General—Remember that both Village of Salado and Mill Creek Property Covenants have a purpose and benefit for the homeowner to help protect and increase the value of the properties in which you have invested. Individual violations affect you and your neighbor. A sale of property can be rejected, complicated and/or delayed by Title Insurance companies. They can, and sometimes do, refuse to provide title insurance and/or limitations for violated covenants. Covenants run with the land and shall be binding on all parties. The Mill Creek Covenants are given to you by your realtor and title closing company at purchase. Please review your copy.
Architectural Covenants—These are administered by the Architectural Committee as described in your purchase deeds that should have been conveyed to you at time of purchase by the closing title company. Refer to them for any questions. They basically cover new house construction and remodeling on your property. Also note a few of points:
· You have ordinances and zoning requirements that are instituted by the Village of Salado. These may or may not be the same as the Mill Creek covenants. These also apply under law.
· You have covenants associated with your purchase of property in Mill Creek. These still apply in addition to the Village of Salado covenants to sustain value in our subdivision. You must follow both. Mill Creek Covenants are administered by the Mill Creek Corporation and/or Mill Creek Association.
· You must seek and obtain Architectural approval from Mill Creek Corp. for remodeling and new construction. Building, additions to buildings and remodeling Permits, zoning requirements, and code approvals come from Village of Salado though the Village office. Again, they may or may not have the same covenant specifications.
Operational Covenants—Operational covenants are reviewed by both the Mill Creek Association and Mill Creek Corporation for violations and value enhancement for our community.
· No lot use except for residential (in other words, no commercial usages).
· No trailer or trailer houses, pre-fabricated, basement, tent, shack, garage apartments, servant quarters shall be used as dwellings, temporary or permanent.
· No noxious or offensive activities which may become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood.
· No animals, livestock or poultry to be raised or kept except household pets (no more than two (2) of these allowed). None can be kept, bred or maintained for commercial purposes. Dogs must be kept on a leash when not on the owner’s property.
· No fence constructed in front of minimum setback lines. Maximum height of six feet on fences and will not be of wire construction.
· No trucks over ¾ tons shall be parked overnight on streets, driveways, or lots and no vehicle which transports inflammatory or explosive cargo are allowed in the subdivision.
· No lots shall be used or maintained as a dumping ground.
· All service items—garbage cans or boxes, drying yards, L.P. gas tank shall be screened from public view.
· All lots shall be maintained at all times, neat and sanitary, keeping grass and lawn areas mowed. Grass, trees, bushes shall be trimmed to prevent hazards to traffic and health.
· No boat trailers, boats, travel trailers, inoperative automobiles, campers, or vehicles of any kind to be semi-permanently or permanently stored in public street right-of-way or on driveways. All must be screened from public view, within the garage or fenced areas.
· No object shall be placed or planted higher than 2 ft on any corner lots along lines adjacent to streets within 25 ft of the intersection.
· Prohibited is the outside drying of clothes, storage of yard equipment, wood piles that are not screened from the public view.
· No signs, advertisements, or billboards other than the normal “For Sale” signs not to exceed 6 Sq. Ft.