Electronic Supplementary Material:

Genetic diversity and parentage analysis of aspen demes

Chunxia Zhang, Reiner Finkeldey and Konstantin V. Krutovsky

Table S3 Null alleles found in the G8 deme at PTR6

PTR6 / PTR6 / PTR8 / PTR8
Sample ID / Peak 1 / Peak 2 / Peak 1 / Peak 2
G8 seed tree / 110 / N / 143 / 145
2035 / 113 / N / 143 / 145
2048 / 113 / N / 143 / 143
2067 / 111 / N / 143 / 145
2094 / 131 / 133 / 143 / 143
2190 / 131 / 133 / 143 / 145
2193 / 109 / N / 143 / 145
2199 / 109 / N / 143 / 145
2215 / 131 / 133 / 143 / 145
2218 / 133 / N / 143 / 145
2243 / 131 / 133 / 143 / 145
2246 / 111 / N / 143 / 145
2436 / 109 / N / 143 / 143

Note: N refers to null alleles

Note: N refers to null alleles. A microsatellite null allele is defined as any allele at a microsatellite locus that consistently fails to amplify to detected levels via the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). We detected the null alleles by comparing the genotypes of maternal genotypes and their progenies’sgenotypes, we found some null alleles at the loci PTR6 in the G8 deme.

The progenies of the G8 deme have no maternal allele 110 (Table S3). At the same time the seed tree of the G8 deme(only one allele at PTR6) might have another allele that we did not detect in the PCR amplification. For example, the seed tree of the G8 deme should have allele 133 or 111 inferred from its progenies at PTR6.