 / 62.575296 / BM1329 - BMS360 / H. contortus / Red Maasai x Dorper / [S18]
36.280778 / 36.280778 / OAR6_40496376 / T. circumcincta / Scottish Blackface / [S1]
55.942491 / 62.601182 / OAR6_61706883 - OAR6_68740207 / H. contortus / Red Maasai x Dorper / [S3](cluster)
62.575165 / 73.826693 / BMS360 - McM140 / T. circumcincta and coccidia / Soay / [S19]
68.028658 / 85.315788 / BM4621 - CSN3 / T. circumcincta / Spanish Churra / [S4]
74.083963 / 74.098684 / OAR6_80892986 - OAR6_80909611 / H. contortus / Red Maasai x Dorper / [S3](cluster)
74.867312 / 74.867312 / OAR6_81718546 / H. contortus / Red Maasai x Dorper / [S3]
76.320597 / 77.761630 / OAR6_83251333 - OAR6_84820452 / H. contortusand T. colubriformis / Merino / [S10](cluster)
78.111034 / 78.194522 / OAR6_85263669 - OAR6_85367529 / H. contortus / Red Maasai x Dorper / [S3](cluster)
80.500075 / 98.835571 / OAR6_87886231 - s38976 / H. contortusand T. colubriformis / Merino / [S10](cluster)
96.930909 / 109.366849 / McMA22 - McM214 / T. colubriformis / Merino / [S9]
100.642920 / 112.817744 / OAR6_110771028 - s47717 / H. contortusand T. colubriformis / Merino / [S10](cluster)
a Microsatellite bp locations were searched using In case no bp location was described, marker sequences were obtained from Ensembl( or from and searched for genomic location using
Supplementary table S4. Chromosomal location of genes and relevant markers for faecal egg counts and related traits in ovine chromosome 20 and experimental details referred in literaturea.
Mbp_start / Mbp_end / Name of locus/gene / Species of parasite / Breed of sheep / Reference7.197476 / 12.410742 / DYA - MCMA36 / T. circumcincta / Scottish Blackface / [S12]
7.197476 / MHC Class I and DY locus / Ostertagiacircumcincta / Scottish Blackface / [S20]
7.197476 / OarCP73 / H. contortus / German Rhönschaf / [S21]
7.198200 / 7.208505 / DYA gene
12.326227 / 12.326401 / DYMS1 (DYA) / H. contortus / German Rhönschaf / [S21]
16.192846 / BM1815 / H. contortus / German Rhönschaf / [S21]
16.192846 / 25.764827 / BM1815 - DRB1 / T. circumcincta / Scottish Blackface / [S12]
21.925540 / 21.925540 / OAR20_23240800 / H. contortus / Romane x Martinik Black Belly / [S5]
22.915543 / 23.192622 / OAR20_24357620 - OAR20_24626067 / H. contortus / Romane x Martinik Black Belly / [S5]
25.450028 / 25.460293 / DRB1 gene
25.603557 / OLADRB / T. circumcincta / Soay / [S17]
25.764806 / DRB1 / [S22]
25.764806 / Ovar-DRB1 / T. circumcincta / Suffolk / [S23]
25.764806 / OLA (MHC Class I) antigen / O. circumcincta / Scottish Blackface / [S24]
25.764806 / Exon 2 Ovar-DRB1 (MHC Class II) antigen / O. circumcincta / Scottish Blackface / [S25]
29.447952 / 29.946511 / s69570 - OAR20_32868803 / H. contortus / Romane x Martinik Black Belly / [S5]
34.823245 / 34.823245 / OAR20_38142478 / T. circumcincta / Scottish Blackface / [S1]
38.833675 / 38.833675 / OAR20_42312942 / T. circumcincta / Scottish Blackface / [S1]
40.540580 / 40.705933 / s04766 - OAR20_44320222 / H. contortus / Romane x Martinik Black Belly / [S5]
a Microsatellite bp locations were searched using In case no bp location was described, marker sequences were obtained from Ensembl( or from and searched for genomic location using
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S20 Buitkamp, J., et al. (1996) Class I and class II major histocompatibility complex alleles are associated with faecal egg counts following natural, predominantly Ostertagia circumcincta infection. Parasitology Research 82, 693-696
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S23 Sayers, G., et al. (2005) Major Histocompatibility Complex DRB1 gene: its role in nematode resistance in Suffolk and Texel sheep breeds. Parasitology 131, 403-409
S24 Stear, M.J., et al. (1996) An ovine lymphocyte antigen is associated with reduced faecal egg counts in four-month-old lambs following natural, predominantly Ostertagia circumcincta infection. International Journal for Parasitology 26, 423-428
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