section 01810
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Note to PM: There are several highlighted paragraphs that need editing. also, table 01810-1 needs extensive editing!
.A This Section includes:
.1 Part 1 – General
.a 1.01 – Summary
.b 1.02 - Related Documents and Sections
.c 1.03 - Submittals
.d 1.04 - Definitions
.e 1.05 – General
.f 1.06 – Systems/Equipment Requiring Commissioning (Cx)
.g 1.07 – Commissioning Team
.h 1.08 – Commissioning Process
.i 1.09 – Commissioning Authority (CxA) Responsibilities
.j 1.10 – Contractor’s Commissioning Responsibilities
.k 1.11 – Contractor Quality Control Manager Responsibilities
.l 1.12 - CxA Provided Forms or Documents
.m 1.13 – Training and Instruction
.2 Part 2 – Products
.a 2.01 - Test Equipment
.b 2.02 – Data Logging Equipment
.3 Part 3 – Execution
.a 3.01 – General
.b 3.02 – Pre-Functional Tests and Supporting Documentation
.c 3.03 – Functional Performance Testing
.d 3.04 – Commissioning Acceptance Procedures
.e 3.05 – Non-conformance
.f 3.06 – Operations & Maintenance Data
.g 3.07 – Training and Instruction
.h 3.08 – Requests for Information
.i 3.9 – Final Commissioning Test Documentation
.4 Part 4 - Forms
.a Table 01810-01, “Systems/Equipment to be Commissioned”
.A Document 00700.7.5, "Milestone Inspections and Certification."
.B Section 01315, "Project Meetings."
.C Section 01320, "Construction Progress Documentation"
.D Section 01330, "Submittal Procedures."
.E Section 01332, “Submittal Log”
.F Section 01770, “Project Closeout”
.G Section 01782, "Operation and Maintenance Data"
.H Section 01820, "Demonstration and Training"
.I Section 14995, “Conveyance Systems Commissioning” (If applicable)
.J Section 15995, “Mechanical Systems Commissioning” (If applicable)
.K Section 16995, “Electrical Systems Commissioning” (If applicable)
.A Integrated Commissioning Schedule with Baseline Schedule (see also 1.08.B)
.B Systems and Systems Component (SC) data. See table 01810-1 for a listing of Systems and SC. See paragraph 1.04 U. for definition of SC. This submittal is in addition to submittals required in other sections of the construction documents. This information includes, for each item of equipment/system to be commissioned as identified in Table 01810-01:
.1 SC nameplate data and characteristics, such as Voltage, AMPs, HorsePower, pump curve information, CFM information for pumps and fans, etc;
.2 Manufacturer’s Installation Procedures (IP). If the IP is not provided by the Manufacturer in a checklist format, the Contractor’s Quality Control Manager must extract the IP information from the Mfgr’s literature and submit it in a checklist format, along with the original Mfgr’s literature from which it was extracted;
.3 Manufacturer’s start-up procedures (SP). If the SP is not provided by the Manufacturer in a checklist format, the Contractor’s Quality Control Manager must extract the SP information from the Mfgr’s literature and submit it in a checklist format, along with the original Mfgr’s literature from which it was extracted;
.4 Manufacturer’s field quality control and testing procedures for software programs; and
.5 Manufacturer’s on-site storage requirements (SR). If the SR is not provided by the Manufacturer in a checklist format, the Quality Control Manager must extract the SR information from the Mfgr’s literature and submit it in a checklist format, along with the original Mfgr’s literature from which it was extracted.
.6 Fire Alarm System Operational Matrix. This must include specific details of each operation initiated by each input device.
Item .B above is a Product Data Submittal. Items .A is a Project Management Submittal.
.C Test Equipment Calibration Certifications;
.D Completed pre-functional checklists, signed off by the CQC Manager and respective sub-contractors;
.E Functional Performance Test Documentation, completed and signed off by the Quality Control Manager and respective sub-contractors;
Items .C, .D, and .E are Project Management submittals, in that they are Action Submittals requiring Owner Acceptance.
.F DDC Equipment List, System Sequence of Operations, and Points List including complete physical point verification and calibration documentation and graphics point verification documentation;
.G O&M Manual (see Section 01782);
.H Final Commissioning Test Documentation. Submitted before Milestone Completion of the project. See Paragraph 3.09 below.
Items above are Milestone Completion Submittals.
