Competitive League Only
The purpose of the 2018 YMCA Corporate Cup is to promote community-wide interest and involvement in fitness and health activities. Toward this end, measures are being taken to help assure a fair and equitable competition for all participants.
When and Where
This year's competition will be held at the Charleston Family YMCA and other venues from Saturday, June 2ndthrough Saturday, June 23rd, 2018.
Team entries will be classified into divisions according to each corporation, agency, and company's total number of employees. Division I will consist of entities of less than 81 employees, Division II will consist of those entities employing 81 employees to 300 employees, Division III will consist of those entities employing 301 employees or more.
All participants over 35 years of age and who will be competing in either the 35 & Over 5000 Meter Run, 35 & Over 100 Meter Dash and/or Combined Age Swim Relay must submit a copy of their driver’s license as proof of age. This can be verified on the day of the event if not submitted prior.
Participants must present photo ID or company ID at each event’s registration to verify they are on team roster.
1.Team members must be at least 18 years of age to participate.
2.Team members must be employed by the sponsoring company, agency, or corporation 15 work days prior to the first day of Corporate Cup. Full-time summer employees are eligible to compete. An official (HR Director, President, or CEO) with each company will be required to submit signed affidavit stating all participants listed on roster are employees and meet the requirements of participation.
3.Once complete company roster of up to 60 participants has been submitted and validated, participants will be authorized to utilize their FREE YMCA access privileges by presenting their photo ID to the member service staff person. This identification will be compared to the roster listing that will be maintained at the front desk each time they enter facility.
4.Team members must sign the 2018 YMCA Corporate Cup Waiver of Liability and Release Form prior to competition and utilizing membership privileges.
NEW!!!Waivers will be located at each event and at the front desk for signature prior to an activity. Team captains no longer need to submit these waivers with rosters. Names will be checked against submitted rosters with photo id as previously required. .
5. SPOUSES!!!– Division I companies may utilize spouses as part of their team, providing that the spouse is not from a company with a team already in the competition. Division II companies have a maximum of five (5) available spouses. Division III companies may not utilize spouses. No one may compete for more than one team.
6.The 2018 YMCA Corporate Cup Executive Committee reserves the right to review all team entries relative to eligibility. The YMCA Administrative Staff are the designated final decision makers regarding any competition issues.
7.Each corporation, company or agency may enter as many teams as it wishes provided the entry fee is paid for each team.
8.Teams wishing to compete but unable to field a full team may combine with another company. All rules regarding Entries, Eligibility, and Team Composition are still applicable. If two teams come together to form one team there can only be one captain to represent both companies. The division that the team is placed in will be the result of the total sum combined employees from both companies and the applicable guidelines for that division apply. All team combinations must request approval of the committee before application will be accepted.
Team Composition
1.A team shall consist of a maximum of 60 members. Although teams are not required to have a particular number of men or women, teams are cautioned to carefully review the rules as to coed requirements. IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO UTILIZE AS MANY OF THE 60 SLOTS AS POSSIBLE.
2.A team member may participate in an unlimited number of events. Everyone is cautioned to recognize that many events are physically demanding. In this regard, although there will be an EMT available during the competition, every participant is advised not to participate in any event which he or she feels may be too physically demanding for that individual.
3.Team members electing to compete in a 35 & Over event may participate in the Open Division of that event. For instance, a team member electing to compete in the 35 & Over 400 Meter Medley Relay will be permitted to compete in the Open 800 Meter Medley Relay.
4.Participants must present photo ID or company ID at each event’s registration to verify they are on team roster.
Substitutions and Scratches
1.a. Team rosterscan besubmitted beginning at any time when complete but no later than May 24, 2018(Mandatory Team Captain’s meeting). (This includes the roster listing of names and company affidavit verifying employment and/or spousal/partner status) Membership privileges will not be effective until payment and roster are received. The sooner this is submitted the quicker participants can take advantage of their YMCA facility benefits.
b. A mandatory Captains’ Meeting will be held onThursday, May 24 at the YMCA. Each event will be reviewed for clarification and to assure all documentation has been received by the YMCA.
c.The brackets, event schedules, times, etc. will be supplied by the Corporate Cup Committee. All event brackets will be by company name enabling last minute substitution as long as sub is from the original 60 roster.
d.No company or team member will be allowed to initiate their YMCA membership benefit without the prior submission of the required roster.
