Genetic Variability
Homologous Chromosomes
- The 23 chromosomes from mom correspond to the 23 chromosomes from dad. These chromosomes are called ______
- Each homologous chromosome contains a set of alleles for the same gene.
Homologous Chromosomes & Meiosis
- Each chromosome is ______before cell division.
- Each chromosome now has ______
- In meiosis, homologous chromosomes pair up to form a ______
In meiosis, homologous chromosomes pair up to form a tetrad.
•Each homologous chromosome has been replicated into two sister chromatids.
•Altogether, there are ______in a tetrad.
During metaphase 1, tetrads line up across the middle of the cell.
______determines what each gamete will look like.
Genetic Variability
•After the chromosomes separate, they are packaged into individual ______.
•Each chromosome moves independently of all the others.
–This is called ______.
Gamete Variability
The order of the tetrads in ______determines what the gametes will look like.
Genetic Variability
•Humans have 23 homologous chromosomes (______) that sort independently during gamete production.
•The total number of possible chromosome combinations is over 8 million!
•You have over 8 million ______
•With those kinds of odds, it is extremely unlikely that ______with the same assortment of chromosomes will meet ______with the same assortment of chromosomes.
•Thus, each individual (with the exception of identical twins) ______
•During prophase 1, the homologous chromosomes pair up inside the cell and form tetrads.
•While the homologous chromosomes are paired together, ______of their chromatids.
•Each chromosome may ______for the matching portion on its homologue.
Asexual Reproduction
- involves only ______parent
- offspring______to parent
- involves______body cells
Sexual Reproduction
- involves______parents
- offspring ______of both parents
- involves ______sex cells
Types of Asexual Reproduction:
Binary Fission:
- happens in ______, ______, some algae
- one ______cell splits into ______identical daughter cells
Spore Formation:
- happens in ______, ______, ______and non flowering plants (e.g. ferns)
- ______are produced and each spore develops into offspring which are ______to parent
- happens in ______, ______, corals
- parent produces a ______.
- bud gets ______. and develops into offspring which is ______.
Vegetative Reproduction:
- does ______involve ______
- some offspring can grow from cuttings (e.g. coleus), runners (e.g. strawberries), tubers (e.g. potatoes) or bulbs (e.g. tulips)…which are part of the parent plant
Sexual Reproduction in Animals:
- involves specialized sex cells called______
- the union of a male and female gametes results in the formation of a ______ that develops into a new individual.
Some do Both:
•most ______that produce seeds (sexual reproduction) can also reproduce ______by things like ______or ______
•this gives them an advantage for survival
Asexual Reproduction
- does not require special cells or a lot of energy
- can produce offspring quickly
in a stable environment creates large, thriving population
- limited ability to adapt
- face massive die-off if environment changes
Sexual Reproduction
- lots of variation within a species
- able to live in a variety of environmental settings
- able to adapt to changes in the environment
- needs time & energy
- produce small population