.I See paragraph 1.08.A for information summarizing timing, order and responsibility for submitting commissioning forms, as they are not all to be submitted simultaneously; and
.J Provide electronic copies of all submittal documents that were created specifically for this project (e.g.: commissioning checklists, FPTP, DDC point validation/calibration forms, etc.) in Microsoft Office compatible form.
.A Acceptable Performance: That level of performance, by equipment and systems, that meets the standards as defined by the equipment/system’s manufacturer and the construction contract documents. “Acceptable Performance” is confirmed through Pre-functional and Functional Performance testing.
.B Commissioning (Cx): The process of testing, verification and documentation to demonstrate to the Owner and CxA that systems and equipment function properly, both individually and as a system, in order to meet the facilities operating requirements.
.C Commissioning Authority (CxA): Represents the Owner during the commissioning process, provides Quality Assurance of the Contractor’s Commissioning efforts, and is the Owner’s systems and equipment technical representative. The CxA does not have the authority to authorize changes or modifications to the requirements of the Contract Documents.
.D Commissioning Issues Log (Master Deficiency and Resolution Log): A Contractor-maintained (by the CQC Manager and/or CC) sequential listing of all issues brought to light in the commissioning process briefly describing each issue and its eventual disposition, dated and with indication of the party who has assumed responsibility for resolution. The form is provided by the CxA and distributed in MS Excel format to all commissioning team members at regular intervals and reviewed at commissioning meetings to facilitate tracking and resolution of Cx issues.
.E Commissioning Plan-A document prepared by the CxA which defines all tasks and responsibilities throughout the commissioning process, including pre-functional, functional, and performance period testing. It outlines specific tests for the Contractor to perform, and the means of documenting the outcome of those tests. Documentation is done primarily though the completion of checklists, in order to test and document system and equipment performance in accordance with the technical specifications and the equipment manufacturers field quality control requirements. The process integrates training, as defined in Section 01820, and O&M data, as defined in Section 01782, into the Contractor’s requirements for functional and performance testing. The Cx plan is developed by the CxA with relevant input from Cx team members.
.F Commissioning Process: The process of demonstrating to the Owner that systems are installed, functionally tested and capable of being operated and maintained to perform in conformity with the construction documents and manufacturer’s standards. The commissioning process encompasses and coordinates the traditionally separate functions of equipment start-up, control system calibration, testing adjusting and balancing, performance testing, acceptance, system documentation and training.
.G Commissioning Status Report / Schedule form: A Table listing all equipment to be commissioned, grouped by system, with fields corresponding to each commissioning stage, form and/or milestone. The fields may be filled with either a percentage indicating progress, or a date indicating a work plan. Remarks are referenced as required.
.H Final Commissioning Test Documentation: The compilation of all documents generated throughout the Commissioning process, to include: Completed and signed Pre-functional Tests, organized by system; completed and signed Functional Tests, organized by system; completed and signed Performance Period Testing reports, organized by system; Final Commissioning Issues Log; TAB reports; Commissioning meeting minutes.
.I Functional Performance Testing (FPT): The dynamic testing of systems (rather than just components) under full operation (e.g., the Air Handler is tested interactively with the heating hot water system functions to see if the pump ramps up and down to maintain the differential pressure set point, the heat exchangers are controlled properly to produce hot water at set point, and room comfort set points are maintained without excessive energy waste as loads vary). The plan for this testing developed by the CxA and executed by the Contractor. The CxA performs Quality Assurance of the execution of the FPT.
.J Functional Performance Testing Plan (FPTP) and Forms: These are components of the Cx Plan, and include the specific functional performance test procedures, checklists and documentation, in a sequential written form, developed by the CxA, to be executed by the Contractor.
.K OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer or equipment vendor or supplier of equipment.
.L Pre-Functional Test Plan (PFTP): This is a component of the Cx Plan and covers all Pre-functional testing. It is prepared by the Owner/CxA, and executed by the Contractor. The Pre-Functional Test Plan includes all Pre-functional checklists, which consists primarily of “static” checks and tests, designed to ensure the equipment to be commissioned has been installed properly, and is ready for Functional Performance Testing.
.M Pre-Functional Tests and Checklists: Pre-functional Checklists are used to document and certify verification of completion of the steps necessary prior to Functional Performance Testing, such as installation, cleaning, start up, TAB, etc.
.N Simulated Condition: Condition that is created for the purpose of testing the response of a system (e.g., applying a hair dryer to a space temperature sensor to see the response in a reheat coil valve).
