General Studies Assessment (GSA) Subcommittee of UPAC
- Maria Akrabova, Modern Language Faculty
- Cindy Carlson, English Faculty
- Nels Grevstad, Math and Computer Science Faculty
- Jason Kolts, Biology Faculty
- Mike Monsour, Chair of UPAC and chairing this subcommittee
- Margaret Puryear, Interim Director of Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes
- Keah Schuenemann, Earth and Atmospheric Science Faculty
Subcommittee Charge
General Studies assessment of student learning has occurred over the last three academic years: AY 2013/2014; Ay 2014/2015; and AY 2015/2016. During this fourth year in the four-year assessment cycle, the General Studies Assessment (GSA) subcommittee of UPAC is primarily responsible for:
- Critically reviewing processes and procedures in connection to General Studies Assessment
- Making recommendations, if needed, on ways to improve General Studies Assessment
- Communicating with departments and programs regarding scheduling, conducting reporting, and problem-solving for General Studies assessment
In pursuit of fulfilling this charge all Department Chairs, Deans, and assessment directors, as well as the Faculty Senate General Studies Committee, are to be contacted for feedback on any aspect of General Studies assessment.
The subcommittee reviews and synthesizes feedback received from chairs, deans, and assessment directors, as well as others involved in General Studies assessment, and writes a brief report summarizing the feedback. The report is posted on the Assessment webpage at and given to the AVP for Curriculum and Academic Effectiveness.
The subcommittee uses the results of the feedback and input from the full UPAC to determine what recommendations to make regarding General Studies assessment revisions. The subcommittee workswith the Faculty Senate General Studies Committee if any changes are recommended.
The subcommittee prepares a brief, written report on their activities at the end of each academic year. Copies of the report are provided to the Office of Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes and the Office of the Provost. The report is posted on the Assessment webpage at
- October 17, 2016: The initial email requesting feedback on GS assessment processes/procedures was sent with a deadline for response of November 15, 2016.
- February 1, 2017: Report is due to AVP of Curriculum and Academic Effectiveness (or equivalent).