- It is assumed that each team's roster is final when submitted.
a. MAY24, 2018 will be the LAST date for submission of each team's final roster. The only people allowed to replace someone in an event will be those on the roster as of May 24, 2018. NO EXCEPTIONS.
b. Theonly scratches allowed will be due to injury or of an emergency nature. If a team member is injured during competition, a substitute from the submitted roster will be allowed to replace the injured member, with the approval of a YMCA official, Corporate Cup Executive Committee member or Event Site Director at the time of the event. This applies only to injured team members and to the events in which they are scheduled to participate. No team member will be allowed to compete or received their YMCA membership benefit without prior signature of a waiver (provide at Membership desk or any event).
- Once team rosters have been approved and verified,all fees paid ($700/team), team captains will be notified that their participants can begin using their YMCA access by showing their Photo ID and stating company name at the Member Service Desk.
All team members will be provided with a free membership to the Charleston Family YMCA and Upper Kanawha Valley YMCA from April 1 – July 31, 2018. Memberships include Racquetball, Basketball, Sauna, Pool and use of the Health and FitnessCenter. Continuing full summer memberships will be available for an additional upgrade fee. Any participant desiring to convert to a full membership at the end of the competition will not have to pay a joiners fee. The sooner needed documentation is submitted, the quicker participants can take advantage of their YMCA facility benefits.
There will be eight places in each event. The top finishers in each event will be determined by the rules for that particular event. First place winners in most events will be awarded 16 points, second place finishers 14 points, third place finishers 12 points, fourth place finishers 10 points, fifth place finishers 8 points, sixth place finishers 6 points, seventh place finishers 4 points and eighth place finishers 2 points. Scoring exceptions for particular events are included in individual event rules. After each event, please check the posted scoreboard for any mistakes. Errors in scoring will be corrected when found and confirmed.
1. Captain’s Meeting Representation, May 24th, YMCA= 2pts.
2. “Show Your Spirit” Company Posters and Banner Display at YMCA: Be creative and show that team spirit. Deliver and post – May 24-31 = 2pts.
3. Blood Drive: Any five employees (do not have to be on roster) to donate between March 1st and June 15th. A list of local Blood drive schedules will be available online at = 5 pts.
A Corporate Cup Blood Drive will be held on Friday June 15th at the Holiday Inn Express from 11 am to 7 pm . Please make reservation for time you would like to be served. You can do this by going online at and locating this drive. More information to follow.
4. Contribution Weekend Roundup: Anytime throughout June through Friday June 22nd= 14 pts. Contributions can be taken to the Charleston YMCA or straight to the organization to be checked off. Assistance will be available for unloading on Friday June 22nd.
a. Deliver the minimum of 2 boxes of new diapers for Diaper Drop Charities 5 pts
b. Deliver the minimum of 2 canisters of pop can tabs for Ronald McDonald House 2 pts
c. Deliver the minimum of two boxes of slightly used clothing, housewares, etc. for donation to local charity. Mountain Mission 5 pts
d. “Help Make a Change”- 5 pts. Gather up all that loose change or bills and put it to a good cause. Fill a container (half gallon or larger clear plastic) with your loose change for donation to the WV Military Emergency Relief Foundation that service all branches of military active, wounded, reserves and retirees in our local area, as well as opportunities for youth sports camps in July and August for corporate cup participants. Half of the money will go to the Military with half the money going for free sports camps. 5 pts. (Extra 2 bonus point given for most money collected).
5. Volunteering. Each team is eligible for a maximum of an additional 16 points if they volunteer for events. For each event (up to four) an employee on the roster volunteers for, they will gain four points for their team total. The event can’t be in their division, however.