.O Simulated Signal: Disconnecting a sensor and using a signal generator to send an amperage, resistance or pressure to the transducer and DDC system to simulate a sensor value.
.P Startup: The initial starting or activating of dynamic equipment including executing pre-functional checklist items. Refers to the equipment manufacturer’s field quality control process and procedures required to activate equipment.
.Q System(s): Group of components and equipment functioning as a unit or performing a common function. (i.e. Chilled Water System: consisting of pumps piping, coils, valves, fittings, controls, expansion tanks, air relief, chemical treatment, etc.).
.R System Components: Equipment that act/operate “individually” but are essential to the operation of a System. System Components for HVAC, for example, would include fans with motors, compressors, chillers, VAV boxes, dampers and pumps. For the purposes of this Section, “conveyance” mediums, such as ducts and pipes, are not considered System Components.
.S Test Equipment Calibration Certifications: reports of traceable calibration of test equipment to NIST standards by certified agencies.
.T Test Procedures: The step-by-step process which must be executed to test the performance of a given set of functions and/or operational modes.
.U Test Requirements: Requirements specifying what modes and functions, etc. shall be tested. The test requirements are not the detailed test procedures. The test requirements are specified in the Contract Documents.
.A Systems and equipment shall be commissioned in order to achieve the following specific objectives:
.1 Verify and document that equipment is installed, started, and operates properly pursuant to the requirements of the contract documents and manufacturer's specifications, instructions and recommendations.
.2 Identify deficient systems, equipment and/or installations as early as possible to facilitate timely corrective action minimizing schedule impact.
.3 Verify and document that equipment and systems receive complete operational checkout by installing contractors, vendors and manufacturers.
.4 Verify and document equipment and system performance.
.5 Verify and validate that the Owner's operating personnel are adequately trained on the operation and maintenance of building equipment and systems.
.6 Verify completeness of Operations and Maintenance Data.
.7 The commissioning process does not reduce the responsibility of the Contractors or Vendors to perform and complete all Work in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents.
.A The Systems and System Components to be commissioned for this Project are identified in Table 01810-01, "Systems/System Components (SC) to Be Commissioned.” If a specific System or System Component is required to be commissioned pursuant to the Technical Specifications (Divisions 2-16), but is omitted from Table 01810-01, " Systems/System Components to Be Commissioned”, the omitted System or SC must be commissioned as though it was included in summary Table 01810-01.
.B Where the requirements of this Section 01810, "General Commissioning Requirements" conflict with the Technical Specifications (Divisions 2-16), the requirements of the Technical Specifications take precedence, but do not eliminate the section 01810 requirements.
.A It is the intent that all members of the Commissioning Team cooperate with each other to fulfill their individual responsibilities and support the overall commissioning process.
.B The Commissioning Team consists of:
.1 Owner representatives
.2 CxA
.3 Contractor
.4 Contractor’s QC Manager
.5 Subcontractors to General Contractor
.6 HVAC Control Contractor
.7 Testing, Adjusting and Balancing (TAB) Firm
.8 Owner's Design Consultants, Engineers and Representatives
.9 Owner's Building Operations Staff
.A The following activities describe the key, sequential tasks in the Commissioning process. This list is not all-inclusive:
.1 Initial Commissioning Scope Meeting: All members of the Commissioning Team involved in the commissioning process meet to review the scope of work, tasks, schedules, deliverables, and responsibilities for creation and implementation of the Commissioning Plan.
.2 Contractor Submission of Commissioning Schedule (part of Baseline Schedule and Official Progress Schedule): The Contractor is responsible for identifying key commissioning milestones in the Baseline schedule, pursuant to paragraph 1.08 .B below. The Owner/CxA will be providing the specific Pre-Functional tests and Functional Tests to be executed by the Contractor; the scope of these tests will follow the performance specifications outlined in this Section.
.3 Pre-Commissioning Submittals: The Contractor provides submittals as set forth in Part 1.03 .B of this Section and in compliance with Section 01330, “Submittal Procedures.”
.4 Pre-Functional Test Plan (PFTP) with Checklists: Within 60 calendar days of Owner’s Acceptance of all Product Data submittals required by paragraph 1.03 .B of this Section, for all equipment/systems to be commissioned as identified in table 01810-01, Owner will prepare the PFTP with checklists. The Contractor will perform actions required of the PFTP, execute the Plan and complete the Pre-functional checklists, and submit to the Owner for acceptance.