Generation All Grant Application for Early Action Projects

RFP release date: August 3, 2015

Information Session: August 20, 2015, 12-2pm,

The Chicago Community Trust, 225 N. Michigan Ave, Ste. 2200, Chicago, IL 60601

Proposal deadline: September 4, 2015

Grant decision date: October 2, 2015

Applications must include the following two sections:

I. Narrative


  1. Narrative:

The narrative should not exceed 5 single spaced pages (use font size 11). The following should be incorporated into this narrative as appropriate and should include a rationale for the work as well as evidence from prior work and/or research (please include citations if applicable):

  1. What is your funding request (how much you are requesting and for what purpose)?
  2. Are you applying for a planning grant or an implementation grant?
  3. What need(s) are you addressing?
  4. Please describe your vision, desired goals, and outcomes sought in this effort and include references to research that informs your project.
  5. How does this work address the Generation All drivers for change?
  6. Describe your organization’s capacity to engage others in your collaborative efforts.
  7. Who are your key partners?
  8. What are your key strategies and timeline?
  9. At the end of the grant cycle, how will you know you have been successful?
  1. Addenda
  2. Organizational Information
  3. Financials & Budget with Narrative
  4. Applicant Demographics
  5. Other




EIN Number:

Head of Organization:



Project lead if different from above:



Organization Mission: (500 characters with spaces)

Organization Programs: (3,000 characters with spaces)

(describe your current programs and services- limit to top three)

Organization Financials

(Please fill in the chart below. Use the appropriate fiscal year to the organization’s calendar. The third year should be the current fiscal year. Amounts entered in the chart should match amounts found in your audit. If using a fiscal agent please provide financial data from the organization that is applying and the fiscal agent. Very large organizations such as universities or government agencies should use financial data that reflects the department or center that houses the proposed project as well as the overall agency.)

Fiscal year ends in (month) / Year prior to most recently completed fiscal year 20__ / Most recently completed fiscal year 20___ / Current fiscal year budget 20___
Surplus / (Deficit)
Net Assets / (leave blank)

Notes to Financials: (300 characters)

(Please write a short paragraph describing the reason for any deficits, large surpluses or any other budgetary issues shown on the chart above. Why did you have a deficit and what has been the organization’s response to the deficit.)

Project Expenses (for the proposed grant period)

Total project cost / Generation All support requested
Fringe Benefits
Contract Services/Professional Fees
Office Space
Staff/Board Development
Travel/Related Expenses
Indirect Costs / 3% maximum
Other (specify)

Applicant Organization Demographics

Board Members / Senior Staff / All Staff
Native American/ Alaskan Native
TOTAL (must equal the same as Total for gender)
Persons with disabilities

Population benefitting from the project

School (s) / Community Area / Partner Organizations

The following documents must also be provided:

  1. Applicant’sBoard List
  2. Copy of the most recent audited financial statement
  3. Final financial statement for the year just completed
  4. Budget details for the current operating fiscal year
  5. Project budget narrative/justification
  6. Letter(s) of commitment from partner organizations

Send grant applications to by 5:00pm on Friday, September 4, 2015. Additional questions can be directed to Abbey McLaren at (312) 565-4174.