Op Shape Art
Content Area & Arts Discipline: Math and Visual Art
Overview of the lesson: The students will use geometric shapes and lines to create optical illusion art.
Grade Level: Second
Proposed Time Frame: 2 one hour periods
Date Lesson Created: April 21, 2014
Lesson Author: Samantha Cox
Room Requirements & Arrangement: normal classroom set-up
Materials/Equipment: drawing paper, rulers, sharpies, markers, shapes to trace
Resources: Flip chart of Op Art by a variety of artist- M. C. Escher, Bridget Riley, Salvador Dalí, Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Marcel Duchamp, Oscar Reutersvärd, Victor Vasarely
Vocabulary: horizontal, parallel, triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon / BIG IDEA & LEARNING OBJECTIVES
Students will be able to identify and manipulate geometric shapes while using art techniques to create an optical illusion.
The teacher/teaching artist will engage students by sharing examples of optical illusions.
The teacher/teaching artist will build knowledge by sharing artwork by a variety of artist who used optical illusions in their artwork.
The teacher/teaching artist will guide the practice with the students by demonstrating step by step instructions to create a simple optical illusion.
The students will apply understanding by using a ruler to draw one inch stripes from top to bottom on a piece of paper oriented in a landscape position. Next, trace several shapes so that they overlap several different stripes. Trace all pencil lines with a sharpie. Then choose two colors to color the piece. Start in the upper left hand corner and color stripes and shapes with an alternating pattern on the next stripe start with the opposite color and shade in that stripe. *Remind them to change colors each time they come to a dark line. Continue until done.
The teacher/teaching artist will create opportunities for reflection by having students write a description of the art of optical illusion and how they created their own art piece using lines and shapes.
The teacher/teaching artist will assess the students’ learning by reading student reflections.
State Content Standards
2. G.1. Recognize and draw shapes having specified attributes, such as a given number of angles or a given number of equal faces.5 Identify triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and cubes.
Arts Standards
2. Demonstrate emerging understanding of the use of the elements of art and principles of design in works of art to communicate ideas and emotions. (CP)
b. Identify foreground, background, and middle ground in a work of art.
c. Know how to overlap and position images on paper to show depth.
e. Recognize dominant element of art in art work. (e.g. line, color, shape, pattern, texture).
3. Identify different effects in works of art and the media, techniques, or
processes used to achieve them. (CP)
a. Name the materials and processes that were used to create a work of art.
b. Choose appropriate processes to produce a particular work of art.
Principles of Universal Design for Learning
Checkpoint 1.3 Offer alternatives for visual information.
Checkpoint 2.5 Illustrate through multiple media .
Checkpoint 3.2 Highlight patterns, critical features, big ideas, and relationships.
Extended Learning Activities:
References: (i.e. Works cited, etc.)
Created by the Whole Schools Initiative at the Mississippi Arts Commission