General Physical Education

Coach O.Yates

Alexander High School

School Phone: 770-651-6076

E-Mail Address:


Course Description:

The student will learn strategies, rules, and concepts of a variety of different sports, while also becoming physically active.

Performance Standards/ Objectives:

May be viewed at: http//

Anticipated Classroom Format:

ATTENDACE AND PERFORMANCE: You are expected to be in class on time every day. You are also expected to dress out and participate in class activities on a daily basis.

TARDY POLICY: You are expected to be in assigned area when the bell rings.

PARKING LOT POLICY: Students will not be allowed in the parking lot for any reason. Punishment for being caught in the parking lot will be a discipline referral. Locks will be rented out so that you may keep your belongings in lockers during class.

MAKE-UP WORK: Any work and/or activity missed due to an excused absence from class must be made up to receive credit. Arrangements must be made with the instructor.

HALL PASSES: Most tasks can be taken care of before or after school, between classes, etc. You will have three passes allowed in this class. Make sure it is an emergency before using these passes.

ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND NUISANCE ITEMS: These items are against school policy. Any items that are lost, stolen, or broken are not the responsibility of the teacher or AHS. It is the responsibility of the student to keep all of their personal belongings Locked Up at all times in the locker room. Students are responsible for bringing in their own lock to keep their personal belongings safe from other students.

FOOD AND DRINKS: Only plain water is allowed to be consumed in the gym in a water bottle. No other food or drink will be allowed. Any of these other items brought into the classroom will be disposed of at the teacher’s discretion.

CLASSROOM POLICIES: All policies and consequences will be discussed the first day of class.

Assessment/Evaluations/Required Student Products:

DRESS: All students will be expected to dress out for physical activity EVERYDAY. Appropriate attire consists of gym shorts, T-shirt, socks, sweat pants/shirt, and tennis shoes. Students will not receive credit without ALL of these necessary items. The school dress code will be enforced in the gym.

PARTICIPATION: All students will be required to participate in ALL activities. Any student not participating will not receive credit for that day’s activity and will not be allowed to make up that day’s activity unless an excused note is presented to the teacher before class (county policy).

Two days a week all activity class’s will participate in a 20 minute run, these fitness activities will be graded on an all or none basis. Each student must finish the required laps in order to receive credit for that day’s fitness activity.

The combination of daily dress and participation will make up 70% of each students final grade in the class.

FITNESS TESTS: There will be four total fitness runs given over the course of the year and these four fitness tests will make up 10% of the students total grade. Grading scale is available upon request and will be posted and discussed with student prior to the first fitness test. (Grading scale posted on gym wall year round)

FINAL EXAM: Consists of 20 - 50 multiple choice questions given at the end of the school year that makes up 10% of each students final grade.

Students will be required to participate in Fitness Gram Fitness Testing. This is a

requirement for all Health and Physical Education classes in the state of Georgia.

Grading Plan: